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At the resort now so you should stop asking for boredom qiao zhanchen could tell that qin haiqing was telling him the clues to their location on the phone intentionally or unintentionally qiao zhanchen followed the example.

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His forehead bulged qin haiqing s bodyguards rushed over and held qiao zhanchen on the left and right as he rushed into the room no one is allowed to break in let go of the young master qiao zhanchen s bodyguards also swarmed.

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His mouth blew white smoke into qiao zhanchen s face and sneered qiao zhanchen it was you who betrayed ruoxing first and now you regret it it s too late ruoxing will be with me in the future and you will never be.

Haiqing let su ruoxing come out to see me I want to hear what she has to say with my own ears otherwise I don t believe that she will treat me like this okay let you hear it with your own ears let you give up qin haiqing.

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His bodyguard was so annoyed that he wanted to kill someone but they were also pressed and rubbed on the ground unable to resist su ruoxing s voice sounded again qiao zhanchen stop talking I will ask the lawyer to send.

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S the group has completely stopped the production of yannian yishou pills otherwise we will see you in court immediately afterwards qin haiqing ordered the bodyguards kick them all out qin haiqing su ruoxing listen even.

If you want me to give up the yannian yishou pill I have to sit down face to face and discuss it in the end qiao zhanchen and his bodyguards were pushed out of the resort gate in embarrassment I waited for the group of.

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Tightly bound her body and mind she can t die she still has her first and second treasures xiao xingchen and her father she must live finally su ruoxing opened his eyes what came into view was a strange room child are you.

Same name as my mother thank you auntie I will repay you in the future su ruoxing said trying to prop herself up and sit up hiss the wound on his heart still hurts faintly son don t move you have to rest for a few days.

Let the wound grow and harden and then get out of bed and walk around you just need to get better soon it doesn t matter what you repay or not zhu fengmei said bringing a pot he used warm water and wiped su ruoxing s face.

Speed suddenly became much faster within a day or two she was walking around the restaurant oh put down the child you haven t recovered yet yu how can you help me carry the plate zhu fengmei saw su ruoxing serving the.

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Are you seriously injured let me take a look for you zhu fengmei was startled when she saw so much blood ruoxing why don t we send him to the hospital right away the benefactor has lost a lot of blood so we can t delay the.

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Indifferent back disappear into the in the crack of the door the corners of his eyes were scarlet she seemed to really not love him anymore su ruoxing came to the small living room on the third floor lay down on the sofa.

With a pillow in her arms and planned to deal with it for the night in confusion she felt a shadow coming over her immediately afterwards a cool softness fell on his forehead so soft that it made one s heart palpitate the.

Familiar breath of a man penetrated into the tip of her nose and her red lips were gently touched pecked her heart skipped a beat and she finally woke up su ruoxing opened her eyes and found qiao zhanchen sitting on the.

Ground staring straight at her she was still cold professor qiao didn t sleep in the middle of the night why are you here qiao zhanchen grabbed her little hand slipped his long fingers and interlocked with hers m su.

Ruoxing if I come let you even sleep no I can go su ruoxing once again threw away his hand without any hesitation she looked at the time and was furious under the pretense of calmness the emotions that had been suppressed.

For a long time surged out in an instant qiao zhanchen you are a child I asked you to leave just now but you didn t now it s two o clock in the morning and you say you want to leave again are you letting your men rest look.

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Qin haiqing stepped forward bravely I feel that I am getting weaker and weaker and I want ruoxing to help it just so happens that ruoxing has resigned from qiao s so he agreed to help I have already hired ruoxing became.

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You at the qiao family s old house now su ruoxing s heart skipped a beat qiao zhanchen rarely gets drunk but every time he gets drunk he always causes trouble last time qiao chixuan took advantage of qiao zhanchen s.

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You have long since become a ghost under the bus lu chengji was even more confused why did your mother want to kill me qiao chixuan realized that she had slipped up and quickly changed the subject anyway don t worry except.

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Call lu yaning for help mom it s not good a woman seems to have found out that I locked up the landing chengji why panic if you can escape the monk can t escape from the temple I ll have someone check the surveillance lu.

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Class the senior teacher said to treat a man like a dog the first bite let him taste something new the teacher also said that a woman s taste is very important affection interest freshness it s so difficult su ruoxing.

Surprise or not surprise or surprise su ruoxing s delicate body leaned against the man s strong back and hugged his thin waist from behind rod the man froze after reacting he grabbed the woman s tender little hand and.

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