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Me so you should stop deceiving yourself it seems that xiao qiao the wedding that my sister carefully planned turned out to be nothing right you have nowhere to vent your inner anguish so you just come here to act wild su.

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At the dining table listened hearing qiao chixuan s exclamation she raised her eyes and looked up she recognized that the handsome boy holding the yellow rose was qiao zhanchen s bodyguard su ruoxing aren t you jealous.

So heartbroken that she was completely irrational by su ruoxing s counterattack su ruoxing I will completely defeat you qiao chixuan rushed in front of lu chengji suddenly sat on him hugged his head and kissed him lu.

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Person who came was george the gardener hired by qiao zhanchen su ruoxing couldn t help becoming vigilant george it s so late what do you do I heard he was hospitalized george drank a lot his cheeks were red yes but you.

Don t have to worry he s fine su ruoxing noticed that george looked at her deeply and recalled what happened in the dream again she dreamed she went to the united states by herself and was kidnapped by george the leader.

Of the black gang and then because of the internal strife in the gang she and george were both tied to a meeting of the international black gang alliance in the end a big master who looked exactly like qiao zhanchen and.

Was just having a nightmare of being kidnapped abroad and george the boss of the black gang in the dream has also become a gardener who works peacefully but now the george in front of him seemed to be more than just a.

Gardener su ruoxing asked sternly george you are the boss of a black group in the united states not a gardener right I m really going to coming to america is not a dream right george was silent for a long time before.

Group of masked men and I was knocked out when I wake up I m here then you saw me that day why didn t you tell me he threatened you no but he said that he hopes you can live an ordinary life if I love you I should not.

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You looking for me again now I miss you and want to be with you george said spreading his long arms and hugging su ruoxing into his arms su ruoxing quickly pushed him away george no matter what qiao zhanchen becomes i.

Like him I will never consider other men don t like me su ruoxing but when you were in the united states you obviously loved him very much me for me you can sacrifice yourself don t suppress your feelings I can do.

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Click sound and the sound of broken bones rang out from the room su ruoxing closed her eyes in annoyance something happened don t fight don t fight but george s wrist being pinched off his eyes turned red with anger and.

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Wearing a suspender pajamas topless and backless she is full of charm mature and beautiful her appearance is very similar to zhixi the first time su ruoxing saw her she immediately seeing zhixi who is nearly forty years old.

Will meet and pinch each other fortunately qiao zhanchen arranged for zhixi to live with her under the same roof heh does he think that if she likes him he can trample on her dignity at will full the aggrieved heart made the.

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was extremely sore she is not a saint zhixi has robbed the man she likes and she has reached her limit in being able to show basic courtesy to zhixi s mother at this moment her mind was full of one thought that is.

Less she spoke the more annoyed qian qinyin became I ll call chenchen right now and ask him to drive you away immediately you woman surrounded by so many men can t let chenchen be cuckolded by you su xinglie knowing that.

She shouted someone get these three bitches out the bodyguards guarding the villa heard the movement and ran over quickly bowing respectfully to qian qinyin madam what happened qian qinyin pointed at su ruoxing and the.

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