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Crazily come su ruoxing is pregnant he remembered that when su ruoxing was at the entrance of the kindergarten she said she felt dizzy several times and felt uncomfortable it turned out to be because of pregnancy qiao.

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She was pregnant yet in order for the child to survive smoothly qiao zhanchen decided not to speak for the time being blood is drawn for hiv antibody testing you have been humiliated by many people so you don t worry about.

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Attention to your health wu kuang stuffed several bags of fruit into su ruoxing s hands su ruoxing teased ju wu is so polite I have never seen him come to eat in prison and he can packed to take home what are your plans for.

The future wu kuang hesitated to speak su ruoxing thought for a while continue to work in the qin group a flash of embarrassment flashed across wu kuang s expression I mean your personal problem personal problem after.

Of qiao zhanchen at a glance was because he smiled very warmly which was very different from qiao zhanchen s ice face the perfect little chenchen standing there tall and tall was shining brightly under the unbearable.

Ruoxing to go the car goes su xinglie quickly opened the car door and waited for su ruoxing to get into the car qin haiqing was carrying big and small bags of snacks pastries ice cream and while quickly following xiao.

Decompress during boring study su ruoxing took the ice cream and looked very happy vanilla flavor is my favorite flavor thank you mr qin in fact after becoming a mother she is not so greedy anymore but she couldn t bear.

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Didn t want to explain the truth in public so she took a few bites of the ice cream to liven up the atmosphere and said it s delicious I love the taste looking at one side of her eyes she suddenly froze is qiao zhanchen.

And fifth generation is qiao zhanchen s nickname for him how does qin haiqing know dao su ruoxing is pregnant his favor for su ruoxing is to try his best to satisfy her preferences qin haiqing stuffed another ice cream for su.

Have been absent from work for two days and the r d department is leaderless why don t you make up for it quickly su ruoxing breathed a sigh of relief the master is very real anyway and zhou papi s character design is well.

Maintained when the lord saw xiao chenchen he couldn t help but become interested he raised his hand and pinched it he pinched xiao chenchen s face and said qiao zhanchen s masterpiece yes it surpasses the highest level of.

Master his movements were incredibly fast but what s even more unbelievable is that the great master actually and qiao zhanchen be exactly the same the people present looked at each other what on earth is going on xiao.

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Face and in a fit of rage he gave a click and at some point there was an extra handful of ice cream on his hand pistol su ruoxing don t think I won t do anything to you if you offend me I won t give anyone face the gun.

Was aimed at su ruoxing seeing the pistol su ruoxing s heartbroken picture of xiao ai being shot and scrapped flashed in su ruoxing s mind xiao ai is the first generation artificial intelligence simulator in order to save.

Her the chip was hit by a gangster s pistol and eventually scrapped she can t let xiao chenchen also go here dead end xiao chenchen really didn t want to see her suffer any grievances and was ready to move su ruoxing quickly.

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Including my ex husband if you scold him you are scolding me and even more so you are scolding yourself qiao zhanchen was so happy when he saw that su ruoxing would risk his life to defend her he stepped forward and rubbed.

Is just a replica gun he was both admiring and jealous of qiao zhanchen but also angry at him for not fighting qiao zhanchen was so indulgent towards a woman that he even gave her all his assets being a twin brother with him.

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Bought the robot if you don t want to sell it I will rob it you make your own choice qiao zhanchen took the golden mask from xiao chenchen and handed it back to the master explaining slowly artificial intelligence.

His own hands but she did nothing and actually became the boss of the base su ruoxing deeply felt that she had taken unfair advantage of this base in any case the biological research and development base must be returned.

To qiao zhanchen just then a group of reporters swarmed in they pointed the microphone at su ruoxing and caught everyone by surprise professor su I heard that you were raped by multiple people can you tell me the specific.

Situation how many people committed violence against you at that time professor su you also killed many people can you really be exempted from punishment su ruoxing was immediately surrounded by reporters the reporters.

Their questioning was equivalent to dying again she had no choice but to push the reporters away and keep them away from her no comment trouble you go ask the police please let me know but how could the reporters let her go.

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He has already given her all his money and now he is not even a doctor or professor doesn t that mean he really has nothing qiao zhanchen touched the tall bridge of his nose with his slender fingers he knew su ruoxing if.

Qiao zhanchen s spine she supported qiao zhanchen professor qiao has excellent medical skills and has not committed any medical malpractice how could he be revoked as a doctor qualifications at most he himself resigned.

Do less than I am a product of the xingchen artificial intelligence biotechnology research center you are welcome to customize artificial intelligence simulations similar to me xiao chenchen is already famous just because he.

Simulation compatibility combined to such a height too awesome the simulator is exactly the same as professor qiao even the voice is the same I can t recognize it at all then can you customize the goddess in your mind I want.

