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Rubbed his messy hair and said to the doctor thank you doctor how could the doctor accept his gratitude shaking his head my lord this is a bad thing I have left a prescription here you must take medicine on time and the.

Medicine for the wound must be changed on time chi yuan sent the person out and zhu jingyan asked duoduo where are guang qing an and cang chen duoduo hesitated for a while but told the truth about the situation another.

Doctor said you need to rest she didn t want zhu jingyan to work hard uncle guang and uncle cang will take care of the case and I will work hard damn it daddy don t worry just take good care of yourself zhu jingyan sighed.

Slightly many filial piety and well behaved feelings filled his heart but the current situation is not something that he can t avoid if he doesn t want to duoduo have you noticed there may be someone behind this incident when.

Guang has already said that the initial target of those people was probably her and her father was hurt by those people because of her I just don t know if it s just a coincidence that the traffickers and the people behind.

I m in a coma that s all but when I wake up I must go and give an explanation to the people you are a sensible and good boy you should understand what dad means right duoduo understood but daddy s injury the doctor had.

Already said that he would not be allowed to worry about it duoduo instinctively wanted zhu jingyan to rest in the room the people outside the door waited until guang qingan and cang chen came forward bright they have promised.

That they will try their best to find out the truth of the case and find the lost children as soon as possible but for some reason the people are still making trouble when duoduo and chi yuan supported the pale faced .

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Qing an did not thinking of zhu jingyan s appearance he was startled when he saw zhu jingyan s appearance turned around and ran back many hands took him why did your lord come out uan guang qing an asked in a low voice in.

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Should do is trust dali temple and cooperate with dali temple instead of coming to dali temple to cause trouble and give us adding chaos do you understand finally duoduo promised in an extremely firm tone I want to express.

Morning everyone couldn t help but be moved everyone can rest assured that dali temple will do its best to find our children because the image of dali temple has always been very positive zhu jingyan is indeed a a good.

After the crowd dispersed many wanted zhu jingyan to go back to rest but zhu jingyan insisted on letting everyone go to the meeting hall to learn about the progress of the case at this point the case is really nothing what.

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who specialized in stealing children cang chen led people to search for clues and found many i.

Of the progress of the case chiyuan and duoduo were left at home to take care of zhu jingyan in order to supplement zhu jingyan s nutrition chi yuan had to go out to buy vegetables after duoduo learned about this he.

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They bought were indeed not many not enough for so many people in dali temple go back first I ll ask uncle wang to come out and buy it chi yuan gritted his teeth the uneasiness in his heart became more and more serious and.

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Here chi yuan was still like before carrying a basket and money to buy vegetables from the vegetable stall unexpectedly as soon as the two of them got close to each other they were pushed yes someone was discerning and.

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Make up for your father by the way other uncles and aunts also want to send you some food you go quickly don t make uncles and aunts wait in a hurry it s gone duoduo looked at the desperate look in the eyes of the merchant.

Gifts from the entire street as for the uncle who sells vegetables he doesn t care what kind of abuse he received in the end what she cared about was the person who had been watching them from behind since they entered this.

Of vegetables two fish and one piece of meat were hanging on his arms and he was holding a big radish in his arms and he had to catch many that fell from the ground it can be said to be very explosive just when he was.

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The people in the ruined temple he calmly holds many many hands go in many people who stepped into it carefully observed the situation in the ruined temple with just one glance she fell into a daze in the ruined temple there.

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Afraid I m here brother is here there were gentle soothing sounds like my mother s voice coming from outside the sky my mother s arms seemed to be warm again a dazzling and warm light suddenly appeared between the white sky.

Begging more it s compassion chi yuan didn t know what duo duo had encountered in the past but at this moment he suddenly realized that the people duo duo wanted to help might not be these people in trouble but her and her.

Who had no support at the beginning mother chi yuan instinctively felt that this place was not safe and since they had found traces of the tooth beating they should go back and report to the adults but looking into duoduo s.

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Coming every day so it doesn t attract much attention in addition everyone s attention was focused on the two of them and no one paid attention to him who was about to disappear silently at some point after he entered the.

That chi yuan revisited the old place he also wanted to do something for the old man at this time the two were talking about the past my brother and I came duoduo said crisply the lame man glanced at chi yuan a little.

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Other better it would be easy to take her away I have no family anymore the crippled man put on a sad look when my wife gave birth to my daughter she suffered a severe hemorrhage during childbirth and passed away leaving me.

And my daughter alone but the day before yesterday my daughter suddenly fell ill I sold our house and land and didn t pay I can save her the lame man said was actually moved and shed tears duoduo looked at the crippled man.

Children can they this is good no father no mother just a brother who is a half grown child he abducted the girl her brother might not even know how to report the crime so he could only blame himself and himself lost my.

