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When suddenly a clear voice came from the door of the restaurant hai qing this place has been booked how about we go to another restaurant to have a candlelight dinner okay ruoxing I will listen to you we simply go to.

Wants to help qin haiqing detoxify his master by rolling on the bed qiao zhanchen didn t care to listen to what wu xuerong said and stood up quickly chased out qiao zhanchen heard the voices of su ruoxing and qin haiqing.

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But the woman just now spoke with full confidence not like a patient at all I suspect that this is just a kind of artificial intelligence that imitates the voice the bodyguards interrupted one after another young master you.

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Let the wound grow and harden and then get out of bed and walk around you just need to get better soon it doesn t matter what you repay or not zhu fengmei said bringing a pot he used warm water and wiped su ruoxing s face.

And hands with his own hands carefully and patiently su ruoxing was stunned when she saw zhu fengmei being so kind to her she seemed to see her mother again su ruoxing was able to heal herself after waking up so her recovery.

Speed suddenly became much faster within a day or two she was walking around the restaurant oh put down the child you haven t recovered yet yu how can you help me carry the plate zhu fengmei saw su ruoxing serving the.

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Ruoxing couldn t take any time off so she simply swept the floor and wiped the tables in the restaurant as lunch time approached the number of guests gradually increased and the cook was very busy miss su the landlady is.

Running away where did it go how could I do it alone without her help su ruoxing looked at the time no she couldn t help but worry auntie has been out for more than two hours why haven t you come back for so long she called.

Wonder if the murderer noticed meah following zhu fengmei s scream the phone was hung up su ruoxing s heart constricted into a ball could it be that the murderer discovered zhu fengmei and killed her directly su ruoxing was.

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Thing cannot be tolerated divorce is not a good thing for women but you are still young you must act decisively so as to have a chance to get rid of bad men and find happiness again su ruoxing smiled bitterly divorce it is.

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Nothing to do su ruoxing where are you going we haven t seen each other for so long you don t know me at all don t you miss me don t want to su ruoxing closed the door without looking back qiao zhanchen watched the woman s.

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To qiao zhanchen so how can she proceed to the next step the master s phone just hung up and qin haiqing s phone rang again come in ruoxing I heard it s not going well su ruoxing helped his forehead how could they with such.

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Off brand name bags luxury cars and travels in short you must package yourself into an image of a beautiful woman who is not short of money and has a sense of mystery she wants to give the man the impression that she is.

On special occasions at the right time and place and leave a deep first impression on the target su ruoxing became interested in this point she couldn t even see qiao zhanchen in person so how could she take the next step.

Zhanchen but short of brother zhan chen that s it type qiao zhanchen is indeed particularly fond of this type of woman and she has always been cold independent and non clingy no man likes her like this the class finally.

Started and there were three instructors all of whom were senior mistresses who combined beauty and experience the teacher said if we want men to fall in love with us we must first understand male thinking at first.

And then deny him the second bite to make him go crazy wait until he completely surrenders we can t feed the dog too much we must let him treat us the boss let him sleep next to his wife the more he thinks about us su.

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This moment he feiyu called again saying that qiao zhanchen was drunk and vomited and he needed to pack some underwear and send them over it s so late why did chenchen drink himself so much drunk weird qian qinyin.

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Sleep what was she doing in the garden speaking of staying up late at night su ruoxing I can t help thinking about private meetings the one qiao chixuan wants to have a private meeting with is not qiao zhanchen is it su.

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That his clothes were stained due to drunken vomiting so he asked her to send him some underwear really su ruoxing put down her clothes and was about to when he was about to leave there was a sound of man s footsteps.

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Surprise or not surprise or surprise su ruoxing s delicate body leaned against the man s strong back and hugged his thin waist from behind rod the man froze after reacting he grabbed the woman s tender little hand and.

Turned around ecstatically ruoxing is it really you did you come to me on purpose as he spoke he suddenly hugged su ruoxing tightly ruoxing I really want to you I have never let you go I su ruoxing was surprised and.

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