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Me speaking of children this is qiao zhanchen s only weakness as a doctor he really doesn t want to see innocent children being aborted this is also the real reason why he hasn t done anything about wu xuerong s.

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Pregnancy reaction and I often want to vomit for no reason the master narrowed his black eyes slightly feeling displeased women are troublesome with your physical abilities you still want to do something for me wu xuerong.

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That tripped people as well as the shards of glass sticking out from the ground all seemed man made the young lady should have been seriously injured because of the shards of glass he feiyu paused but young master don t.

Me and su ruoxing motivating su ruoxing to run away from home in the rain and darkness but at this time there was a trap on the road and she was seriously injured he feiyu suddenly realized what the young master means is.

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S the group has completely stopped the production of yannian yishou pills otherwise we will see you in court immediately afterwards qin haiqing ordered the bodyguards kick them all out qin haiqing su ruoxing listen even.

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But the woman just now spoke with full confidence not like a patient at all I suspect that this is just a kind of artificial intelligence that imitates the voice the bodyguards interrupted one after another young master you.

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It for you but she soon discovered zhu fengmei was not injured I m fine the blood belongs to the gangster I hid in the container and called you but he found me I thought I was dead unexpectedly at the critical moment the.

Sumptuous dishes and kept calling the lord benefactor I said I would repay you so please come and have dinner with us at her insistence the lord here we go again su ruoxing wondered why the master suddenly became humane on.

That he is different from the master and has nothing to say zhu fengmei saw that the two were separated so she enthusiastically matched su ruoxing and the master ruoxing look at the benefactor standing with you he is a.

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New love that does not just cheating when zhu fengmei heard this she was filled with righteous indignation she felt sorry for su ruoxing ruoxing every time a man cheats on his wife there will be a second time this kind of.

Necessary to divorce but if you agree to a divorce you must go to see him I don t want to see him yet I ll talk about it later in the next few days the master came to the small restaurant for different reasons every day.

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Are you seriously injured let me take a look for you zhu fengmei was startled when she saw so much blood ruoxing why don t we send him to the hospital right away the benefactor has lost a lot of blood so we can t delay the.

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What do you do if you want to find me can t you come to me openly do you have to cut yourself with a painful trick do you feel that your intelligence cannot be reflected without being scheming qiao zhanchen remained silent.

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Push me again the wound will burst qiao zhanchen said burying his handsome face into the woman s neck coquettishly and took a deep breath it seemed that he hadn t hugged her for a century and he missed her so much but he.

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Of you my eyelids will become heavy su ruoxing after doing this for a long time he actually she wanted to have a peaceful sleep so she had no choice but to catch her she had no choice but to close her eyes under the.

Pressure of the man I don t do anything let s sleep peacefully qiao zhanchen s thin scarlet lips came together he reached the woman s lips and pecked lightly good night baby he closed his eyes intertwined with the woman s.

Pajamas and fumbled around then suddenly her heart tightened the heartbeat suddenly missed a beat uncontrollably the man s big palm held her soft and cute body unceremoniously su ruoxing closed her eyes in annoyance as.

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Please help me but I su ruoxing thought after thinking about it qin haiqing s current situation is not optimistic so she should help him as for qiao s side she will definitely not be able to go back so working in the qin.

What are you doing here qiao zhanchen pulled su ruoxing su ruoxing xing don t you know what qin haiqing has in mind for you are you still running to throw yourself into the trap su ruoxing s beautiful eyebrows twitched hai.

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Gain his trust as soon as possible before she can go deep into the qin group this time because qin haiqing led the way the two of them came out of the qin group smoothly after getting in the car qin haiqing couldn t help but.

Will be very dangerous yes su ruoxing smiled bitterly in that case I can only slap my face and pretend to be fat so I agreed besides delay time and find a way to take care of your body first so that you can better deal.

Procedures she took the resignation approval form and knocked on the door of qiao zhanchen .

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s office the door of the office opened it wasn t qiao zhanchen who came out but he feiyu blocked the door professor su I heard that.

So much blood last night and used bitter tricks to save her which made it hard for her to believe that in the blink of an eye he became so heartless he should be angry with her for going to qin s group out of anger okay.

I have assistant lao he su ruoxing did not insist on seeing qiao zhanchen she thought that she had to go back to qiao zhanchen s villa to pack her belongings and there should be a chance to meet her again assistant he please.

Belongings will be sent to the small restaurant for you su ruoxing oh it turns out that the last bit of possessiveness he had towards her has disappeared okay I ll trouble you su ruoxing went through the resignation.

Procedures smoothly and even qiao zhanchen s figure was gone didn t see half of them as soon as she walked out of the qiao group the boss started calling her one after another his voice was undisguised full of.

