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He so annoying I m going to the bathroom su ruoxing was about to go out when a sound of strong footsteps came from far to near outside the door could it be that the lord is here su ruoxing hurriedly dragged qiao zhanchen.

Tongued when she quarreled with him how did she get here in front of the great master he becomes like a mouse and meets a cat the r d room is clearly filled with bottles and jars of various instruments and equipment and he.

Help but pull it qiao zhanchen entered a side door her r d room can directly enter her office through the side door and the office is placed she bought a small bed so that she could rest while working all night the footsteps.

Outside have come to the r d room and there is a creak it should be that the door of the research and development room was popped open it s too late take off your white coat and lie down su ruoxing anxiously took off qiao.

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Like this now is it because his love for her is gone will it become like this qiao chixuan s endless insults were still ringing in his ears and su ruoxing roared qiao chixuan chixuan shut up anyone can scold me but you.

Relationship between us is our children I will not see him again unless necessary from now on you walk your sunny avenue I cross my single plank bridge we don t interfere with each other we are strangers when we meet su.

The blood in his veins almost solidified into ice it was him who shamelessly pestered her he was the one who was despised by her he must recognize the reality she didn t love him enough before but now she completely.

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Why don t you look for them people are indeed so strange in fact when they meet someone they like men are willing to give to women spend money what did zhang tulei think of he approached su ruoxing and asked coquettishly.

Them but all of them what all all assets zhang tulei s eyes widened even more how much is that twenty million su ruoxing shook her head again too many to count countless zhang tulei s eyes are about to fall off beautiful.

Following her saying then he must love you very much money is the lifeblood of a man son no one in this world does not love money rich people love money more than we poor people su ruoxing stopped as if looking at a fool.

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Shipped by air be sure to eat it while it s fresh it s good for the healing of the cervical spine qiao chixuan simply wanted to be as considerate as possible at this moment as considerate as possible and to be considerate.

After sister xuanxuan came my waist is no longer sore and my legs are no longer cramped when qiao lixuan saw su ruoxing he forgot about the pain on his body and smiled happily ruoxing it s good that you re fine only qiao.

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Did I hit you su ruoxing remembered clearly that she didn t meet qiao chixuan just now it was qiao chixuan who fell to the ground for no reason on the ground blood flowed out immediately su ruoxing originally thought that.

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Cameras and shot wildly at su ruoxing and qiao chixuan who was lying on the ground bleeding professor su did you vent your anger on miss qiao because you were divorced and dissatisfied with the qiao family the lights were.

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Wrapped in the same question and asking again and again su ruoxing gritted her molar teeth what to do if the trouble continues like this she might not be able to handle it su ruoxing lowered her eyes and found that qiao.

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