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Biased and protective of su ruoxing has su ruoxing brainwashed her mom let me handle this for you I ll chase su ruoxing back she seems to have run downstairs joe zhan chen said and quickly chased su ruoxing but he searched.

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Reactions and my case is quite mild the master was always cold and cold forget it in a few days the baby will be gone if you don t guarantee it then you will have the strength to do things why not guarantee it wu xuerong.

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God at that time she was too naive and full of fantasies about love you can tell the good from the bad in a man wu xuerong looked at the man in front of her like an emotionless machine and she couldn t help thinking of qiao.

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S whereabouts from wu xuerong as soon as possible yes master he feiyu immediately contacted wu xuerong wu xuerong was deeply surprised when he received a call from he feiyu lord qiao zhanchen actually asked me to have a.

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On qiao zhanchen s lips and they had very little time to be truly harmonious together we are either quarreling or we are on the way to quarreling she and I were probably destined not to be together wu xuerong couldn t help.

Purpose but what can she do soldiers can only come to block water to cover wu xuerong stared at the red wine in the glass thinking of the baby in her belly and put down the glass again professor qiao I am pregnant and.

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You hear the voices of young mistress and qin haiqing most likely just to lure us into the bait we still took the initiative to run over to fall into their trap if you don t enter the tiger s den you won t catch the tiger s.

Hypnotized anywhere and it will be difficult for him to distinguish between true and false everything his opponent says so he must seize the time qiao zhanchen only if xing and I are together will we be truly happy we are.

At the resort now so you should stop asking for boredom qiao zhanchen could tell that qin haiqing was telling him the clues to their location on the phone intentionally or unintentionally qiao zhanchen followed the example.

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Several times but no one answered su ruoxing felt something was wrong just when she was about to go out to look for it the dialed call was finally connected zhu fengmei s low and panic stricken voice came from the phone.

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Belonged to zhu feng may s when zhu fengmei called you she should have been hiding in that container bloodstains auntie wouldn t have already in his mind a picture of a man wielding a knife against zhu fengmei appeared.

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Take you back no I still want to stay here and bother auntie for a few days su ruoxing instead told the master please ask the master to help keep it secret I have thought about it before a few days of quiet life okay the.

This trip the great master brought a lot of fruits and nutritional supplements su ruoxing I heard that you were injured to get more rest I m almost recovered your majesty please take the trouble su ruoxing has always felt.

Man of talent and a woman a match made in heaven it is not convenient for su ruoxing to reveal the identity of the master so he can only using qiao zhanchen as a shield auntie I have a husband but the lord asked back.

Became anxious when she heard that ruoxing what s going on how can you get a divorce at such a young age it s just a little misunderstanding before su ruoxing finished speaking the master rushed to answer her husband has a.

Thing cannot be tolerated divorce is not a good thing for women but you are still young you must act decisively so as to have a chance to get rid of bad men and find happiness again su ruoxing smiled bitterly divorce it is.

Necessary to divorce but if you agree to a divorce you must go to see him I don t want to see him yet I ll talk about it later in the next few days the master came to the small restaurant for different reasons every day.

Kind so I come over to rub a meal after all he was zhu fengmei s savior and it was hard for su ruoxing to say anything the master s hard to conceal aura of a cold king and his mysterious golden mask attracted countless.

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Are you seriously injured let me take a look for you zhu fengmei was startled when she saw so much blood ruoxing why don t we send him to the hospital right away the benefactor has lost a lot of blood so we can t delay the.

Specifically to seek treatment from her while bleeding the man seemed to see through her doubts my people all went back to the headquarters for a meeting and the enemies took this opportunity to hunt me down why didn t he go.

Qiao zhanchen if you want to find me just find me there is no need to cut yourself and bleed so much qiao zhanchen didn t expect that su ruoxing would find out his identity so quickly who allowed you to be so arrogant the.

The man s blood stained shirt to the ground with cold eyes qiao zhanchen so you came here to punish me you think I embarrassed you so you came to warn me you cut yourself are you here just to quarrel with me who is.

Nothing to do su ruoxing where are you going we haven t seen each other for so long you don t know me at all don t you miss me don t want to su ruoxing closed the door without looking back qiao zhanchen watched the woman s.

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Face on your cold ass su ruoxing finished angrily turned over faced the sofa and turned her back to the man in her mind the image of qiao zhanchen pressing wu xuerong s hot eyes could not help appearing she also almost.

Qiao zhanchen stood up his voice was low and hoarse and he looked very she was full of decadence and self blame su ruoxing I m leaving you can go back to your room and sleep I ll welcome you home anytime su ruoxing s nose.

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Monster seeing that the man was weak su ruoxing didn t care about him however he was lying on her body motionless which made her legs and feet feel numb after persisting for a while su ruoxing saw that qiao zhanchen was.

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Injury which showed that su ruoxing s golden sore medicine was very effective qiao zhanchenqi when I got to the first floor I only saw zhu fengmei s busy figure but not su ruoxing zhu fengmei was coming from the back.

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Them qin haiqing nodded in acquiescence I don t want to either but after all I am the sole heir of the qin family so I can t die the less you can die the less you can continue to be poisoned otherwise the toxicity will.

Please help me but I su ruoxing thought after thinking about it qin haiqing s current situation is not optimistic so she should help him as for qiao s side she will definitely not be able to go back so working in .

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Cast a questioning look at qin haiqing qin haiqing was already prepared and explained to the master master professor su is a compound talent that combines the ability to diagnose and treat ancient medicine and the ability.

His leg and kicked qin haiqing in the abdomen qin haiqing when will it be your turn to make your own decisions here he carried out various conspiracies to break up su ruoxing and qiao zhanchen just to bring su ruoxing under.