Schadenfreude why I heard that professor su left in a mess this time didn t even have someone to send him off your big lover professor qiao suddenly became ruthless is this strange to the qiao group I am a big traitor.

Disciple do you still expect my old club to send me off with gongs and drums su ruoxing didn t care and felt uncomfortable at least the difficulty of this task has increased significantly it s difficult for her to connect.

And actually found a training class for su ruoxing su ruoxing was dumbfounded when she saw the name of the training class training class for mistresses and mistresses what kind of mistress training class should I a wife of a.

Su ruoxing has to admit that what qin haiqing said is right home flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers and stolen ones are always more attractive no matter housewives or professional women once they enter the role of.

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Mistress is regarded as an industrial chain the three views are shattered su ruoxing flipped through the classroom handouts she had received and was immediately made to laugh and cry by the trilogy of being a junior the.

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Grasp fashion and master etiquette result su ruoxing took a closer look and found that he was wrong again it turns out that this article does not teach women how to dress themselves up but teaches people how to show off show.

On special occasions at the right time and place and leave a deep first impression on the target su ruoxing became interested in this point she couldn t even see qiao zhanchen in person so how could she take the next step.

The last step is reach out for money phew that s the point there s also a lot of skill involved in asking for money you have to play hard to get so that the man doesn t think you re here for his money then you have to be.

Zhanchen but short of brother zhan chen that s it type qiao zhanchen is indeed particularly fond of this type of woman and she has always been cold independent and non clingy no man likes her like this the class finally.

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Bed skills and assuming various positions that were disgusting qin haiqing called and asked ruoxing how did you go with your studies what insights did you have I did have some insights su ruoxing got into the car tell me and.

Listen what I feel is that even the mistress has worked so hard so what reason do we have for not working hard su ruoxing returned to the villa didn t he want to create an encounter home is the best place to meet this is.

Wu xuerong he has no other women in his heart qian qinyin said a few days later after communicating with the noble ladies they all advised her to find a way to keep this rejuvenated daughter in law they are not short of.

T go home on purpose he just didn t even give her a chance to meet her it was so heartless su ruoxing s eyes turned mother in law do you have any friends who need to enjoy beauty acupuncture if you do it regularly your.

After several ladies arrived and lay down obediently while su ruoxing performed the acupuncture su ruoxing s acupuncture movements are smooth and smooth which makes people look very at ease not long after a batch of silver.

Needles were pierced on the faces and bodies of several rich ladies everyone is too tai wait patiently for half an hour and then I will help you remove the needles and end this acupuncture treatment in this situation the.

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Drunkenness and lied about having a relationship with him forcing him to agree to get married although in the end his marriage to qiao chixuan the ceremony was cancelled but it also went through a period of ups and downs.

This moment he feiyu called again saying that qiao zhanchen was drunk and vomited and he needed to pack some underwear and send them over it s so late why did chenchen drink himself so much drunk weird qian qinyin.

By he feiyu and refused to let him go home young master you just have to bear with it and carry out the high cold character setting to the end you can t let all your previous efforts go to waste qiao zhanchen s sword.

Second floor qiao chixuan once again looked around to make sure it was safe and then she knocked on the door the moment the door opened a shocking face was revealed su ruoxing who was hiding in the dark was really.

Did they lie and say he was dead su ruoxing was confused qiao chixuan is pregnant with lu chengji s baby at this time they should love each other and be happy together as a family of three why hide lu chengji land chengji.

Looked very anxious and got angry at qiao chixuan outside the door what are you doing here let me out quickly qiao chixuan s temper became less indulgent than before and she was able to coax lu chengji with nice words lu.

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Chengji was about to go mad he was imprisoned but he still said that this cage was a paradise su ruoxing s beautiful eyebrows were twisted into a ball she roughly understood that for a certain purpose lu yaning wanted lu.

Chengji to die and then qiao chixuan was not willing to let him death thus creating an embarrassing situation but lu ya why did ning want to kill lu chengji just when qiao chixuan was about to force her way into the room.

Yaning asked the doorman to turn on the surveillance system that night to check if any uninvited guests had entered qiao s house su ruoxing ran directly to qiao zhanchen s bedroom but there was no one in the bedroom it wasn t.

Outside the door qiao zhanchen is here su ruoxing suddenly remembered that his mission was to get close to qiao zhanchen and he didn t really come here to deliver clothes she remembered that in the primary three training.

Thought hard seeing that the man was about to push the door open she hid behind the door preparing to give him a surprise well maybe it was a shock who cares the man pushed the door open and turned around to close the door.

Surprise or not surprise or surprise su ruoxing s delicate body leaned against the man s strong back and hugged his thin waist from behind rod the man froze after reacting he grabbed the woman s tender little hand and.

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