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The better it s okay if you keep some for yourself no need qiao zhanchen didn t appreciate it at all it s just money I will earn it back su ruoxing made another request anxiously the custody rights of the three children.

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After a century qiao zhanchen s thin lips opened slightly as if he couldn t wait to meet her su ruoxing felt a burst of pride in his heart dare he say he didn t have feelings for her her little hand touched her again he went.

T be smart since professor qiao really doesn t have feelings for me I shouldn t force it I agree to a divorce qiao zhanchen wiped his lips with his calloused fingertips saw a ghost so scared it s a ghost su ruoxing.

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Let others see their disfigured face su ruoxing s pupils shrank slightly disfigured qiao chixuan what do you mean haha it s not interesting is it maybe I have the ability to foresee that you will be disfigured soon qiao.

Chixuan said took out several rings from her bag and put them on all five fingers of her right hand su ruoxing s scalp tightened qiao chixuan wanted to slap her with her right hand full of rings what if qiao chixuan hit her.

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You doing chatting with him on wechat don t tell me you don t know he has a girlfriend qiao zhanchen understood su ruoxing the person we were chatting about on wechat just now turned out to be someone else s boyfriend he was.

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Feel satisfied in your body and you will be able to relieve your mental pain master wait only when lu chengji comes to drink together mean lu chengji was rescued by su ruoxing from qiao s house he was afraid of causing.

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Uncomfortable looking at it his favorite thing was su ruoxing but he made a mistake by mistake so he didn t dare to have any more thoughts about su ruoxing professor su it must be a misunderstanding professor qiao is.

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Redundant from the beginning they have already set the date of marriage forget it this time nothing matters anymore when the sun rises tomorrow it will be the moment when I su ruoxing will be reborn ha celebrate being.

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Into the pond and died you don t need to do it so we don t have to find a way to bury the body by the way you immediately destroy all traces so that no one can see you qiao chixuan had no choice but to wipe off the blood on.

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Deliberately call to disturb our passion qiao chixuan deliberately said she would be romantic and passionate with qiao zhanchen tonight just to test su ruoxing if qiao zhanchen loses the function of a man su ruoxing will.

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Ordinary person okay I ll pick you up su ruo xingzhun she prepared to drive to the hospital to pick up qiao zhanchen but su xinglie was determined to be her driver master I promise that professor qiao will protect you at.

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About to dial professor qiao when zhan chen called he saw several familiar figures wandering at the entrance of the hospital looking listless isn t this qiao zhanchen s personal bodyguard they have followed qiao zhanchen for.

Pushing open the car door walking towards qiao zhanchen professor qiao I will take over your bodyguard team do you have any objections qiao zhanchen use his carefully trained bodyguards to protect her second husband woman.

Accept this reality everything is up to professor su but we must not be separated from professor qiao okay I don t know I thought you had some special relationship seeing their serious expressions su ruoxing deliberately.

A call from his assistant he feiyu young master some banks heard the news from somewhere knowing that the young master has lost all his assets and they called us one after another to ask us to repay the loan let s ask the.

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Wish I could put my head out the window to get some air a gust of wind swept in and the sand blinded her eyes su ruoxing rubbed his eyes the eyes were irritated they became watery and his nose sighed qiao zhanchen heard su.

Domineeringly I m someone else now in your heart I ve long been your ex don t you still want to marry qiao chixuan aren t you still going to be romantic with her tonight hurry up and sign the divorce agreement and let me.

Center of his eyebrows I will let you sign the divorce agreement my lawyer has been busy recently su ruoxing now she wants a divorce what kind of world is this qiao zhanchen I m officially informing you that I will find a.

The atmosphere I had to worry he silently sent a message to xiao chenchen they quarreled you find a way xiao chenchen replied am I a man su xinglie had no choice but to bow his head yes you are a real man I will introduce.

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Beautiful ah even he felt the murderous intent from the back seat why didn t the master restrain himself a little how did he know that su ruoxing wanted to make qiao zhanchen angry as long as he is not angry she has no.

Sense of existence but she doesn t think about the consequences she had already lost him anyway so what consequences would she be afraid of the atmosphere in the car became more and more condensed and su ruoxing also felt a.

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Children again if it is really my child who bullied the little girl we should not only apologize but also compensate but if they didn t do it we will hold the relevant people accountable my children will not be wronged in.

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Say anything her brain in the sea a flash of inspiration occurred that s right she is now a billionaire woman with endless money to spend so su ruoxing stood on tiptoes and leaned into the man s ear lowered her voice and.

Couldn t help but tighten he is her legitimate husband and he actually wants to turn him into a little boy who is taken care of by her she dared to think qiao zhanchen raised the corners of his lips and seemed to be talking.

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Expected that dabao and erbao should be kidnapped under their noses don t worry they can take care of themselves ok I know su ruoxingxin li understood that the two little guys were quirky and not easily hurt but the child.

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t become aggressive and covered in thorns wasn t it forced by men su ruoxing was stuffed into the car little xingchen was already asleep at the moment.

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Probably just a suspected patient in his eyes what qiao zhanchen once said rang in his ears he said that he had no feelings for her anymore at that time she didn t believe in this evil and tried to seduce him but he was too.

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