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Unmarriageism actually said he wanted to marry su ruoxing sister it s all your fault and said that she and su ruoxing are best friends you regard her as a good friend does she regard you as a friend if she regarded you.

Agitated and had lasted for more than two hours without stopping I think she was about to collapse okay I ll go up and see her su ruoxing walked upstairs suddenly a doll flew out from the upstairs and fell at her feet.

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As possible if we can t have the baby we need to deal with it as soon as possible yes su ruoxing s beautiful eyebrows knitted together the baby was more than five years old it s been over a month if I don t want it I d be.

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Breath was suffocated she was doing bad things with good intentions and was caught on the spot qiao zhanchen would rather answer wu xuerong s call than hers wu xuerong felt cheated and hated su ruoxing again professor qiao.

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And don t rush to meet the lord su ruoxing was afraid that speaking too directly would irritate wu xuerong again in fact it s because of the lord she is extremely pursuing perfection for her baby and cannot bear the.

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Despicable if xiao qiao is with qiao chixuan he will be implicated and the qiao family is also very despicable you may encounter big changes mu shi you must try your best to help mr xiao qiao get rid of qiao chixuan s.

Said ruoxing it s almost time you should go back quickly professor qiao should have gone to your house for the family dinner he comes to your house and you are not there this is not good speaking of the su family s family.

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Marry into the qiao family and become the son in law of the qiao family then we ll denounce you in order to stabilize lu s mother qiao chixuan had no choice but to agree okay I can marry lu chengji but I need time to.

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Qiao lixuan s head and looked at him lightly rubbed a few times on his stiff short hair qiao lixuan rarely got close to her putting her belly against her belly and listening to the fetal sounds was probably the closest thing.

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Moreover su ruoxing he even went to wu s house could it be that something ulterior happened to the wu family qiao chixuan quietly walked aside and called lu yaning mom wu muchi and su ruoxing saw me and lu chengji s mother.

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What auntie said true does the wu family have a history of mental illness are you going to hide it from me I I didn t hide it on purpose we just found out wu mushi was caught off guard by lu yaning and in a panic she spoke.

Fingers and exerted force suddenly making the veins on his forehead bulge in anger wu muchi do you really see me in your eyes seeing that qiao lixuan was angry su ruoxing quickly put everything on her head mr xiao qiao.

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Two daughters of the wu family our family lixuan is the heir of the qiao family he is a young and talented man what kind of woman can he find how can I find one a woman with a history of mental illness su ruoxing could see.

That lu yaning was going to take advantage of the problem and take the opportunity to drive away wu mushi so that qiao chixuan could take over mrs qiao this is the personal relationship between mr xiao qiao and mu shi and.

Phone and had to press the call first the phone rang several times but she pressed it off hurry up get the patient into the car so as not to affect her mood and cause her to go crazy lu yaning shouted and several the.

Medical staff flocked to wu mushi stop su ruoxing stood in front of the medical staff in a hurry as the boss I order you to leave immediately or you will be fired immediately the medical staff looked at each other are you.

Thinking about it carefully isn t this the same mental hospital where she was originally treated as a mental patient at that time qiao zhanchen bought the hospital in order to rescue her from the mental hospital and then.

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Of the wu family s mental illness wu mushi s face turned livid sure enough people s words are scary even if there is no problem in the future test no one in the qiao family will believe it will point fingers at her and.

The baby will also be affected she turned to qiao lixuan suddenly reached out and held his face qiao lixuan froze a little unaccustomed wu mushi there are so many elders here what are you going to do I just want to kiss.

To your babies in the future wu muchi are you going to be a deserter again when did you know how to respect me qiao lixuan frowned wu mushi I warn you I am the father of the child and I have the right to know and make.

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S clothes and helped her take off her blouse wu mushi didn t resist in a daze it wasn t until the warm wind in the car made her whole body warm that she noticed that she was only wearing a pair of clothes maternity shorts.

Qiao lixuan leaned over to the passenger seat and approached wu mushi this was probably the first time he had looked at her so closely he had to admit that wu muchi was an intellectual beauty who was delayed by an arranged.

Intellectual and elegant charm from the inside out I won t be jealous of my future in laws ruoxing I promised to let dabao help to regulate the baby s body as long as dabao and my baby have a long term relationship he has a.

