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Atletico madrid team rushed up stacked arhats the players of the turin team did not react in front of the goal lin feng fished out the football from the net and kept shaking his head it s not right to kick like this although.

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Like he wants to chat with me during the intermission inzaghi watched lin feng walk down from the expression on the court you know that you are busy during the intermission sometimes inzaghi felt that lin feng was the true.

Inzaghi did not answer immediately but pondered as the head coach inzaghi s considerations are naturally different from a stability point of view this game a draw and a small loss are both acceptable the turin team already.

Big score at home after all this is atletico madrid s home stadium lin feng saw that inzaghi hesitated just know what inzaghi thinks it cannot be said that there is anything wrong with inzaghi s ideas it can only be said.

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It done inzaghi did not ponder for too long looking at lin feng with a look in his eyes he quickly answered second half we continue to attack inzaghi made a choice lin feng laughed inzaghi has not changed he is still the.

Atmosphere was completely different simeone was still worried about how to mobilize the morale of the players during the intermission now it seems that it is completely unnecessary griezmann s super world wave has directly.

Pulled the morale of atletico madrid to the peak in a word kill them simeone pushed open the door of the locker room and said lightly one sentence at this time if it is matched with a windbreaker and a cigar it will be even.

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Morale boosting to tie the score near the end of the first half atletico madrid fans believe that the team will definitely be strong in the second half of the game potential comeback at this time the fengmis are praying.

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Of ibrahimovic was very subtle atletico madrid players thought that ibrahimovic was going to continue passing the ball but they didn t expect it to be a shot oh no the atl tico fans in the stands already had a bad feeling in.

Nothing I hate it oblak sat down on the ground in frustration and then his whole body lay on the ground this goal is undoubtedly fatal the turin team not only led 2 1 in the score but also scored 2 away goals it is.

The turin team did not return to a defensive formation but still used offense instead of defense this makes atletico madrid never dare to attack with all their strength because torino .

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put too much pressure on their defense.

Run but these can t stop the turin team s wave after wave of offensive in the last 10 minutes this the turin team played really well it was unexpected those who don t know think that it is the home court of the turin team and.

Not choose in the second half of the game safe instead of defending he chose to continue to attack violently and the continuation of the mad attack did not destabilize the turin team s defense but instead oppressed the.

The assistant coach do it for him he is really not in the mood and inzaghi appeared at the post match press conference with a smile on his face pippo torino s foul was very rude in this game do you medical weight loss doctor pa think this is normal the way.

Is still very long after 10 years maybe ouyang jun will be able to take over the time of the three of them spent one night again and they had to part again the next day lin feng returned to turin with the team the turin team.

Two teams have been in such a stalemate they really have to wait for the 35th round of serie a when juventus will face torino at home to decide the winner just after the serie a league the semi finals of the coppa italia.

Odds for turin s win in this game are very low the heat Keto Bites Gummies 90 day weight loss transformation must die all signs indicate that the turin team is at risk of overturning in this game rome s olympic stadium the attendance rate reached 80 due to the two seasons of.

The torino team suddenly rising many fans are very interested in watching the turin game this has virtually boosted the home attendance of many teams at the press conference before the game the two brothers gave speeches.

Full of gunpowder in this game our only goal is to win it s hard to win no I believe in my players the right time and place I can t think of a reason not to win when inzaghi faced reporters questions he uncharacteristically.

Fired at the turin team in a very high profile manner then inzaghi was interviewed in the same position he wants to win great idea I really appreciate however winning depends on strength after all correct go check out my and.

His career goals this is the gap between us inzaghi smiled lightly in order to win the coppa italia championship the two brothers were full of gunpowder inzaghi s words somewhat angered the little inzaghi if it wasn t because.

Of injuries I would score will you be so much worse little inzaghi felt an inexplicable anger in his heart but then little inzaghi forced himself to calm down come psychological warfare little inzaghi naturally reacted.

Quickly it seems that my brother is not sure about winning this game otherwise he wouldn t have said that doesn t this happen to be lazio s chance little inzaghi wanted to understand this and smiled faintly amidst the cheers.

Of lazio s home fans players from both sides jumped from the ball walked out of the staff aisle the faces of the turin players were clearly exhausted it s not that their pre season physical reserves are not good but for most.

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Forwards immobile caicedo goalkeeper strakosha inzaghi also responded with a 3 5 2 returning to the domestic arena smalling can continue to play 3 defenders smalling francis co burdisso 5 midfielders molinaro aina hakim.

