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Su ruoxing professor su don t be angry you are not angry today just let madam take a step back and the world will be brighter do you think I didn t let her if it weren t for the fact that she was an elder would she still.

To get bored after another quarrel qiao chengwang had a cold war with her and didn t come to coax her for a long time in a fit of anger qian qinyin left her son and went away with another man who had admired her for a long.

Time she does not I know that her willful behavior has brought a great psychological shadow to qiao zhanchen who is still young but after qiao zhanchen found his biological mother he accepted her again with the most.

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Embarrassed and get well soon so that I can be your dutiful son qiao zhanchen was awakened by qian qinyin s phone call in his sleep he never dreamed that such a classic mother in law and daughter in law problem would fall on.

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Hearing this everyone secretly gave qiao zhanchen a thumbs up the young master is indeed the young master this answer is absolutely perfect su ruoxing didn t expect qiao zhanchen to choose her and couldn t help feeling.

Of you chatted enthusiastically like a couple in love flirting completely forgetting that there are so many people watching the more qian qinyin listened the more annoyed she became I married a wife and forgot damn too.

Suffer from intermittent epilepsy intermittent madness intermittent dissoluteness and intermittent courting of death it s not easy for me to explain qiao zhanchen on the other end of the phone felt aggrieved as a medical.

Professor he professor I don t know why his memory was getting clearer and clearer but only for su ruoxing it was as if his memory of nearly four years had been erased by an eraser but it would be hard for anyone to.

Disturb me su ruoxing said and hung up the phone unceremoniously she really didn t understand why qiao zhanchen pretended to have amnesia and just didn t remember her qian qinyin was about to go back to her room angrily but.

Suddenly she heard that the two people who had been chatting sweetly turned against each other su ruoxing still forcefully hung up on her son for no reason qian qinyin immediately gained confidence went and returned su.

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Chest you shout me what lord qiao zhanchen seemed to be very fresh about his new title it sounds like being an emperor professor su this is do you want to submit to me su ruoxing s eyes locked on qiao zhanchen s micro.

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Long arms trying to cover the woman under his body at this moment su ruoxing received a call from the master in front of qiao zhanchen su ruoxing couldn t tell the master what she had no choice but to cover her phone and.

Phone and took a look the nickname of the person on the call was actually noted as retribution by su ruoxing looks like an enemy at first glance the opponent s nickname qiao zhanchen stopped being jealous immediately and.

Are so arrogant su ruoxing slapped his forehead today is the meeting time of the interest organization at the beginning of each month and she actually I didn t think about it at all sorry I ll rush over immediately su.

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Antidote is poison the more he eats the deeper the poison becomes let him they are increasingly unable to extricate themselves sure enough when he arrived at the meeting site su ruoxing found that everyone present was.

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Attacked early at that time I hid in the bathroom and it was so painful to bear everyone knows that the lord will not give people an antidote unless there are special circumstances and I was in such pain that I couldn t walk.

At that time by a strange combination of circumstances a man I deeply loved got married to me it only took more than half an hour for my toxicity to ease from the beginning and then completely disappear I can t be sure if it.

Should try to find someone they truly love to try it su ruoxing s words greatly relieved everyone s despair after everyone dispersed su ruoxing felt very tired and was ready to leave several thugs filed out stop her by force.

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Who is here impossible he is still in the hospital and with his injuries it is impossible to come out su ruoxing curled up on the ground her blurred eyes slowly moved upwards the shape of a man like joe zhan chen is.

Almost identical line of sight further up she suddenly gasped golden mask are you the master su ruoxing murmured his vision went dark and he fainted completely before su ruoxing completely passed out he felt his body light.

Up and fell into a strong arm she wanted to struggle but her body was completely out of control of her brain later after an unknown amount of time she felt that a lot of water was constantly being poured into her mouth like.

Water again feeling his stomach bloated she slowly opened her eyes bag sobered up a little what came into view was a very luxuriously furnished room suddenly she saw the master wearing a golden mask sitting on the sofa.

This time she had a hunch that the baby really couldn t be saved no actually she wouldn t survive either several young and handsome men entered the room and asked the master he bowed his head in greeting very respectfully.

His arm by the dagger su ruoxing used her last strength to shout angrily get out of here otherwise I kill myself she said pointing the dagger at her carotid artery let me say it for the last time I don t need a man haha.

Read it for yourself qiao zhanchen owns an intelligent biological research and development base a gene cloning base including living worms and mutant worms which are all his masterpieces he just endures the humiliation for.

His ambition seriously I m just being patient with you su ruoxing glanced sideways at the pile of information clenched her fingers tightly into fists and shed a line of tears from the corner of her eyes any information can.

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Arresting me otherwise I m afraid I won t be able to hold on to the moment you said cooperate with me the lord leaned down and used his slender fingers to brush away the messy hair on her face stained by sweat I want your.

Can t see the master s face you take off the mask I can consider it the master did not expect her to make such a request other conditions can be met for you kill the master su ruoxing now fully understood the sentence kill.

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Three professor su doesn t he feel embarrassed after being unable to get married twice qiao zhanchen was it you who did xiao lu being sent to a desert island su ruoxing was angry smile are you too naive qiao zhanchen s lips.

Curled up coldly you are not naive I want to see today how you professor su who is so capable completes a person s wedding qiao zhanchen said go straight to the guest seat this wedding was held in the village a red awning.

Lu come yet su ruoxing hesitated dad can I hold a wedding alone is it okay to just say that the groom is unwell of course not this the core of this wedding is to use the blood of the right man to drip into the eyes of the.

Stone lion and open the stone door is there such a custom su ruoxing was frightened for a while if the one you are looking for is the right one then the fake right one will only offend the gods how can you joke about this.

You didn t find the right man at all so you are fooling us here I found it but su ruoxing looked at the blinding seal on the inside of his wrist again the real man is qiao zhanchen and he is on the scene again so should.

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Sister you look a little pitiful although you have I don t feel it anymore but as long as you need help professor qiao and I will try our best to help you then I still have to thank you su ruoxing grabbed the teacup on the.

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Marriage with lu chengji to complete the family mission and then she could be with qiao zhanchen with peace of mind qiao zhanchen the baby is already su ruoxing choked with sobs unable to tell the truth at this moment the.

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Immediately kowtow and enter the bridal chamber want to enter the bridal chamber su ruoxing glanced silently with a blank expression wen qiao zhanchen he kept silent and expressed his unwillingness to marry her su ruoxing.

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Immediately why is there another one wearing a golden mask master su ruoxing s show his eyebrows were furrowed tightly this master under the golden mask has cold eyes thin lips and tight jaw his figure is almost exactly the.

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Leave hmph let s see how long you can pretend to be affectionate I don t like to see the hypocrisy of chinese people the lord didn t have the patience to watch them show their affection and was surrounded by all his.

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Bao xiao the stars were not here otherwise it would be great if the family of five were all neat and tidy it was too late for su ruoxing to stop sister wu qiao zhanchen s eyes flashed with excitement su ruoxing in the past.

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