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escape unscathed this time she didn t having hesitation he directly chose to get into qiao zhanchen s car she thought.

The shares will be transferred to you okay seeing su ruoxing s pretty appearance qiao zhanchen s breathing tightened slightly and his sexy adam s apple slid up and down she finally are you going to open your mouth to try to.

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S good purely doing academics is also a great joy in life su ruoxing pretended not to worry about it and sincerely wished him well qiao zhanchen she is simply an all rounder so it is not surprising to go abroad for.

Need is a friend indeed professor qiao s sister xuanxuan was quite sincere in treating you as always when you had nothing did she also go abroad with you qiao zhanchen said not only did she not try to keep him and you said.

Chixuan in front of su ruoxing after all qiao chixuan is still his sister in his heart since childhood he has always treated qiao chixuan as his biological sister but the words and actions of their mother and daughter in the.

Hospital yesterday made him see a lot of things clearly just then he received a call from a private detective professor joe it has been investigated clearly that it was miss qiao who used your identity information to.

Yaning and qiao chixuan s mother and daughter are behind the foundation then this kidnapping case is likely to be planned by their mother and daughter ok I see keep this matter secret qiao zhanchen tightened his molars.

That they are the masterminds behind the kidnapping case when su ruoxing saw qiao zhan chenjun s face was tense and his whole body exuded an aura of keeping away from strangers thinking that he was unwell professor qiao.

Greatly shortened then I will go right away lixuan has always been a man be careful car also regular maintenance how can there be a car accident the police suspect that the car accident was man made and are still.

Take a bath remember to put a mat in the bathroom to prevent slipping don t wear high heels walk slowly and don t rush around su ruoxing replied casually thinking of the master condemning her for absenteeism since you don.

T have to go to the hospital today then send me to the qin group no take my words seriously out of earshot I said you must rest more now and be less exposed to chemical reagents those containing benzene and chlorine are.

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Slender arm he knew that the pregnant woman s emotions were not easy to stabilize and she lost her temper as soon as she said it there was a physiological reason and she couldn t be completely blamed qiao zhan chen.

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Any useful clues su ruoxing thought for a while professor qiao if you insist on staying with me then you must agree to three conditions you say qiao zhan chen said dragging the woman back into the car su ruoxing sat in the.

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Wants to kiss her want to reconcile then should she agree should she let him kiss her the man s tall body pressed over and su ruoxing I was so panicked that I couldn t make up my mind divorced he is going to marry qiao.

Disadvantages once he is discovered after disguising he will be suspected of sneaking into the qin family to steal secrets but he did not refute su ruoxing yes listen to the boss what are the other two conditions the second.

Touch it qiao zhanchen looked at the pair stretched out coming to touch his hand jian frowned mistake he didn t expect xiao chenchen to act as the endorsement of the dummy it would cheat him su ruoxing was dumbfounded what.

Wanted to touch it with their own hands qiao zhanchen feel the feel of the simulated human she didn t know that after xiao chenchen publicized the artificial intelligence simulator to the reporters within an hour it became.

The top searched person on the list causing an uproar on the internet qiao zhanchen was surrounded by more and more people I m not an emulator please don t touch me qiao zhanchen had a cleanliness habit seeing so many.

Imitation he s professor qiao a real person su ruoxing shouted but no one believed her everyone thought that su ruoxing was also one of xiao chenchen s fangirls and they became even more crazy don t lie to us he is xiao.

Prettier than a woman s xiao chenchen I love you xiao chenchen I will always support you su ruoxing looked at the man with a dazed expression his nose became hot immediately and a bloody smell rushed to his forehead qiao.

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Clothes even though some girls were stopped by the security guards they still stretched out their hands to grab su ruoxing s clothes and kept pulling her back but the next in an instant qiao zhanchen s powerful right arm was.

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Slightly ambiguous he gently rubbed the woman s moist and swollen lips and there was a deep look in his eyes love su ruoxing how do you feel about me of course I feel feeling the man s affectionate expression su ruoxing.

Before that he had no feelings for her she also kissed her at that time it has been verified that he really has no feelings for her but just now he kissed her so hard could it be that he has regained his feelings for her now.

Like that he is just there at one stop it still becomes an eye catching and beautiful scenery even because he was wearing a sports suit he looked more cheerful and youthful like a young boy who had just graduated from.

Zhanchen was questioned insignificantly by several female colleagues he successfully entered the confidential research and development center of the qin group su ruoxing took qiao zhanchen to her dedicated research and.

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Is so how can a tall person hide he pointed at a medicinal material crusher and laughed at himself su ruoxing since you are so afraid of him just crush me sleep you su ruoxing s eyes lit up this is a good idea she couldn t.

