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That he will follow in the footsteps of his predecessors the secret was leaked by the secretary of jiaofang so he could only act first and get rid of everyone who knew his secret a dead man cannot speak as zhu jingyan s.

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Let her go out to .

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play by herself when they go back to dali temple together later as zhu jingyan thought duoduo is indeed not a temperament that can be idle nor is he good at listening the nature of the words well in fact.

She really just wanted to wander around the jiaofang division to see if she could find anything unexpected but she followed the two servants to the back door and saw a familiar figure flashing through the crack in the door.

Expect that there would be a little tail following behind him so he walked calmly along the way but when duoduo found out that chi yuan had come to the ruined temple that they had set foot on before an inexplicable feeling.

Beggar who had taken shelter in this ruined temple could be seen the originally dilapidated temple became even more desolate because it had not been inhabited for a long time there are only two rickety statues left in the.

Fallen leaves and walked towards her little brother duo duo turned around and looked at chi yuan with confusion why are you here I chi yuan paused and put the basket he was holding on duo duo duo sent them off in front of.

Deliberately changed the topic or he really didn t know why duoduo was hurting his mind he frowned and persuaded in a low voice master zhu and the others are worried about the case so don t worry about it so much I I know.

You want to give aunt cheng ying justice as soon as possible but some things cannot be rushed the investigation of the case must be done step by step chi yuan rubbed the top of duo duo s hair don t think too much the truth.

Should get to the bottom of it she turned her head and looked at chi yuan who was walking by her side with a normal expression little brother huh chi yuan lowered his head slightly and his clear eyes fell shark tank keto flow gummies on duoduo damn it.

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Sincerely what s the harm in hiding some of his personal affairs on the other hand chi yuan seeing her hesitate to speak couldn t help feeling more worried is it really okay he looked lose weight with vinegar at duoduo but he didn t seem to be.

Okay but he also knows that there are many things that he doesn t want to talk about and he can t ask them directly why did duoduo come here duoduo glanced at chi yuan there was no other emotion in his eyes it seemed that he.

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Direction of jiaofangsi go solving the case as soon as possible is the right thing to do when the case is solved everything will be back on track when duoduo returned to the jiaofang division it happened that zhu jingyan and.

This dali temple which is in the middle of a conspiracy can t get real peace until the case is completely cracked and the real culprit behind the scenes is found out the calm at the moment is just the oppressive calm before.

Has never been lazy for a day duoduo sat on the edge of his small table weight loss menu propped his chin with his hands and sighed uncle wang was surprised this little lady of my family is an optimist the pistachio of the entire dali.

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Solving so many cases everyone has seen it let s just talk about prince ruyang when I saw our lord before he was glaring with his beard now because duoduo is treating him I m looking at him now my temper has improved a lot.

I came to dali temple last month and greeted me with a smile xu jintang duoduo s eyes lit up I know chi yuan was staring at the fire in the stove in a daze and suddenly heard a lot of movement jumped up in fright and.

Feet he he doesn t know how to cook to be honest before chi yuan came to dali temple the food in dali temple was at best cooked edible and not fatal after all these cooks used to be rough guys and for various reasons.

They couldn t continue to be chefs if you catch up quickly you will stay in dali temple to work it s good enough to cook well how dare you insist on good color fragrance and taste everyone just gritted their teeth and ate.

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On the pot for a while and then turn on the pot for a while and finally the soup is dry and a pot of braised pork is out of the pot however when uncle wang looked at the braised pork on the plate no matter how he looked.

Jingyan to have fun how could they have time to come to him I m here to ask shizi for help duoduo held xu jintang s neck with one hand and stated his purpose I want to ask what is the situation in the court now xu jintang.

Said oh you little girl you actually want to interfere in the affairs of the court you can investigate the case but the court is not a place where you can reach out if you want you can t do anything wrong xu jintang was.

Many temperaments that were just like this he was afraid that he would not be able to scare her so he dragged zhu jingyan out after all many people who care about talking too much are zhu jingyan I didn t want to.

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Understand anything how on earth did zhu jingyan become someone s father if you can mess around like this he doesn t care about it the most unpleasant thing for many people to hear is that others said something bad about zhu.

Jingyan the little girl turned around and left with a stern look on her face forget it she went to find someone else it s not like she has no friends at all in the capital didn t we have a few friends in need before xu.

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Together and three heads are put together this jiaofang division is not simple the jiaofang division belongs to li ministry of rites peng kaihui shangshu of the ministry of rites and dongchang changgong rong yuliang made.

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Always feel that the queen s ambition is more than that xu jintang pouted duoduo was stunned for a moment this is what she was puzzled by before the place now it seems that xu jintang s opinion is consistent with his it.

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What I said who is it open your mouth in front of such a young girl it must be guang qingan that big beard doesn t look like a serious person and your father guang he also likes to run to jiaofangsi when he has nothing to do.

