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Destroy xiao chenchen qiao zhanchen I bought this robot please give me a price qiao zhanchen shook his head my artificial intelligence biological research and development base has been transfer to su ruoxing s name she is.

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Intelligent human simulations are very expensive and need to be customized the fifth generation is specially built for su ruoxing and cannot meet the needs of other people if the owner wants to customize one after we evaluate.

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So easily and then resorted to more aggressive tactics one after another professor su was it because of this incident that you and professor qiao divorced on the spot in the detention center I heard that professor qiao has.

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Go of the man she deliberately joked to show her business stance yes professor qiao is a once in a century talent and of course I can t bear to part with him even if professor qiao makes conditions I m sorry talented.

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Development she should not be a stumbling block to his bright future what s more she is just an ex wife so what position does she have to keep him but when he thought that qiao zhanchen might leave and it would not be so.

Need is a friend indeed professor qiao s sister xuanxuan was quite sincere in treating you as always when you had nothing did she also go abroad with you qiao zhanchen said not only did she not try to keep him and you said.

Hospital yesterday made him see a lot of things clearly just then he received a call from a private detective professor joe it has been investigated clearly that it was miss qiao who used your identity information to.

Yaning and qiao chixuan as close relatives but they are actually ambitious qiao zhan chen thought of qiao lixuan other than his grandfather and father the qiao family didn t know his blood relationship so qiao lixuan was.

Take a bath remember to put a mat in the bathroom to prevent slipping don t wear high heels walk slowly and don t rush around su ruoxing replied casually thinking of the master condemning her for absenteeism since you don.

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The mall he was surrounded by many people this is the artificial intelligence simulator that became popular all over the internet just now it s so handsome a thousand times more handsome than the photo xiao chenchen let me.

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Hugged qiao zhanchen s head the back of qiao zhanchen s head was pressed tightly by the woman and he suddenly suffocated his entire face was buried in su ruoxing s soft cotton and what he inhaled into his lungs was her faint.

Whomever I want it s too boring in the detention center I just want to relax now please get out okay I ll help just close the door and you can relax as long as you want as expected women become bad when they have money that.

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Saying that you slept with your assistant is someone deliberately spreading rumors to slander you don t worry I ll go find out which bastard started the rumor right away dare touch my woman su ruoxing held her forehead good.

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With a big red envelope if I find out that there is even a little bit of falsification you will be fired now with my financial resources acquiring a media company is easy like counter control yes yes professor su don t.

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