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They have to be cautious a man walked to the window and called in a low voice master there is a woman su ruoxing clenched her five fingers tightly into fists sure enough she was the master and she was also the criminal.

Death with a kick from each of them but even so she must die heroically su ruoxing picked up the hammer and smashed it out several thugs instinctively avoided it and the next moment there was a loud bang su ruoxing s.

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Turned out that the undead monsters were so powerful not only does he have the ability to regenerate immortality but he is also very powerful the undead monster approached su ruoxing step by step the doctor hiding in the.

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Monster lowered his head and looked at su ruoxing his face expressionless but he spoke he said su xinglie so you can speak and your name is very nice su xinglie please put down the doctor first and obey me su ruoxing.

Future we can study and discuss your physical problems together we will never allow anyone to deliberately hurt you and take advantage of you okay I will listen to you master human su xinglie accepted su ruoxing s look that.

Ruoxing s neck su ruoxing was caught off guard and was frightened instinctively panic seeing that the tip of the knife was about to cut her own carotid artery for a moment her whole body went numb and she even forgot to.

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Qiao zhanchen su ruoxing s hysterical cry lingered for a long time in this bloody room su xinglie s power is too great qiao zhanchen fell into a trap in an instant coma the internal organs are ruptured call an ambulance.

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Professor su has silver needles to stop bleeding and protect the body so he can survive until now the hospital attaches great importance to it and gathered several doctors as quickly as possible top experts did it for qiao.

Address given by lu yaning lu yaning asked her to wait patiently for qiao zhanchen to see su ruoxing being beaten by several men with her own eyes and when her nerves were deeply stimulated she took the opportunity to step.

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Wrong address when sending a message su ruoxing entered the research institute of an interest group by mistake when qiao zhanchen passed by the research institute of the interest group his super high sense of smell made him.

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Watery and his head was there was a buzzing sound and she was dizzy she was so disturbed by qiao chixuan s unreasonable fussing that she couldn t bear it from the corner of her eye she saw su xinglie couldn t sit still and.

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Under control and there is no need for further surgery qiao zhanchen can still participate in his own treatment according to the study of the plan it shows that his injury is not very serious su ruoxing breathed a sigh of.

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Is it useful to stop me from seeing him qiao chixuan choked turning into anger from embarrassment su ruoxing since brother zhan chen doesn t remember you why did he want to see you joe chixuan if you yell like this it.

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Qiao zhanchen was lying on the bed with an oxygen machine on his face was pale and he looked very weak su ruoxing looked very distressed professor qiao let me help you diagnose and see if I can help you she said he.

You used silver needles to hypnotize me and then climbed into my bed lied to me coaxed me to marry you stole confidential scientific research information and poisoned xuanxuan I m talking about you su ruo xing su ruoxing.

His neck and saying qiao zhanchen I knew you were looking at me su ruoxing took advantage of the intimacy and grabbed the man s wrist to check his pulse fortunately the blood stasis was not very serious she estimated that.

Qiao zhanchen could recover in a month at most but the amnesia was difficult to predict qiao zhanchen was raped by a woman suddenly so close he froze in memory she was his little scientific research assistant although she.

Him but she didn t expect that she would but the fanaticism of brother qing a boyfriend intensified after getting married she also did things that violated professional ethics for her brother qing stole scientific research.

Ago su ruoxing hypnotized him with silver needles he exposed her and hoped that she would stop but then he received a call saying that qiao chixuan was poisoned and sent to the hospital for emergency treatment and the.

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Person in charge but I haven t been in good health recently and I just want to resign to you your husband qiao zhanchen frowned puzzled the marriage certificate was clearly in his hand but he was so cowardly that he let a.

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And if you need treatment you can call me at any time then I won t disturb professor qiao s rest su ruoxing said ready to leave wait qiao zhanchen s handsome face was tense you just said that your husband is very good to.

Hiss qiao zhanchen s mood fluctuated and his head hurt again his delicate facial features huddled together in pain su ruoxing turned around quickly and helped him perform some acupuncture qiao zhanchen s headache eased su.

T reply this time but suddenly opened his lips call my assistant for me and ask him to check my marital status no need to check su ruoxing and qiao chixuan said in unison the reason why su ruoxing said no need to check is.

Chixuan was afraid of being pricked dumb by su ruoxing s silver needle again so she had to step back and say humph su ruoxing I will send you my wedding invitation then to see if you will come to our wedding qiao zhan chen.