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Frontcourt this kind of scene is the normal scene in most teams battles like the way the turin team played before it is really a bit blinding it seems that the only thing that can limit the performance of the turin team is.

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Quickly made a decision stand by the door this is actually very inconsistent with lin feng s way of guarding the goal generally speaking lin feng would choose to attack directly but this time out hitting will only make it.

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Caicedo s shot was actually saved by lin feng little inzaghi felt that his little heart couldn t accept it for a while also unacceptable are the lazio fans in the stands many fans yelled inexplicably trying to resolve their.

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Belotti s shot was too hard and it was caught in the crossbar on the beam ibrahimovic s header is slightly higher than the crossbar again it s a pity after ibrahimovic came belotti s scoring efficiency declined it s also.

Easy to understand previously belotti relied entirely on belotti s output on the forward line now with ibrahimovic to divert belotti needs to make adjustments and adaptations and it is normal for the scoring efficiency to.

Little inzaghi is what a pity in the player era he was seriously injured almost at the peak in the short peak in the peak period the scoring ability is really worthy of inzaghi time is fate fans looked at the two brothers.

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Half of the game is about to start huh look at jianxiang the turin team has changed liu jianhong looked at the position of the turin team on the field and shouted ibrahimovic has been replaced torino returned to the.

Seeing the clue he couldn t help raising his eyebrows all my brother s actions are expressly expressing that the turin team is a bit overwhelmed in this game but the lazio team just couldn t seize the opportunity to score and.

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The turin team lin feng is the real prince it is difficult for raiola to influence lin feng again only let lin feng leave the turin team and raiola s voice in lin feng will become greater at this time the score is still 0.

Threat but when the little inzaghi on the sidelines saw lin feng trotting all the way to the free kick point his face suddenly became ugly everyone knows that lin feng rarely kicks free kicks but the scoring rate is.

Extremely high is this about to be killed little inzaghi can t do anything at this time he can only hope that lin the wind can play abnormally this time lin feng stood in front of the free kick point looking very calm.

Stella kosha can t judge where the football will fall however something has to be done strakosha made a symbolic lunge towards the left but the football suddenly fell rapidly in mid air and fell into the net on the right.

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Depressed some lucky ones can win the championship and get soft hands for example my brother inzaghi and most of the head coaches in the five major leagues are actually hard to find a championship this is life finish after.

Losing the first leg of the coppa italia semi final the torino team got a brief respite the second leg of the coppa italia semi final will be a month away in the coming month torino will refocus on the serie a and champions.

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Feng couldn t deny it but still supported inzaghi s decision lin feng didn t want to abuse his power in the turin team because every time you use it it means the deeper the bond with lin yuan is lin feng didn t want to get.

Angry shot shot from midfield at the start this is obviously a gamble in the last round of the game it was griezmann s midfield goal that made atletico madrid s loss less ugly but this time greg ziman didn t even hit the.

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not particularly.

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This passing trio to pass the ball atletico madrid must invest more troops at least three or four players are required to have an effect and in this way isn t atletico madrid s defense very empty for the turin team there.

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Not react for a while isn t it about attacking why is it suddenly not attacking now how does the team fight back sidelines west mooney subconsciously covered his face this ball is really impossible to kick of course he.

Understands that the purpose of the torino team playing this way is to constantly consume the physical and energy of the atletico madrid team this is conspiracy but the players of the atletico madrid team had to be included.

Morata and griezmann gritted their teeth and continued to press on the turin team s defense hey no hope up there is no hope at all the fans of atletico madrid are also a little disheartened at this time the hole dug in the.

First round is too big at this time there is no possibility of any comeback in fact it is exactly the same after persisting until the 77th minute finally the players of atletico madrid finally came to the brink of collapse.

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players immediately felt exhausted both physically and mentally in the last 10 minutes atletico madrid had completely lost their game the big feet kept.

That atletico madrid fans smelled the possibility of simeone leaving after the end of the season they became at a loss for a while can atletico madrid really leave simeone however atletico madrid is always one level behind.

Real madrid and barcelona in la liga people are always greedy simeone brought atletico madrid to a position second only to real madrid and barcelona the fans naturally hope that the team can continue to rise overthrow real.

Madrid and barcelona and replace them but this point after so many years simeone obviously failed to do it atletico can occasionally steal the la liga title between real madrid and barcelona but it can t change real madrid.

