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Okay you are free to make phone calls that s right don t talk about your phone calls even if you want to go abroad safely with qian I won t care about such a big matter su ruoxing said and picked up some green vegetables.

With chopsticks for qiao zhanchen the dishes in this store taste really good professor qiao eats more green vegetables to clear the fire why is he a little angry recently qiao zhanchen stuffed all the green vegetables into.

A free single aristocrat who can condemn professor qiao the more she spoke the more qiao zhanchen was pissed to death su ruoxing do you think I need to pull someone to cover no no no professor qiao doesn t need cover.

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It qiao zhanchen said leaning towards the woman s snow white neck with his handsome face su ruoxing rolled his eyes professor qiao just carve a private seal and print qiao zhanchen s visit here on my forehead qiao zhanchen.

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Expression flashed awkwardly get the certificate su ruoxing if she gets the certificate again she will be married for the third time this is the bet she made with the lord as long as qiao zhanchen is willing to marry her.

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To do it su ruoxing alone the word roll came to the edge of his mouth and he swallowed it back abruptly she told herself that she couldn t make her mood fluctuate for a mere man su ruoxing smiled and said professor qiao i.

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Video I got someone to make an mv let s enjoy it together later the video of you and your baby is missing now qiao zhanchen s big palm just covered su ruoxing s belly but su ruoxing pushed it away seemingly inadvertently.

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This is still the most beautiful sentence I will be responsible to the end but you have to give me more opportunities qiao zhanchen raised the corners of his lips bowed his head and kissed the woman s smooth forehead as for.

The bed photo incident after all it happened in china besides su ruoxing still had a hard time imagining how serious the consequences would be in short with the matter at this point she has no choice but to put the.

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Like this su ruoxing s eye sockets felt astringent for a while but the baby was almost six months old and the limbs and organs had all formed and developed it was a living life she stretched out her hand to cover wu mushi s.

Belly and could clearly feel the baby s fetal movement she even can imagine the baby is naughty doing gymnastics in the mother s womb mushi induced labor has certain risks and we are not in a hurry to do it today and.

Xiao qiao always has the right to know you should discuss with xiao qiao regarding the health of the child we will ask professor qiao and a few experts study it in detail maybe it is not so pessimistic su ruoxing finally.

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Mommy is so touched erbao touched his face in embarrassment egg mommy daddy said my mission is to protect mommy and my brothers and sisters su ruoxing s heart skipped a beat qiao zhanchen was originally a very affectionate.

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Getting better and better mommy s head no longer hurts and she feels relaxed little xingchen huffed and crawled onto mommy s body mommy I m very good today too aunt shi s baby talked a lot su ruoxing kissed little xingchen.

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Take my baby to places far far away su ruoxing breathed a sigh of relief angrily look at the map it s fine no matter how far away it is it s also on the earth and mommy can bring you to aunt mu shi to reunite with you.

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Make the atmosphere more lively su ruoxing couldn t directly refuse in front of her colleagues besides it was not the first time she and qiao zhanchen had kissed passionately in front of outsiders so she really had no.

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The man held su ruoxing s hand ready to go outside su ruoxing pulled out her hand professor qiao I want to sleep here today after all my mother is still in the hospital the man glanced at the office and frowned there s.

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