His wing but now is not the time taking her in too early will only increase their risks qin haiqing couldn t wait to invite su ruoxing over it directly destroyed his carefully planned original plan ouch qin haiqing was kicked.

And backed away not daring to breathe too much some people even shed tears silently and sobbed softly come qin haiqing was their former crown prince and the current boss of the qin group he was easily crushed under the feet.

Of the great master wearing a golden mask like an ant being crushed to death hai qing how are you su ruoxing hurriedly ran over to help qin haiqing she never imagined that qin haiqing would be despised and abused so much.

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Out the truth and I can t grasp the truth I can t find any clues and evidence my old employees are also forced to do things against their will and I feel very sad now the only thing that can break all this is it s up to you.

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A cool smile flashed across su ruoxing s lips and he sure enough it was in the restaurant keep an eye on her since the lord has great powers and knows everything don t you know that qiao zhanchen pretended to be the lord.

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Thousands of people under one person superior it s a deal I asked you one last time is the master sure that you want me to waste my time and energy on this kind of useless thing meaningful tasks instead of letting me.

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Tempered good looking and he can t lose face so he may turn you away qin haiqing s words came true when su ruoxing went to find qiao zhanchen again she got a big rejection she came to qiao group under the pretext of going.

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Great powers is her every move really being watched I can t even see qiao zhanchen in person let alone seduce him or not su ruoxing thought for a while hai qing don t you have many girlfriends do you have any girlfriends.

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Su ruoxing has to admit that what qin haiqing said is right home flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers and stolen ones are always more attractive no matter housewives or professional women once they enter the role of.

The class otherwise how could I hook up with the rich second generation I heard that the senior sister here made more than 200,000 yuan from the rich second generation in one day and she got her money back in no time su.

Ruoxing she looked up and saw a slogan written on the big screen there is no family that cannot be broken up only the self that does not change it is simply a distortion of human nature and a loss of morality when the.

Mistress is regarded as an industrial chain the three views are shattered su ruoxing flipped through the classroom handouts she had received and was immediately made to laugh and cry by the trilogy of being a junior the.

First step for mistresses is to optimize their image and manners this step is easy to understand those with poor image will be looked down upon by the rich second generation it is understandable to train women to learn makeup.

Grasp fashion and master etiquette result cbd gummies vitamin shoppe su ruoxing took a closer look and found that he was wrong again it turns out that this article does not teach women how to dress themselves up but teaches people how to show off show.

Off brand name bags luxury cars and travels in short you must package yourself into an image of a beautiful woman who is not short of money and has a sense of mystery she wants to give the man the impression that she is.

Coquettish and cute to show weakness fully stimulating the man s desire for protection and making him voluntarily pay for the woman su ruoxing couldn t help but think that qiao chixuan was more like brother zhan chen to qiao.

Zhanchen but short of brother zhan chen that s it type qiao zhanchen is indeed particularly fond of this type of woman and she has always been cold independent and non clingy no man likes her like this the class finally.

Glance it makes people I think it makes sense su ruoxing pricked up her ears and even had the urge to pick up paper and pen to take notes then the teacher added let s treat a man as a dog first feed him a bite to taste.

Listen what I feel is that even the mistress has worked so hard so what reason do we have for not working hard su ruoxing returned to the villa didn t he want to create an encounter home is the best place to meet this is.

The patent of real wives qian qinyin told her that cbd gummies vitamin shoppe qiao zhanchen was not there ruoxing the men in qiao s family are all chauvinistic as long as you come back this matter will be over and these days chenchen hasn t been with.

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Him and ask him if he will be back today qian qinyin called qiao zhanchen in front of su ruoxing without saying a word after talking chenchen mom asked the chef to cook a table of dishes you don t go home for dinner then.

What cbd gummies vitamin shoppe time do you come back tonight it will be late it s so late what are you doing socializing su ruoxing qiao zhanchen obviously doesn t like socializing she finally figured it out he clearly cbd gummies vitamin shoppe Uno Cbd Gummies knew she was at home and didn.

Have a beauty salon that is going to be transformed why don t we take it down those who are too rich and well connected and very rich just lie down and wait for the needle to be pulled out after summing up I have thought up.

The name of the beauty club qian qinyin was also happy to participate su ruoxing said nothing and silently helped the ladies to pull out the silver needles allowing them to see significant beauty effects just when the ladies.

Come cbd gummies depression anxiety Purekana Cbd Gummies back right away to make you happy qian qinyin called qiao zhanchen again but this time the person who answered the phone was assistant he feiyu chenchen is drunk doesn t he never drink randomly is he in a bad mood are.

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Qian qinyin persuaded su ruoxing daughter in law there s nothing you can do about chenchen when he s drunk just stay here in peace when Super Cbd Gummies cbd gummies depression anxiety chenchen wakes up I ll make sure she apologizes to you okay su ruoxing was restless at.

Muttered and was about to clean up but su ruoxing volunteered let me do it su ruoxing he went to the bedroom found the clothes and drove to qiao s old house on the other side in the luxury car qiao zhanchen was stopped.

Low battery su ruoxing thought for a while and then went to qiao zhanchen s original bedroom first try your luck in the room but she didn t take a few steps in the yard when she saw a sneaky figure coming out of the building.

Looked very anxious and got angry at qiao chixuan outside the door what are you doing here let cbd gummies for cholesterol control me out quickly qiao chixuan s temper became less indulgent than before and she was able to coax lu chengji with nice words lu.

Couldn t see her appearance clearly this small building is a secret place specially used to put lu chengji under house arrest she can t shout and if she shouts her secret will be discovered qiao chixuan had no choice but to.

That his clothes were stained due to drunken vomiting so he asked her to send him some underwear really su ruoxing put down her clothes and was about to when he was about to leave there was a sound of man s footsteps.

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