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To be delicious and delicious and chi yuan s actions made the lame man conclude that the situation at home must be very miserable otherwise how could this eight or nine year old child have developed such exquisite skills and.

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I m a little older so it s hard to control and it s easy for things to get sidetracked moreover such a big child has already begun to remember things for a moment he was a little uncertain seeing the crippled man s.

Constant calculation chi yuan understood and gave duoduo another piece of meat eat more so that you can grow up faster yeah duoduo nodded brother I will grow up soon and I won t let you work too hard alone chi yuan.

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Would think of a way to deal with it and get this kid back it s just that it s not as good as being kind to him to make him more determined but it doesn t matter just give him a few beatings if he doesn t obey there were.

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Don t know how long it will take to get a good product don t worry if you can t eat by then I blame my brother for not helping you today the lame man s words made goushengzi fall into deep thought I don t know what s going on.

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Closed few some stall owners are taking advantage of the opportunity to increase prices and make a fortune if this continues he will have no money to eat not only the meat cakes but also the dry cakes gou shengzi s gaze.

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Brother lame we will definitely get a good price this time it was gou shengzi who spoke yeah it s been a long time since I found the goods this time we can carry them raise the price damn it it s hard to do this job now.

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Uncle where are you taking my brother and me ah I want to go home I want to go home a lot uncle the cripple s face completely lacked the patience and gentleness towards duoduo in the daytime and he just kicked viciously on.

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Conditions such as giving them money giving them the family s house and land as long as they put the two brothers and sister went home the lame man and the dog leftover looked at each other and tacitly figured out where.

The brothers and sisters were at home the two brothers and sisters were like fools who were completely unsuspecting towards others under the coaxing of the two they made their own information clear soon the group stopped.

They spent in the carriage if they hadn t made a detour they should have already left the city just walking in the mountains and forests is proof there are no such difficult mountains and forests in the capital and the.

Inside son many eyes turned around those children a little frustrated there is no figure of cang xiaowan here but the cave was very chaotic there is not even a decent place to set foot which is similar to the house they.

Found before there are children s broken clothes and shoes on the ground and the smell is a little bit the men were sitting around a table after rolling the dice he turned around when he heard the noise he was surprised for.

A moment when he saw lame and gou shengzi coming back with chi yuan and duoduo where did you get this you can do it doing it under the nose of dali temple is equivalent to disturbing tai sui s head after a while I really dare.

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A scare he turned to look at the two brothers and sisters who were shivering but not crying anymore and said again maybe they were frightened he lightly kicked duo duo on the calf duoduo was woken up with a start yelled ah.

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That the masked person is frowning and in a very bad mood he after enduring it for a while I still couldn t hold it back gou shengzi take this girl away yes gou shengzi responded walking towards duoduo excitedly gou shengzi.

Being taken away the two were forced to separate and chi yuan could only watch duoduo being taken away gou shengzi was very cautious tied up duoduo s hands and feet and tied him with a black cloth cover her whole body.

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Few more steps and open the door immediately afterwards the black cloth on many heads was pulled away at this moment an exclamation came duo duoduo s eyes lit up she recognized it it was xiaowan s voice while I breathed a.

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Specifically to find her and even risked their lives lead the snake out of the hole now I found her as I wished but chi yuan was detained by those people how old is your brother of course she knew how old chi yuan was.

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Duoduo s appearance the situation didn t seem to be very good my brother is still detained in the grotto by those people duoduo deliberately mentioned the grotto and wanted to ask cang xiaowan if he had seen the grotto sure.

Slapped it vigorously come here is there anyone I m hungry I want to eat is there anyone there someone come here I m going to starve to death no one answered duoduo has been calling for a long time even if he is deaf he.

Give her enough to eat this half steamed bun must have been saved by cang xiaowan from between her teeth this is not a lot more guesswork other kids after seeing this half of .

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Duoduo if nothing else happens according to the order it will be him tonight many looked at the male there was a little pity in the child s eyes the boy has been here for a long time so how could he not know this but he.

And forced himself to calm down come it was still morning and according to cang xiaowan s conclusion those people would come in the evening and they still had one day there is still time don t panic duoduo you can t panic.

Duoduo gave himself a psychological hint to calm himself down xiaowan we have to find a way to escape although she left traces they didn t even know success stories weight loss where this place was I know and chi yuan doesn t know if he can escape.

Come seeing them crying duoduo breathed a sigh of relief it seems that there is still hope don t cry I will find a way to take everyone out and we will go home to reunite with our families I want to go home I want to go.

Have you brought it with you after being weight loss surgeries kidnapped last time guang qingan an exquisite dagger was prepared for duoduo for this reason zhu jingyan also scolded guang qingan zhu jingyan best prepared meals for weight loss felt that duoduo did not have the.

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Other children also moved over one after another and they got busy with each other and everyone looked at the vent expectantly and while one child widened the vent the others weren t idle their current location is the.

