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Gentle scum you are a beast in clothes xu yun raised her arm angrily and slapped her across the face but zhang pengchi grabbed her wrist after all zhang pengchi is a man much stronger than a woman still crazy he said xu.

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T move move or I will throw you with a bruised nose and a swollen face no wonder I am just like this su ruoxing under the envious eyes of everyone was carried by the handsome princess qiao zhanchen towards the hospital.

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Straight it s a rare opportunity to be willful why not take advantage of it and have fun it s best to disturb him and zhang yu fu thinking of this su ruoxing stretched out his arms hugged qiao zhanchen s neck tightly and.

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Outside I promise I won t do anything to you qiao zhanchen hesitated for a moment and lay down but in the next moment su ruoxing seemed to be a different person rolled over with one bone and rolled into his playfully arms.

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Did she just do and say what she did just now in his eyes wouldn t it look like a slut su ruo xing took the quilt and tightly surrounded himself in a ball wishing he could get into the hole in the ground youwhy are you here.

This question for the real qiao zhanchen the deeper she loves the more he cares about his betrayal besides she is a psychopath and it is no longer possible to be with him in short whether it was physical or psychological.

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Hands he who is in the prison is probably remorseful at this moment I really envy you you can be discharged from the hospital the feeling of freedom is hard to buy for xu yun su ruoxing was really envious xu yun is not sick.

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The other qiao chixuan thought it was qiao zhanchen calling her so she answered the call cheerfully brother zhanchen what do you want from me as soon as the call was connected su ruoxing was caught off guard and.

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And radiant as if he had made up for all the sleep he owed these days seeing su ruoxing brushing her teeth in the bathroom he followed her and hugged her soft waist from behind a tough and strong chest clinging to her.

Were a lot of phone calls big you need to deal with some of them yourself and I have written them all in your mobile phone notebook qiao zhanchen looked through the notebook in his mobile phone and found that su ruoxing.

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A deputy qiao zhanchen announced solemnly to the other end of the phone qiao lixuan received qiao zhanchen s affirmative reply and tentatively said brother since you have a new love you won t mind if your old love has a.

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Breakfast was coming to an end and there were only a few customers in the cafeteria su ruoxing picked up the plate and took some light and delicate put the food on the dining table these are what qiao zhanchen likes looking.

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At tonight s auction they went to the mall to buy clothes to dress themselves up su ruoxing came uninvited and squeezed into them pretending to be one of them she deliberately brought up the topic I heard that there will be.

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Rows of luxurious sofa chairs the rich and rich ladies held their number plates and leaned comfortably on the sofa looking at su ruoxing and the girls who had just arrived with great interest the goods this time are all young.

Taped to seal their mouths and tied to the pillars hmm they regretted it only now there was nothing I could do except tremble and cry su ruoxing also couldn t escape the fate of being tied up by wu huada she was savagely.

Time that this was a scam and she had deliberately lured these girls into falling into a pit of fire in order to protect herself and gain wealth she even betrayed her classmates and friends this is selfish human nature.

Ladies and gentlemen I declare that today s auction officially begins as the host s opening remarks sounded a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks came onto the stage holding a sharp dagger he aimed at the first girl.

Who was tied up su ruoxing s pupils tightened for a while and they wanted to perform public killing but soon she discovered that she had guessed wrong there was a crash sound and the man cut open the girl s clothes a big.

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The man pointed his dagger at the body that was shaking like chaff and slowly moved the tip of the knife to the heart the starting price for a twenty year old heart is one million the person below he kept raising signs and.

Surged out from the room filling the auction site there is also a doctor and a nurse in surgical gowns in the room helping the tyrant inhumane the operation room where the organs were removed was arranged at the auction.

Nowhere to escape what to do manage in su ruoxing s extreme anxiety the second girl had also been auctioned and was dragged into the operating room the third girl on the stage fainted because she could not bear the.

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To arrive before proceeding with the auction because they pay high prices to buy human organs they all need to be fresh and they are bought and sold immediately therefore it is the key to this auction that a doctor takes.

Out the complete organs on the spot and maintains the perfect functionality of the organs I will contact another doctor immediately the assistant looked for the doctor s contact information on his phone there was no one.

After a while the elevator door opened a tall figure in a full surgical suit and a mask stepped out of the elevator the doctor is here the auction can continue again the people below became very excited again su ruoxing was.

Ruoxing slowly raised his head eyes blurred by tears and turned to the new doctor I saw a figure that was too familiar to step out of the elevator qiao zhanchen you have come to save me the hope of rebirth ignited in her.

Heart but in the next moment su ruoxing seemed to have fallen into a millennium cold pool and the hope that had just been ignited in his eyes instantly changed into become worried how could qiao zhanchen come alone there are.

The assistant felt something was wrong and reported to the man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks boss I just called the doctor I called was obviously a woman so why did a male doctor come could there be any problem here.

Was frightened when she heard this and struggled desperately tears came out with tears welling up in her eyes she shook her head desperately qiao zhanchen run quickly leave me alone run quickly however with her mouth.

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Fine and told her not to worry su ruoxing gradually calmed down at this time she must stay calm losing her mind will only increase qiao zhanchen s burden the man came closer raised his long legs stepped onto the auction.

His finger on the trigger with a stern look on his face how dare you pretending to be a doctor I will kill you su ruoxing s heart suddenly tightened and her breathing became rapid she knew that the thugs all had sabers and.

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