Outside have come to the r d room and there is a creak it should be that the door of the research and development room was popped open it s too late take off your white coat and lie down su ruoxing anxiously took off qiao.

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Her legs on the man s waist and being close to him so tightly that there was no airtight only in this way can she feel safe enough qiao zhanchen s soft thin lips gently landed on her smooth forehead he also closed his eyes.

Zhanchen found that it was already the next day and su ruoxing who was in his arms was glaring at him giving him a death stare from hell there was an indescribable hatred in her eyes qiao zhanchen s slender fingers scraped.

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And down and he remained motionless as he watched su ruoxing put on her clothes as if no one else was watching after she was fully dressed she looked sideways at qiao zhanchen qiao zhanchen quickly turned away avoiding the.

Women are intimate okay when you forced me to do it why didn t you say that men and women should not have sex su ruoxing turned back but still took the lead out of the office to make room for qiao zhanchen it was already.

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Group really spread rumors that su ruoxing had hired xiao xianrou s assistant as soon as he got divorced even qin haiqing immediately called su ruoxing and asked ruoxing there are rumors flying all over the company today.

Things don t go out and bad things spread thousands of miles the rumors spread so quickly that even qin haiqing who was recuperating at home knew about it hai qing please leave this matter alone my assistant and I have.

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Who saved his life and his mother s control was in lu yaning s hands qiao zhanchen patiently cooperated with qiao chixuan xuanxuan nothing happened to su ruoxing and I qiao chixuan sneered in her heart on the other end of.

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Should see the reality clearly earlier su ruoxing I only have one request su when ruoxing heard that qiao zhanchen hadn t left she quickly wiped away her tears again pretending to turn around as if nothing had happened.

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Beautiful professor you should have made a lot of money from this divorce right I heard that your ex husband is a rich man how much property did he give you do you have a thousand dollars you have become a rich woman su.

Female professor you are so awesome your skills are so awesome that you can make your ex husband clean up and leave the house did you take advantage of him su ruoxing shook his head again there is no reason he voluntarily.

Following her saying then he must love you very much money is the lifeblood of a man son no one in this world does not love money rich people love money more than we poor people su ruoxing stopped as if looking at a fool.

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Taking care of qiao lixuan with a smile on her face is she really the qiao chixuan who was crying on the phone that morning because qiao zhanchen didn t come home at night she seemed to be in a good state of mind she didn t.

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Excited and tears fell for nothing brother lixuan look at their yin and yang the two of them united come and deal with me I just want to take care of brother lixuan and hope you can get well soon they misunderstood me.

Deeply qiao chixuan s look of pity can easily hit a man s protective desire qiao lixuan quickly helped the two women to smooth things over they just talk fast xuanxuan don t take it to heart okay I listen to brother lixuan.

Then I ll go back and be with sister wu first make a nutritious meal and deliver it at night qiao chixuan packed up the thermos of porridge and prepared to leave when she passed by su ruoxing she suddenly exclaimed ah then.

Qiao chixuan shook her off she accused su ruoxing of being even more outrageous and heartbreaking for fear that the people outside the door wouldn t hear similar su ruoxing you have killed so many kidnappers are you addicted.

Unborn baby to bury her such a big thunder or did she not want the baby in the first place but now qiao chixuan has made it clear that she wants to use the miscarriage to push her back into the forefront of the gang rape and.

Murder case just as su ruoxing expected a group of reporters poured into the ward as if they had already been ambushing him don t come in wu muchi wanted to stop them but was almost knocked down by the crowd su ruoxing was.

Thrown at me unexpectedly and the reporters questions were inhumanly sharp su ruoxing s eyes narrowed due to the sting but her answer was unambiguous first of all I didn t touch a hair on qiao chixuan today I didn t push.

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Article for su ruoxing and soon changed the topic to the gang rape and murder case sujiao professor it is said that after you were raped by a group of gangsters you accidentally killed the gangsters in self defense is it.

True professor su I heard that you and deputy director wu have an extraordinary relationship did you take advantage of the green channel to be released on bail so quickly this time are you questioning the impartiality of.

Justice su ruoxing warned with a cold face you can eat randomly but you can t talk nonsense otherwise we reserve the right to sue you for spreading rumors and slandering others at this time she must keep herself calm.

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Used all her strength to slap qiao chixuan there was a crisp sound of pop qiao chixuan in full view of everyone he received a slap in the face su ruoxing s slap came without warning making qiao chixuan unable to avoid it.

Moment forget about myself I still feel pity for the jiao didi character set su ruoxing it doesn t matter if you knocked me into a miscarriage you still beat me in front of everyone do you think you can do whatever you want.

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Was to attract the reporters attention to qiao chixuan she didn t say anything and leaned down to get close to qiao chixuan suddenly reached out and dug into qiao chixuan s stomach she pulled out a bag containing artificial.

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