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But it s even better to be a husband wu mushi snuggled into the man s arms feeling unprecedented warmth and couldn t help but burrowed into his arms again no even if I forgot the brotherhood between professor qiao and.

You how could even ruoxing forget it woolen cloth she said that she would not stop baobao and dabao s relationship which means could it be that you and professor qiao are not brothers this how can it be qiao lixuan couldn t.

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Zhanchen really left su ruoxing should she help qiao lixuan and su ruoxing be together wu muchi dialed su ruoxing s number again to ask how she and qiao zhanchen were doing as a result the number you dialed cannot be.

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For a moment of passion but I can still do it with you you want an unforgettable night sorry I can t give it qiao zhanchen s expression flashed unnaturally again su ruoxing are you forcing me to marry you he stretched.

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Still end up like this why is it useless take action when it s time to act opportunities always favor those who are prepared qiao zhanchen murmured secretly and he said everything so clearly she should be able to.

Understand right su ruoxing I promised you that it will be three years at the latest if we are still in love we will be together I will keep my promise qiao zhanchen s going abroad is imperative so he pinned his hopes on.

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Get out of the house smoothly country qiao zhanchen silently retracted his hand that was still in the air I postponed leaving the country to cooperate with you in driving the lord out of china but you and the master are just.

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S not that qiao zhanchen doesn t know how to be gentle but she is not gentle with her she thought that her mother regarded the barbie doll as her and would not easily replace it unexpectedly zhong ningqin actually put down.

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Spy sent by the master found it qiao zhanchen finally found a miniature camera in barbie s belly button took a picture and sent it to the assistant for investigation after a while the assistant reported master this is the.

Thing must be done by the big leader he likes not to take the right path but how did my mother know the master did the lord force my mother to come here could it be that my mother has spent all these years with the lord is.

Integrity has long been shattered by me and his words are just a dream it s late go to bed quickly don t think about those useless things of tomorrow morning I still want to ask professor qiao about something related to mu.

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Not be good be good take a hot bath get rid of cold and damp and stretch your skin as qiao zhanchen spoke he couldn t help but turn the woman carried into the bathroom su ruoxing was forcibly carried to the bathroom by.

Qiao zhanchen speechless even though it was not easy to struggle when being hugged su ruoxing s small mouth never stopped qiao zhanchen don t go too far it s just an act you can t just do whatever you want without paying.

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Bathroom the door of the room was cracked and shouted professor qiao are you there yes what s your order baby qiao zhanchen actually stood at the door all the time for a moment su ruoxing couldn t help suspecting that the.

Bath towel okay qiao zhanchen grabbed the woman s delicate white and beautiful little hand wiped it with a bath towel and suddenly bowed his head and kissed her palm su ruoxing felt as if she had been electrocuted clusters.

Of tiny currents shot up in her palms rapidly conducting along the veins in her arms to her heart she didn t expect that she was so sensitive now just a kiss on the palm of her hand made her completely his body was numb a.

Lot qiao zhanchen don t make any small moves su ruoxing said and quickly wanted to take back her hand but in the next moment the man grabbed her slender wrist and suddenly opened the bathroom door the sexy appearance of su.

Catch cold qiao zhanchen s voice at this moment was so hoarse and sexy that it was shocking the man s dense kisses fell on su ruoxing s dewy face and his soft thin lips sucked her lips with irresistible power su ruoxing in.

An instant I was surrounded by the man s masculine and pure male hormones and my whole body was so soft that I lost all resistance ability she raised her snow white neck to bear the man s hot kiss this time he was not as.

Domineering and wild as usual but the kiss was extraordinarily deep and long which made people feel that his kiss was so sweet that it made people forget to return unknowingly su ruoxing stretched out her hands to hold.

Su ruoxing suddenly woke up and was about to bring her legs together when qiao zhanchen s thin waist without any fat was already one step ahead and entered between her legs she sat at the height of the vanity so that he.

The unborn baby in his womb couldn t keep him let alone her at when qiao zhanchen was about to go in he heard the heartbeat from the speaker become calmer he raised up the handsome face of pink feifei in surprise su.

Want to sleep when you were with me were you sleepy qiao zhanchen s handsome face suddenly darkened and his thin lips curled into a dangerous arc su ruoxing are you sleepy to be honest is there someone in your heart su.

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