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Very logical from qiao chixuan s words just now he had analyzed a lot of doubts explain to me clearly why is there still talk of breaking up after divorce since we broke up then explain that it was once together now that.

Professor m qiao s question showed that he had already guessed it professor qiao it s just as you guessed su ruoxing said opening the door ouch lu chengji s mother rushed in she was putting her ear against the door panel.

Zhanchen s ward I mother lu actually came after qiao chixuan she decided that since qiao chixuan and her son she had a relationship with her daughter lu chengji and qiao chixuan was her future daughter in law in order to.

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Condition would relapse so he had to stop professor qiao the most important thing for you now is to recover from your injuries you rest I won t disturb you su ruoxing walked out of the ward but the dean and five or six.

Experts came in front of him the dean admired su ruoxing very much and immediately greeted her warmly when he saw her professor su I was looking for you professor qiao was seriously injured this time we set up an expert.

Ward xiao lu why are you here are you looking for professor qiao when lu chengji saw su ruoxing a look of shame flashed across his face I thought you were in there he came to su ruoxing specially he had a relationship with.

Qiao chixuan and was worried about su ruoxing star felt guilty knowing that su ruoxing didn t regard him as his real fianc they just had an agreement but he regarded her as his fianc e in his heart professor su I have.

Something can you talk to me okay by the way are you free tomorrow su ruoxing thought of wedding photos when she saw lu chengji my family has made an appointment for us to take pictures tomorrow wedding photos if you are.

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Get a needle a few times how can it be so exaggerated su ruoxing is just lucky and good things happen to her every time qiao chixuan according to you I am still a lucky star you should stick to me more to spread your bad.

Luck lest you be surrounded by a group of bad people again as soon as su ruoxing finished speaking qiao chixuan suddenly shocked she was surrounded by several perverts and almost lost her innocence how did su ruoxing know.

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Past their mother and daughter will be in jeopardy xuanxuan you go out first qiao zhanchen s face was gloomy he heard everything just now su ruoxing said that qiao chixuan and her daughter framed her what else did qiao.

Chixuan want to defend qiao zhanchen yelled get out brother zhanchen you have never been cruel to me do you believe su ruoxing or not me qiao chixuan burst into tears when qiao zhanchen yelled at her okay I ll go qiao.

Chixuan ran out of the ward crying su ruoxing returned to the hospital bed and leaned over qiao zhanchen professor qiao it s not the right time for you to get angry let bygones be bygones you look into my eyes su ruoxing.

Su ruoxing s movements froze and the corners of his mouth curled up unnaturally so you have huh the next instantly her little face drooped and became cold she thought she could be free and easy and talked about qiao.

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Personal revenge qiao zhanchen grabbed the woman s small hand and put it into his palm you want to know who bai yueguang is I can tell you but on one condition what conditions you and I have postponed our wedding until i.

Recover I am currently in a state of amnesia and cannot make accurate judgments su ruoxing but the problem is even if he doesn t lose his memory the date of su s wedding can t be changed I suddenly don t want to know who.

I just want to lie down professor qiao do you mind if I lie down next to you I m a little uncomfortable and need a massage qiao zhanchen thought that su ruoxing was deliberately changing the subject and felt uncomfortable.

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Me so you should stop deceiving yourself it seems that xiao qiao the wedding that my sister carefully planned turned out to be nothing right you have nowhere to vent your inner anguish so you just come here to act wild su.

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for being insincere I want brother zhan chen to see your true face su ruoxing patted qiao chixuan off and pointed at her unreasonably qiao chixuan are you finished aren t you.

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Don t have to worry he s fine su ruoxing noticed that george looked at her deeply and recalled what happened in the dream again she dreamed she went to the united states by herself and was kidnapped by george the leader.

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George is like a struggling ant no matter how hard she struggled she couldn t shake him one bit su ruoxing I miss you and you must also miss me it s the traditional thinking of china that binds you george said pushing.

When there was a loud bang the door was kicked open su xinglie raised his fist and slammed it towards george s head su ruoxing s pupils tightened su xinglie hit george s temple with a punch as big as a bowl once hit george s.

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Corners of su ruoxing s eyes turn red uncontrollably she had a cold face ma am it s windy at night put on more clothes and be careful not to catch a cold as she spoke she cared about helping george s bones seeing su.

He had caused trouble and wanting to make amends he stood in front of qian qinyin and said don t talk nonsense lord people are right yousu ruoxing you still let a man threaten me so fiercely qian qinyin was so angry that.

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