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Outsiders tonight except qiao zhanchen is su ruoxing qiao chixuan approached step by step with an aggressive gaze seeing something strange in qiao chixuan s eyes su ruoxing s heart tightened could it be that they knew so.

Turned into a little sheep said enthusiastically sister in law you are here too I didn t expect to see you at qiao s house ah sister in law you look haggard I heard that women haven t been able to enjoy love for a long.

Better and better su ruoxing curled her lips it turns out that miss qiao still remembers that she is as a pregnant woman I suggest you put your focus on the baby in your womb and don t engage in unnecessary scheming.

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Move his right hand which is a disaster not to mention a month I can t stand it even for a day su ruoxing held the silver needle sweat oozing from her palms as long as you plunge into his huihan point you ll be done but.

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Tell you that I am going to assassinate you su ruoxing understood that the master wanted her and qiao zhanchen to fall out completely as long as qiao zhanchen came prepared it would be difficult for her to succeed in this.

Still ask as soon as the words fell the man grabbed her little hand and pressed it heavily on the bedside table immediately afterwards a dagger flashed in his other hand su ruoxing s scalp went numb qiao zhanchen what are.

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To give it a try I ll shout one two three and we ll run together the target is the ambulance following su ruoxing s three she and lu chengji rushed out there they are hurry up the security guards found two black shadows.

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Medical staff a man and a woman in the car did you see two people running this way su ruoxing pointed in another direction and said nonsense seriously I think I saw one tall and one short running that way hurry up chase.

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Otherwise she wouldn t be as simple as just falling and hurting su ruoxing hurriedly stepped forward to help her up wu xuerong what happened during the questioning she felt wu xuerong s pulse and her heart suddenly jumped.

Conspiracy to make me have an abortion it is said to be a miscarriage medicine but it is actually an abortion medicine you are so vicious su ruoxing s beautiful eyebrows get into a ball someone planted a frame on her wu.

Su ruoxing there is no one else here you still pretend to be stupid you are jealous that I am pregnant with professor qiao s baby and you are going to kill my baby you are too yin you are so hypocritical I hate you to.

The chinese medicine department and specially arranged a consulting room for her su ruoxing pushing open the door of the consultation room pointing to the treatment bed put her on the bed quickly and tie her hands and feet.

Definitely make you regret what you have done for the rest of your life su ruoxing picked up a thick and long silver needle and handed it to wu xuerong with a cold expression tell me how did your baby miscarry is there any.

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Xuerong you have been pregnant with the baby for less than a month and you are sleeping with a man a trace of guilt for the baby flashed across wu xuerong s face yes I couldn t hold back my joy for him huan but others.

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Asked him to deliver the medicine do you believe it someone framed me and framed the blame I never prescribed any anti fetal medicine to you but it s clearly your handwriting on the prescription if you don t believe me I ll.

Ask my mother to bring the prescription to confront you su ruoxing felt extremely strange when she saw that wu xuerong didn t look like he was lying okay I m not afraid of confrontation su ruoxing loosened the ties the rope.

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And was separated from qiao zhanchen for four full years four years later she will no longer get divorced for no apparent reason mrs qiao professor qiao and I will divorce but I hope to discuss it with him face to face.

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Wu xuerong is such a thing really possible she wasn t really doing it for wu xue at first su ruoxing was forced to divorce she just wanted to take this opportunity to kick su ruoxing out of the house and prepare for qiao.

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Slapped her forehead why didn t she think of it if the man she had an affair with was qiao zhanchen s identical twin brother then the result of the paternity test would be a blood relationship su ruoxing regretted wronging.

Qiao zhanchen the person who has a close relationship with wu xuerong is not qiao zhanchen but the master therefore qiao zhanchen is innocent and there is no relationship between him and wu xuerong there has been no.

Lord s baby will be an ordinary level uncle with qiao zhanchen the final paternity test results will show that the baby and qiao zhanchen are also father and son wu xuerong s eyes widened she never expected that su ruoxing.

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Him to deal with he feiyu might bring those things to the ward for him to do su ruoxing adjusted his emotions and came to the cafeteria with su xinglie qin s cafeteria is very good the windows are bright and clean and the.

Happily picked up the phone feeling mixed feelings it s not her phone instead the colleague at the front desk received a wechat message the notification sound of the mobile phone is exactly the same su ruoxing put down the.

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The hospital and wanted to see qiao zhanchen but was blocked by the bodyguards young lady the young master said he didn t want to see anyone who su ruoxing s heart trembled these bodyguards were a little unfamiliar and they.

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