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Him to prove that we can live better without him there are so many men in the world are you still worried about not finding the right one as soon as su ruoxing finished speaking the door of the ward was pushed open.
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Qiao not a child it is said that rivals in love are extremely jealous when they meet and su ruoxing is not immune seeing zhang yufu interfering her blood will go up I want professor qiao to hug me su ruoxing stood up.
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Outside I promise I won t do anything to you qiao zhanchen hesitated for a moment and lay down but in the next moment su ruoxing seemed to be a different person rolled over with one bone and rolled into his playfully arms.
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You change your taste and like sweets I remember you like desserts qiao zhanchen put all he took in front of su ruoxing su ruoxing suddenly felt sweet in her heart then let s eat instead she picked up the cream cake and.
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Qualifications do these girls have to participate look coming to this auction there must be a lot of bad luck and it is likely to be another large scale meat sale organized by the brokerage company field just in case su.
After seeing the scene clearly su ruoxing realized that she was still a naive wife too underestimated the darkness and horror of this world as soon as they arrived they were blindfolded with scarves and their hands were.
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Rows of luxurious sofa chairs the rich and rich ladies held their number plates and leaned comfortably on the sofa looking at su ruoxing and the girls who had just arrived with great interest the goods this time are all young.
And very good su ruoxing s five fingers were tightly clenched into fists in the eyes of these rich people they are goods it s them who have money goods that can be played with casually su ruoxing glanced at the person holding.
Taped to seal their mouths and tied to the pillars hmm they regretted it only now there was nothing I could do except tremble and cry su ruoxing also couldn t escape the fate of being tied up by wu huada she was savagely.
Who was tied up su ruoxing s pupils tightened for a while and they wanted to perform public killing but soon she discovered that she had guessed wrong there was a crash sound and the man cut open the girl s clothes a big.
Within a short while the young heart was sold for 10 million immediately afterwards the man pointed the tip of the knife at the girl s kidney the starting price for a 20 year old kidney is one million after a while the.
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The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks snorted coldly let the brothers cheer up if he is a counterfeit I will let him come in vertically and go out horizontally and give him a fate of five horses woo su ruoxing.
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Stage and stood in front of su ruoxing two people facing each other the electric waves in the eyes converge in the air and the endless narration is silent there was a sound of ba da and the atmosphere became more tense.
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