Would tear their clothes into strips and tie them together after the rope was done the vent was almost widened others can t get out yet but duoduo and cang xiaowan are young girls and small so they can taste it tried to.

Drill out I ll go upstairs and have a look duoduo glanced out from the vent this small building has three floors in total as they guessed they are now on the second floor the upstairs windows were also sealed again leaving.

Up and down okay you go up with the rope first duoduo calculated the distance and put the rope in the middle of the rope the seat was tied around cang xiaowan s waist one end was handed to cang xiaowan and the other end was.

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Help of everyone many small heads protrude from the vent a pair of at this time the big shining eyes stared at cang xiaowan s small figure full of worry simply cang xiaowan was flexible enough and what they were worried.

Carefully in order to without disturbing the people who might be in the room on the third floor this journey took more time than she had before finally she quietly reached the vent on the third floor duoduo saw cang xiaowan.

Help of duoduo and others cang xiaowan came back from the vent and patted her chest oh my god there are more than a dozen children upstairs so many duoduo couldn t help but frown if they were the only ones here they might.

Be able to run away quietly but when it comes to escaping the more people there are the easier it is to be caught this one although dian only lived for more than three years he also experienced many things that were most.

Are you so fake and kind the little fat man retorted dissatisfiedly cang xiaowan gave the little fat man an angry look she hates selfish ghosts by nature guess what surprised me when I climbed up god knows how frightened she.

Were regarded as threatening the little fat man the little fat man glared at the two sisters shrank back and did not speak anymore the rope was tied firmly when duoduo handed over the dagger to others the upstairs also.

Cang xiaowan grabbed duoduo s hand downstairs is much more dangerous than upstairs no one knows where the traffickers guards are guang qing an said that he would teach them martial arts but he hadn t taught them yet if one of.

Them faced the traffickers guards he would probably be killed there is no return she went with her and maybe she could help distract one or two of them then go together duoduo didn t intend to leave cang xiaowan here u she.

Turned her head and said to the others let s go down to explore the way first and hide here after you have finished the vent don t go down why the little fat man looked at many people dissatisfied more shouldn t you are you.

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Talking if you talk too much be careful and you will go to tongue pulling hell after you die the little fat man s face turned pale with fright he covered his mouth and stepped back he lost his footing and fell down on his.

Sweethearts or something cang xiaowan frowned squatted down and grabbed a shoe that someone lost here and threw it at the little fat man if you can t speak shut up or you won t have to wait for you to go to hell my aunt.

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Others not even daring to show his head cang xiaowan glared in his direction again making the group of children tremble she then tied the rope around her body again and tied duo duo to the rope and then the two of them.

Floor are not closed cang xiaowan carefully opened weight loss clinic jackson ms a gap in the window through the gap she could see some of the scenery in the house there seems to be no one she raised her head and made a mouth gesture toward duoduo she.

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Of murder scene is this there are children s small severed fingers on the ground and minced meat there was no one else in the room they turned around but couldn t find the guard presumably they are very confident in the.

A child died in this house anger was boiling in the chests of the two sisters regardless of their fear the two of them climbed out of the window cang xiaowan looked at duoduo duoduo do you remember the way you came duoduo.

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Nonsense and go downstairs just as duoduo expected they all went downstairs in an orderly manner it wasn t until gu xu was the last one to go downstairs that duoduo led everyone in the direction of the mark she left but she.

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Be exchanged for money duoduo s face was pale gu qing held her wrist and said don t worry they won t be able to find them for a while when the carriage comes we will run split up and run xu a light flashed in duoduo s eyes.

Looked at duoduo s eyes full of admiration I think so too if he can run away he counts as one but he doesn t know when his father will find out that he is gone the group hid in the grass for a while listening to the sound.

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Make a sound duoduo s sudden instructions made everyone all panicked especially small fatty she subconsciously held cang xiaowan s hand with her backhand you run with me cang xiaowan frowned and shook off his hand no I want.

In twos and threes cang xiaowan glanced at the little fat man who was crying with snot and tears and growled impatiently okay stop crying there is no future she said but she still stretched out her hand to hold the little.

Spare this little fat man and she will strip off his fat and press it to eat at this time the little fat man didn t know that his fat body was already in danger I just can t run fast don t be so fierce cang xiaowan already.

Wrong with you cang xiaowan sneered unceremoniously she didn t say what was wrong with him but it made him even more uncomfortable the little fat man s expression was a little depressed as he ran he looked down at his round.

When I heard a faint shout from behind look for it quickly they are all children they must not be able to run far here they come duoduo looked solemn lowered his voice and took cang xiaowan s hand cang xiaowan glanced.

Solemnly and quickly scanned the surrounding environment finally she found a big rock big enough for one person to hide she duoduo pushed duoduo with his backhand hide over quickly xiaowan duoduo was surprised and wanted to.

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