Became a sea of joy every step forward for torino in the champions league is to create history the turin fans in the stands didn t want to leave so quickly but played a wave of people torino torino back to the top lin lin lin.

A pseudo strong team cannot pass the level of atletico madrid now the turin team has completely defeated the atletico madrid team in the two rounds of the home and away games this is enough to prove that the torino team is a.

Really strong team it is a team that is qualified to compete for the champions league the turin team won again on the plane flying back to turin city ronaldo deliberately checked the results of the match between the turin.

Team and atletico madrid the juventus team successfully passed the porto team and reached the quarterfinals and the turin team obviously with a more high profile strength also reached the quarterfinals can weed gummies help with weight loss ronaldo now suddenly.

Beat the turin team get rid of the messy thoughts in your mind be timid before fighting what the fuck is going on c ronaldo what s wrong chiellini who was sitting next to ronaldo found it strange that ronaldo s expression.

Synchronization this round of serie a the two teams lost at the same time torino scored 2 at home 3 upset and lost to the bologna team it is unimaginable that lin feng conceded three goals at home but it just happened the.

The serie a championship is still in the hands of the turin team as long as they kill their opponents in the 35th round of serie a away to juventus torino wins serie a the championship is a certainty so it doesn t matter.

League game is obviously very high that s all strong the choice the team must make this is why it is easy for a strong team to win a championship but it is so difficult to win all the championships of the season unless you.

S goal after ibrahimovic s arrival the efficiency has dropped a lot and he can no longer catch up with ronaldo however it is not a big problem to maintain the second position in the scorer list entering candi shark tank update april the schedule.

That is definitely a champions league championship with a gold content in the 31st round of serie a torino challenged parma away inzaghi made a decision to take a big break the attraction of the champions league is still far.

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Eliminated in the 35th round of serie a the initiative will return to the turin team under such circumstances what are you afraid of the wave is over it turned out not bad relying on lin feng s strength positive carry.

Torino and parma played 0 0 away getting one point is a good result since the match between torino and parma went ahead now the pressure is on juventus at the allianz stadium allegri is making the final tactical deployment.

In this round juventus will face ac milan at home a few hours ago allegri made the same choice as inzaghi prepare for a big rotation come and go for the champions league but when the result of the draw between torino and.

Parma came allegri hesitated this is an excellent opportunity for juventus to overtake torino in the serie a standings no wonder allegri thinks this way for juventus the serie a champion it must be more realistic and easier.

To achieve than the champions league the last time juventus won the champions league it dates back to the 95 96 season it s been too long compared with the milan duo the juventus team seems to be naturally lacking in the.

Champions league genes regardless of how strong the juventus team is in serie a they have never been able to achieve a decent record in the champions league this it s like a spell we adjust the starting roster we still let.

The referee blew the whole game at the end of the whistle allegri finally breathed a sigh of relief it is not easy for juventus to win this game ac milan showed a strong combat power almost overturned the juventus team.

Bullshit in the 32nd minute of the opening ac milan scored the first goal in the 78th minute of the game ronaldo s free kick equalized the score it was only in the 86th minute that chiellini scored with a header from a.

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The omnipotent ronaldo april 10 anfield stadium cloudy lin feng returned to this court again when he was at manchester united lin feng led weight loss cincinnati the team to rub liverpool on the ground and klopp really what is a little friction.

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Forefront in contrast although the turin team has advanced one place on the list after defeating atletico madrid it is no longer at the bottom but not with liverpool fabi this game is liverpool s home game again one can.

S rise is just like zidane s with too many metaphysical factors not very popular with a head coach like klopp who pays attention to skills and tactics of course it may also be envy jealousy and hatred in this game klopp.

Ranked 4 3 3 formation 4 defenders milner van dijk lovren arnold 3 midfielders keita fabinho henderson 3 forwards mane firmino salah goalkeeper alisson klopp s own tactical system has been fully formed in the liverpool.

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But as a professional and professional commentator you still have to come up with dry goods cough jianhong is right but I believe that inzaghi must have fully communicated with lin feng lin feng should be able to put the.

The chance to kick off first after firmino kicked the ball out mane and salah went straight to the frontcourt rush like two sharp knives directly inserted into the the two ribs of the turin team hey liverpool started zooming.

A sliding step directly intercepted salah s pass mane on the other side was already ready to shoot but he just missed it I ll wipe salah was also taken aback by lin feng s reaction awesome salah also expressed emotion.