Speaking of guang qing an a lot of attention was finally diverted from the castrated dog s powerlessness daddy guang will never go back from the time he went to jiaofangsi it was all for the sake of looking for aunt cheng.

Ying now that aunt cheng ying has been killed dad guang has no thoughts after the case is investigated he will not run to jiaofang division again thinking of cheng ying duoduo s expression darkened when xu jintang saw.

This he wished he could slap himself twice look what he did he really deserves to die knowing that the court lady and the little girl had an unusual relationship he he even told the little girl that she was sad what is he.

Zhuang zhengqing sounds like a decent person but actually tsk tsk this tsk tsk is very there is spirituality a lot of attention was also drawn back what s wrong with him prostitute after xu jintang finished speaking he.

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You ask again she motioned xu jintang to continue go down however it seems that he hasn t been to the jiaofang division in the past half month how do you know chi yuan blurted out his question as soon as xu jintang turned his.

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Him every time he comes except cheng ying many people showed unkind expressions that s not what she came to hear except for cheng ying nanny chen tilted her head that s quite a lot qingtao hongying an ke have all served.

Them before and shui lian luo jia xiang hui them zhu jingyan glanced at each other among these names there are a few familiar ones hongying and qingtao are all girls who died before an ke is cheng ying s fellow villager.

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Easily even if dali temple has the support of the emperor some people just can t move lots of ohs he sighed a little disappointed but I also understand that zhu jingyan s worries are justified taifu is the leader of the.

Black figure like an old kite jumping out from the wall it s him again duoduo only thought that this person looked familiar he must have met him in the ruined temple before and the appearance of this person made duoduo feel.

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He was already outside the gate of taifu s residence but duoduo did not lose his mind in a hurry they didn t really find a big tree outside the gate of taifu s mansion to lie on their stomachs as duoduo said at first the two.

Panoramic view of the scenery of taifu mansion lots of fun to watch should I say it or not people with women here are much softer than their dali temple duoduo suddenly thought that if aunt cheng ying was still alive maybe.

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Zhu jingyan was faster than her didn t chi yuan go out with you you ve been sitting upstairs all day and you re still hungry as soon as zhu jingyan said this duoduo froze she didn t dare to run anymore she turned her head and.

Day apart from going to the latrine there was no other way never left the house zhu jingyan didn t know what the two wanted to do ask now only then did I realize that many people already had doubts why didn t you tell us do.

This matter must have something to do with zhuang zhengqing secretly watching only I was wondering if I could find some clues or evidence it would be great to find it if they can t find it or are discovered by zhuang.

Into two the gold hairpin is hollow inside and there is a note hidden inside the petty lowercase script densely written all over it is the evidence of zhuang zhengqing s crime selling an official position and getting a.

Golden hairpin zhang qian took a meaningful look at guang qing an and for some reason he said unexpectedly cheng ying is quite foresight it s not foresight judging from what they have discovered now cheng ying should have.

Cheng ying there was also evidence hidden in the secret room in the basement of her home zhuang zhengqing was the grand tutor of the current dynasty one of the three princes without evidence his status cannot be shaken by.

S underground secret room could be said to have been forged in order to frame zhuang zhengqing only the account book zhuang zheng only the account book in qing s hand can truly drive him into the endless abyss the problem now.

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Out cang chen couldn t figure it out either a lot more than a little girl how could she speak with such a gangster air but he went back to call someone others went directly to taifu s mansion and turned back directly at.

Sitting in the yard to eat there was a lot of movement in dali temple and many people followed wanting to see the excitement many people heard someone expressing doubts to their companions in a low voice dali temple wants to.

Do such a big battle what who knows looking in this direction it s not a place we can afford to live go go and have a look duoduo rolled her eyes just about to sleep the pillow was handed up she let go of zhu jingyan s.

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Other but I have to admit that this is indeed a way however why did my master ask you to search he sat down at home so just because of a little bit of framing you have to search the house is this justified then there s.

Are going to the taifu s mansion yes we are going to restore the innocence of the taifu if there is something that cannot be searched what should I do if I don t let you search if you don t let me search you just have.

Seen by zhu jingyan zhu jingyan rubbed his little head and said you are so weird many many and so on almost all the people all know about tai tu if the master still refuses to allow the search by then the people in the.

Capital will not agree not only that they would also label the taifu as guilty why are you feeling guilty those evidences are all true what you say it s fake then you prove it how to prove just ask dali temple to search.

Of the common people it is zhuang zhengqing who is not he was so shameless that his old face turned red with embarrassment he turned around and fastened the buttons and then stared at zhu jingyan with an unkind expression.

Person from then on he kept causing trouble for zhu jingyan however zhu jingyan won the emperor s trust no matter how he tried to sow discord behind his back the emperor had no doubts about zhu jingyan this also makes him.

