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Playing dirty tricks behind my back what no I really don t wu xuerong was hit in the gut and he hesitated just here qian qinyin heard the movement in a daze and came over to see what happened chenchen it s such a late.

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On qiao zhanchen s lips and they had very little time to be truly harmonious together we are either quarreling or we are on the way to quarreling she and I were probably destined not to be together wu xuerong couldn t help.

But sigh well she is still envious of su ruoxing today it turns out that every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite qiao zhanchen poured red wine for wu xuerong himself then raised his glass wu xuerong let s.

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Purpose but what can she do soldiers can only come to block water to cover wu xuerong stared at the red wine in the glass thinking of the baby in her belly and put down the glass again professor qiao I am pregnant and.

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Lifted her mobile phone is charged if you guessed not wrong qin haiqing should be the one to answer the phone at this time qiao zhanchen guessed it correctly sure enough when he patiently dialed for the third time the call.

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Haiqing let su ruoxing come out to see me I want to hear what she has to say with my own ears otherwise I don t believe that she will treat me like this okay let you hear it with your own ears let you give up qin haiqing.

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It is higher than the not enough but more than enough su ruoxing likes this kind of ordinary life I really want to live like this forever as if she was really living with her mother today is the third day after su ruoxing.

Woke up under zhu fengmei s careful care she has moved freely and it is almost impossible to tell that she is recovering from a serious illness su ruoxing is very grateful to zhu fengmei after getting along with her for a.

Several times but no one answered su ruoxing felt something was wrong just when she was about to go out to look for it the dialed call was finally connected zhu fengmei s low and panic stricken voice came from the phone.

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Were very anxious and the restaurant was closed just when su ruoxing was feeling desperate zhu fengmei s voice came from outside the door benefactor come in quickly this is my restaurant fortunately you saved me today i.

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Benefactor passed by and saved me come quickly I ll introduce you to my benefactor su ruoxing had no choice but to turn around but her pupils trembled again master it turns out it s not qiao zhanchen but the lord wearing.

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Was stubborn and didn t express it directly the feeling of longing on the contrary beat around the bush su ruoxing you have good hands and benevolent heart and you do good things to the end can you let your patients sleep.

Of you my eyelids will become heavy su ruoxing after doing this for a long time he actually she wanted to have a peaceful sleep so she had no choice but to catch her she had no choice but to close her eyes under the.

Breathing evenly and seemed to be sleeping soundly so she pushed him little by little drive him su ruoxing was about to succeed but qiao zhanchen suddenly turned over seemingly in his sleep he habitually lifted up her.

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Qing has been poisoned deeply even if he has any intentions for me he is forced to do nothing I can t hide from him whether he lives or dies she paused her expression became serious professor qiao I am here to inform.

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Link and laughed again the registration fee for a three hour class alone costs 28,800 ninety nine yuan this is a sky high price class can anyone sign up when su ruoxing came to the class she realized she was wrong the.

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Grasp fashion and master etiquette result su ruoxing took a closer look and found that he was wrong again it turns out that this article does not teach women how to dress themselves up but teaches people how to show off show.

Ruoxing was speechless and choked I have to admit that a man is really a dog so he can be manipulated by the mistress accurately only the wife is blind men act as human beings and expect them to be responsible so when their.

Wives lost they were hurt and numb su ruoxing came out before she could finish this extremely expensive lesson because later the lecturer directly asked the assistant to lie down on the stage teaching the students superb.

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What time do you come back tonight it will be late it s so late what are you doing socializing su ruoxing qiao zhanchen obviously doesn t like socializing she finally figured it out he clearly knew she was at home and didn.

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Drunkenness and lied about having a relationship with him forcing him to agree to get married although in the end his marriage to qiao chixuan the ceremony was cancelled but it also went through a period of ups and downs.

It s young mistress she should be sending clothes to young master stop her don t let her go for nothing but su ruoxing s cell phone happened to be out of battery and she didn t notice it master young mistress s cell phone.

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