However the emotion is the emotion salah s movements did not stop at all directly he rushed over to force lin feng mane on the other side and firmino in the middle also followed up at the same time ready to participate in.

Formed a passing triangle the three of salah mane firmino didn t grab it with the accumulation of more and more competition experience francisco and burdisso is used to this kind of passing now no matter how many opponents.

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Feng did not choose to pass the ball directly but with a pull and a push he swayed directly past salah who rushed too hard whoa rao was a liverpool home fan in the stands and he was amazed by lin feng s coquettish.

Mastour the only advantage of hakim mastour playing the defensive midfielder may be that it is more convenient to receive lin feng s pass but at the same time it has become more difficult for hakim mastour to complete the.

Passed a through pass and marched the time speeds up again and runs towards the football at this time liverpool s world no 1 defender van dijk also started instantly catching up with football almost at the same time as.

Baselli bang bang the two were in parallel positions and directly started a physical confrontation in the end van dijk s confrontation and defensive skills were even better van dijk perfectly jammed baselli s body literally.

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It is because hakim mastour s position is too far back which greatly reduces his offensive threat this is not worth the candle inzaghi on the sidelines obviously noticed this too however even if inzaghi wants to adjust his.

The defensive position mourinho s bus is naturally a classic liverpool s offensive wave after wave did not stop throughout the first half the momentum bonus brought by such a scene is very large the liverpool fans in the.

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Throughout the first half liverpool really suppressed turin although liverpool did not score a goal the turin team was completely suppressed on the scene hakim mastour s position retreated to some extent wasting lin feng s.

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Was all done by him van dyke how can this drugs for type 2 diabetes weight loss make van dyke unhappy ibrahimovic wanted to compete with van dijk in the first half but found that he didn t get a chance the ball is difficult to pass to ibrahimovic s feet during.

In the locker room of the torino team the atmosphere seemed a little funny hakim mastour stood in front of lin feng like a child who made a mistake waiting for lin feng s criticism hakim mastour s performance in the first.

Half now even he Keto Blast Gummies 6pack keto acv gummy can t stand it anymore what kind of things are really kicking it s not your fault however if you want to become a world class midfielder you need to strengthen your defense if you don t want to be the core.

It s time to make up for some other shortcomings it s my fault a voice sounded from the door it was inzaghi who opened the door and walked away came in inzaghi is not an old bastard who doesn t know how to adapt in the first.

Half of the game even the fans could see that hakim mastour was completely incapable of playing the position of the midfielder although hakim mastour s passing is also good he doesn t have much long passing ability long pass.

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Under a lot of pressure in the first half we hope that the turin team can withstand the pressure and perform well in the second half in the broadcast room huang jianxiang took advantage of the intermission to relieve himself.

Position liu jianhong on the side took up the conversation that s true but there is really no one else available in the midfielder position of the torino team this is actually the biggest problem for the turin team that is.

The depth of the lineup is really average or to put it more directly only the starting lineup can see it huang jianxiang analyzed unknowingly huang jianxiang took over liu jianhong s really true words huh this atmosphere is.

Changed ibrahimovic is back in the front line hakim mentioned the position of the midfielder liu jianhong said it is indeed so it seems that inzaghi is also aware of the problems of the turin team in the first half exist huang.

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Accurately judged the landing point of the football and took the first step to jump the ball to compete for the top however this is usually a surefire header but there was an accident when the football was about to fall on.

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Inzaghi waved his arm fiercely on the sidelines the effect of my own error correction during the intermission is very obvious in this way the situation on the court can be changed immediately through adjustments this.

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Commentary is still going to be second on the sidelines of the court after klopp vented for a while he quickly returned to normal 1 goal behind the scene is nothing event liverpool still have to maintain their own style of.

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Had a tradition of never giving up for example the miracle in istanbul that year now klopp has strengthened and stimulated the inner core of the liverpool team quality liu jianhong on the side agreed it is still unknown who.

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Directly intercepted by francisco in the middle suddenly premised francisco said that one should not be too arrogant it s true that the turin team s defense is paper francisco steals the ball and passes it back to lin feng.

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Directly made a frontal sliding shovel and used it this is what ibrahimovic was waiting for ibrahimovic has many choices at this time lying grass tactics is one this can win a free kick in a very good position ibrahimovic.

Attacking goalkeeper alisson ibrahimovic shot directly the football flew high and passed alisson s fingertips immediately rubbed against the lower edge of the beam fell into the net goal 2 0 ibrahimovic.

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