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Zhanchen can actually say so many sweet words today it sounds terribly sweet professor qiao I love you too and it will never change su ruoxing said affectionately she couldn t help but stand on tiptoes and brought her red.

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Up the stairs he dialed out the phone su ruoxing didn t know where the curiosity came from but she actually pricked up her ears just listen to zhang yufu say professor qiao I m already here are you almost there okay i.

Dinner with another woman su ruoxing almost jumped out of her chair in shock when she heard that the person zhang yufu was calling turned out to be qiao zhanchen qiao zhanchen said he had a meeting and didn t have time to have.

Dinner with her but now he has time to enjoy it with zhang yufu candlelight dinner but today was the happy day of their remarriage so he just ignored it the real reason for rejecting her was because of another woman su.

With a bottle of 1982 lafite after knocking on the door and entering su ruoxing suddenly felt blazing in his eyes in the private room the fragrance of flowers is overflowing the room is full of romance and there is a small.

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Sober up for you now the man acquiesced su ruoxing deliberately slowed down and started to operate he heard the man ask again I am the president of the medical union association how did your father respond my father said.

That with professor qiao s talent and strength there is no problem my father will greet a group of old friends before voting in the election su ruoxing suddenly realized that qiao zhanchen and zhang yufu had dinner together.

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Chaotic and disorderly private life any one of them is enough to ruin your reputation I have notified your father to come over you leave now maybe there is still a chance upon hearing that his father was coming zhang yufu.

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They would believe in each other and love each other forever he couldn t figure it out and in the blink of an eye his moral integrity was shattered to pieces although he did not have a substantial relationship with zhang.

They would leave quickly so that he could call with confidence talk after su ruoxing and xiao chenchen left the master continued to listen to his subordinates reports on the phone my lord we contacted the airport and.

Of the lord he quickly became extremely cold someone is pretending to be me could it be that qiao zhan chen is not dead send me the airport surveillance after a while he received a surveillance video from his subordinates.

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The master how can he impersonate the master and respond to his opponent s every call the police added it was originally a good thing for him to leave china with all the master s people but before he left he left all all.

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His eyes tightly and refused to answer the phone but the phone still kept ringing su ruoxing was about to turn off her cell phone but the call was automatically connected su ruoxing why don t you answer my call qiao.

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If su ruoxing really killed him the master would still be suspicious professor qiao you are not afraid of the shadow crooked as long as you don t do anything what are you afraid of su ruoxing glanced at the address a.

Bucks it s a pity not to raise canaries in a villa of 100 million yuan the villa bought at the internal price is not expensive mine is yours and the real estate certificate will be transferred to your name in the future.

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In the world with a kind heart she is also the world s richest woman I don t even have time to hug my thigh how can I be willing to make my wife angry although the two of them were facing each other but qiao zhanchen saw.

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You also said sweet words of course pick what you like to hear originally I wanted to make do with it but I didn t expect that our personalities were so inconsistent as soon as you got remarried you made all kinds of.

Then you have to turn a blind eye to my matter on the other end of the phone the master was a little disappointed he deliberately hired a beautiful female secretary immediately and had an affair with zhang yufu when he.

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Was not willing to go to this step at all for xiao chenchen she could not hesitate arriving at the artificial intelligence biotechnology company su ruoxing was stopped by security guards just as he was about to enter the.

Ruoxing to come the last time I came to a meeting speaking of it the time interval was only a month no one stopped her last time but this time she was so strict su ruoxing simply revealed his identity my name is su.

Qiao when did the surname change to su besides how can you a young girl manage such a large and highly professional company like ours I she is professor qiao s wife can we go in su ruoxing couldn t laugh or cry she knew.

Have to join the company su ruoxing wandered back and forth at the entrance of the company calling qiao zhanchen non stop but his cell phone has been unanswered at this moment a car stopped in front of the company mouth.

Widened in surprise you are the boss why can t you get in it s hard to say su ruoxing smiled bitterly this is probably the funniest joke in the world as a boss he was forbidden to step in and no one would believe him when.

He told it xiao han help me disguise again I have to mess around today go in a piece of cake now what kind of look do you want to do today su ruoxing is also in trouble the company is no better than a restaurant or hotel.

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Felt apprehensive su ruoxing deliberately increased her psychological pressure you are here to resign formalities cai kexin she came to work and qiao zhanchen said she could continue to work but su ruoxing was the boss.

Worse than death you stripped naked in his house does that count then I was pregnant with his baby and I said no do you believe it cai kexin she can t betray her boss and tell the truth to su ruoxing in fact she just.

Professor su I have a bachelor s degree and zhenbo has a doctorate in medicine and I m still just a junior makeup artist zhenbo he has grown into your general assistant does he think I m not good enough for him so he.

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Repeats the signal he will still expose himself thinking of xiaochenchen s difficult situation su ruoxing was impatient and wanted to ask the r d team she knew that the emulator r d center was on the third floor and was.

Leave before coming out from the corner bai zhenbo wants to blend into the circle of colleagues promised to celebrate my colleague s birthday together there is nothing wrong with it what s more a group is going to join in.

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Divided into various ages su ruoxing thought for a while and losing weight make penis bigger took the opportunity to try guo qiuyue to see if he could get something out of her she is now the appearance is that of qiao zhanchen s new secretary cai kexin.

Team leader guo I heard that the spokesperson of our company is the same model of professor qiao he is very handsome unfortunately I just came here and didn t have a chance to see him you mean xiao chenchen right he is.

You not know why don t we confirm it with other departments even if it is destroyed we still need to know the reason so as not to have the same shortcomings in the simulated people you customize later under su ruoxing s.

In short we cannot accept professor qiao s order disobey you can t stop xiao chenchen from being destroyed just turn a blind eye ah so serious xiao chenchen was really in trouble what happened to professor qiao why did he.

She had a vague feeling before that qiao zhanchen insisted on destroying the small not only did chen chen behave strangely but the reason was even more far fetched it is now confirmed that there is nothing seriously wrong.

With xiao chenchen su ruoxing s eyes turned and he simply passed on the imperial decree professor qiao still needs to consider how to deal with xiao chenchen let me inform you that xiao chenchen s signal will not be cut off.

For the time being wait for the notification okay we will arrange it the engineer didn t doubt it su ruoxing s trip was not in vain so she decided to go back and find xiao chenchen first just when su ruoxing turned to.

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