Zhu jingyan beckoned his hands bring it up the police quickly brought up all the evidence that was brought up from the secret room in the basement of cheng ying s house zhuang zhengqing saw some familiar things and felt.

Duo duo took out a piece of paper which was exactly a crime and there were more than a dozen crimes clearly listed she read it out one by one every time she read one she could hear the sound of the people behind her gasping.

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Are you talking about the little girl didn t hear anyone say this is a false accusation who knows whether it is a false accusation it s not like we haven t checked it out yet we ll have to check it out before we know zhu.

Jingyan allowed duoduo to finish reciting the charges before scolding him duoduo don t be so presumptuous duoduo said oh and slowly put away her accusations anyway she also read it s over zhuang zhengqing stared fiercely at.

The child is messing around the situation is exactly as he said dali temple has received a lawsuit against the grand tutor we are here to prove the grand tutor s innocence official s innocence zhuang zhengqing snorted coldly.

I have been upright and upright all my life why did I ever need help from others to prove my innocence this is very clear just don t let the search be allowed but zhu jingyan has made full preparations to come how can he.

Clean so how can he let people search it casually since mr zhu knows that I am one of the three princes I should also know that the old man s innocence cannot be framed can t show the appearance of the jade faced hades if.

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Was allowed a lot of income duoduo even thought about it it seems that it will take no effort at all zhu jingyan is still learning with reason and moving with emotion all in all zhuang zhengqing as an official of the.

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About it the impact on the court and the people is really far reaching and the official is worried that if it cannot be resolved in time it will give people who are eyeing our court an opportunity to take advantage of it.

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Like he doesn t know how to behave after gritting his teeth zhuang zhengqing looked at the backs of zhu jingyan and others and raised the corners of his lips search it see what they can find waiting for nothing to be found.

He must play zhu jingyan in the court hall let s see how capable he is look at the emperor how long can I protect him he had made all arrangements and was sure that zhu jingyan would find nothing at this moment looking at the.

Excellency master zhu the master s yard is over there and this is the servant s room if you want to search you should go to the master s yard zhu jingyan glanced at the butler he was more and more surprised this man seems.

Impossible he just hid the account book in his room and never told anyone even the master doesn t know where the account book is how could zhu jingyan know could it be that he still has the ability to read minds then isn t.

Wonder it s hard strange when he went out to show off to his peers his peers looked at him strangely at that time he thought those people envied him now that I think about it it was just sympathy for him and pity him when.

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Today I must have been trapped here and had to act out such a scene from this point of view zhu jingyan is not easy forget it after today the grievances and grievances of the past just write it off he also saw that zhu.

Jingyan was simply cold tempered in fact he not only rejected his own invitation but he never went to all other invitations he is equal and looks down on everyone it s not aimed at him alone what is wrong with him here okay.

For the sake of zhu jingyan being so knowledgeable he will not be with zhu jingyan in the future generally care about it after another quarter of an hour zhuang zhengqing was a little anxious to wait the people were also.

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Jingyan improved the gentleness in front of the door his face was cold we won t eat the meal please let the taifu go with us go the taifu was stunned looking at zhu jingyan in disbelief where are you going with a wave of.

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Asked people to hide the evidence duoduo turned around and pointed to the housekeeper who was being detained by the policemen of dali temple did you see that man it s the housekeeper of the taifu s mansion the dog official was.

Here to delay the time before so he was asked to go back and make arrangements do you know where he hid the books hiding under the tiger in his room what is huzi that s a toilet how can a normal person think of hiding things.

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The two jailers witnessed this with their own eyes the scene was so disgusting duoduo who was held in guang qingan s arms struggled to squeeze out I heard the two jailers vomit and curse at the same time you worthless.

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Jingyan s oppressive feeling came over his face tell me what evil and evil things you have done while helping your master impatient a lot of impatience like a heavy hammer hit the housekeeper s heart he couldn t help but.

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You know how to do it yourself then you are the one who sent people to kill him no zhuang zhengqing said angrily I didn t send people to kill you I don t know who killed them nonsense you are still quibbling duoduo jumped.

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a child the girl s body is weak and it is the time when her body is growing so she cannot guarantee sleep go back and rest zhu jingyan went out with duoduo in his arms not forgetting to explain take strict.

He didn t kill anyone if it was him ordered to kill he should know that iris is not dead but he happened to not know after listening to many analyses zhu jingyan couldn t help but sigh tone this case is intertwined one by.

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The moral ground all of a sudden on the commanding heights many and many cooperatively comforted cang xiaowan xiaowan don t cry uncle will definitely come back they are all talking nonsense uncle is a great hero you are.

The daughter of a great hero you are not a concubine at any time those who go to the battlefield to guard the border are worthy of respect don t care whether cang xiaowan s father can come back alive anyway she treated him.

He had run away the others began to comfort cang xiaowan and some bought them tea and snacks it could be said that they were being served with every possible care seeing that everyone s attitude toward them was quite good.

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