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Professor qiao your family and personal conditions are very good how many girlfriends have you had not handed in no cai kexin s parents found it hard to believe is your health okay the implication is how can a man with such.

Cai kexin still listened with gusto wanting to know the answer even more than her parents health he feiyu thought of qiao zhanchen keeping him and cai kexin on good terms so he bit the bullet and carried everything the.

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Ruoxing running around in the middle of the night and worrying about breaking his heart bai zhenbo s case is actually not complicated so qiao zhanchen originally didn t plan to spend time and energy intervening in such.

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Complete it is written in our two names once the decoration is completed we will use the house as a wedding room han yining s eyes were filled with surprise you ve just started working where did you get so much money.

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Hidden in the night was infinitely magnified before her eyes as they got closer the man s strong hormonal breath continued to drill towards the tip of su ruoxing s nose just when the four lips were touching qiao zhanchen s.

But she would never be with the lord because of his gentleness su ruoxing didn t dare to expose the identity of the lord on the spot so he could only pretend chen I suddenly have a headache maybe it was blown by the wind.

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Forehead he was tricked twice by su ruoxing today and ended up being deceived by a three year old child again young master young lady young master he is far away abroad you can t help him or anything no matter what we.

At the three little guys discussing seriously in the dark night and felt as if they had passed away the three little babies did what they said and they left a note for su ruoxing when they returned home just slipped out of.

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You really qiao zhanchen su ruoxing pinched the man s cheek again and twisted it with her fingers hiss qiao zhanchen gasped in pain and couldn t laugh or cry the woman not only hit herself but also pinched him baby it s me.

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