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Two little guys for a while after dinner and then after the wechat video little xingchen planned to rest early she lay on the bed and the moment she turned off the lights the cell phone on the bedside table suddenly rang.

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Everything he does and it is definitely not for love but his lack of sincerity left her with no reason to comply with his order I m going to sleep let s talk tomorrow if we have anything to do su ruoxing felt that the trace.

Arranged therefore when he learned that su ruoxing was picked up by su junde he devoted himself to work with peace of mind he was very busy all afternoon several surgeries were scheduled months in advance and he couldn t.

Refuse after the operation was completed he became single again without stopping one person performed autopsies on the corpses of the two patients with live worms otherwise the two corpses would have been isolated in a.

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More unacceptable was that her body and mind were not yet ready but the man s big palm was already igniting fire everywhere and sliding towards the place where she was most resistant su ruoxing tightly closed her legs and.

At home if the neighbors saw her how could the su family hold their heads high in an instant su ruoxing was extremely disappointed with qiao zhanchen she couldn t feel the slightest pity or respect from the man under extreme.

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Time the meeting was related to the production and marketing of their newly developed insecticide controlled release capsules for live insects he is the main person in charge of r d if he doesn t attend the meeting it won t be.

Justified qiao zhanchen raised his wrist to look at his watch and added I will find time to send xiao xingchen back to su s house take care I will go first hearing the sound of footsteps going away su ruoxing did not turn.

Su ruoxing do not leave qiao chixuan was so angry that she almost went crazy brother zhan chen has been so fascinated by the vixen su ruoxing that he fainted how could he ignore such an important meeting qiao chixuan called.

Medical sector and the chief figure in the medical conference he has a heavy burden and a lot of pressure being late will affect his credibility don t you understand your presence is only bad for him there is no good thing.

Eager not because he disrespected her but because he didn t have enough time was too anxious and wanted too much yes I heard that men and women have different requirements in this regard kind of women need emotional.

Support but men pay more attention to sensory stimulation this is a man s nature and she can t have too high demands on qiao zhanchen moreover qiao zhanchen s skills are really poor like a young boy with no experience at.

Day after she lay down she felt sleepy thinking that qiao zhanchen must have felt wronged tonight su ruoxing held up her heavy eyelids and sent found weight loss discount code him a wechat message professor qiao I am also wrong about what happened tonight.

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Your cell phone for you okay cell phones are not allowed in qiao s venue and qiao zhanchen is used to it without thinking too much he handed the phone to qiao chixuan qiao chixuan didn t need to attend the meeting but she.

Cared about qiao zhanchen so she was going to stay up late until the meeting was over and go home with him she sits waiting patiently outside the meeting room but saw an unread message pop up on qiao zhanchen s phone.

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Deprecation appeared on qiao zhanchen s lips he had learned a lot and it turned out that a woman in love can be so clingy qiao zhanchen lowered his eyes and looked at his mobile phone su ruoxing neither called him nor sent a.

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Ruoxing quarreled with you again no she doesn t quarrel with me if she knowing how to quarrel he feels at ease take it easy qiao zhanchen had to admit su ruoxing s call early in the morning made him feel bad qiao chixuan.

Love during cold violence whoever bows his head first loses and will be manipulated by the other party in the future so brother zhanchen you must not bow your head first hang her out for a few more days and she will.

After beeping once no one answered this result qiao zhan chen was not surprised he was about to take back his phone but xiao xingchen insisted on doing it again mommy must not have heard it in the bathroom xiao xingchen.

Ruoxing on the screen of his mobile phone at this moment she smiled charmingly and kindly and her beautiful little face seemed to exude the light of an angel there is not a trace of frost in sight it s just double dealing if.

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Didn t even have a best friend with whom she could talk it s okay to make friends su ruoxing also hoped to have a legendary best friend it s just that kong anan has another purpose and it s so obvious that even a blind person.

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Status and money past and future children and families trivial life will dilute each other s feelings as for her and qiao zhanchen qiao zhanchen is the strong one and she is the weak one square qiao zhanchen didn t.

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Urge you let alone blame him and you didn t call to explain to him your relationship is really cold and interesting he said he was late at that time I have already told me the ending su ruoxing pushed open the car door.

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And rushed away arrogantly as I said I won t wait for you if you re late you can go qiao chixuan seeing that qiao zhanchen was even more indifferent to su ruoxing than a passerby I felt secretly happy it seems that their.

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You have any misunderstanding about the word date when she looked up she found that the corners of qiao zhanchen s eyes were red he looked like he had been greatly wronged could it be that he had misunderstood and was just.

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Neighbors misunderstanding of my improper style of messing with men and women what did I do to you that I shouldn t do qiao zhanchen absent mindedly perfunctory took the opportunity to find out the condom that was pressed on.

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Reputation among the upper class if the granddaughter in law marries into the qiao family for the second time with her illegitimate daughter she will indeed be punished people ridicule therefore su ruoxing s rejection of.

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qiao zhanchen spoke concisely and concisely saying good three.

Which was freezing in her heart from the inside out her soft palm stroked the man s wall like abdominal muscles and she was deeply nostalgic it turned out that when facing a real parting I feel very reluctant people s.

Hearts are so contradictory I really want time to stop like this and let them embrace each other forever she really wants to ask him would he be reluctant to part with her but su ruoxing held back this was a meaningless.

Question by asking this did she really want to seduce him and make herself a shameful third party and a vixen no way su ruoxing was thinking wildly and felt like her mind was in a mess until the man suddenly carried her to.

Man s temples qiao zhanchen can you say you like me once hearing the woman s request qiao zhanchen who was working hard raised his handsome face that was extremely sexy a little later after being suspicious he kissed su.

That she was stunned is she too greedy unexpectedly qiao zhanchen actually said it several times so well behaved up su ruoxing has convinced kong an an now it turns out that men really respond to requests at this time what.

Didn t say it well when is it convenient for you to come to my house and show your face I promise only this once can you promise me qiao zhanchen s eyes darkened knowing that su ruoxing s love for him was not enough to break.

Zhanchen laughed lowly from the depths of his throat overflowing magnetic and sultry su ruo hesitated for a long time and still asked that female doctor do you want to meet I promised grandpa to socialize be back.

Soon qiao zhanchen replied casually then you remember the agreement at night I really need your help after su ruoxing warned her again and again she left the qiao group in a daze after getting in the car she suddenly found.

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