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Mansion when we arrived at qian mansion it was already dark qiao zhanchen s car parked in the parking space on the side of the main road outside the gate of qian s mansion su ruoxing was about to get out of the car when the.

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On her white coat and walked to her mother s ward in the inpatient department but her mother was sleeping soundly at the moment after su ruoxing explained a few words to the nurse she did not continue to disturb her she.

And brand new silk quilt was spread on the leather sofa professor qiao is so thoughtful su ruoxing thought it was done for her and even very happy unexpectedly qiao zhanchen came in from the door and undressed under the.

Professor qiao when did you become so conscious of thrift su ruoxing swallowed silently drooling you want to sleep on my sofa your sofa I m sorry first come first served this sofa is mine tonight the shirt was thrown onto.

A standing clothes rack in the corner of the office then he started working on his pants again with a click sound the metal buckle of the belt popped open su ruoxing he quickly stopped him and continued to take off his.

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Made her words clear qiao zhanchen said hmm in a low voice they also looked like they had entered a state of confusion and both of them were extremely sleepy the silver needle was very effective after a while su ruoxing s.

Painting turned into a picture of a towering peak towering in the wild jungle reaching into the clouds making it impossible to see the end at a glance and she hugged the tough peaks tightly as if she was on a cliff if she.

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Angry because of the video it seems that he didn t find out what she did to sherry last night but just one video why is he so angry su ruoxing grabbed the silk and was surrounded I deleted it why do you have to delete it.

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S face became gloomy again su ruoxing that s our bed photo it will give those wretched men a bad impression come and imagine qiao zhanchen are you blaming me for being stupid now su ruoxing couldn t help poking at qiao.

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Thought for a while I only know that the master is related to the qin group he usually wears a golden mask and rarely shows his true face to others he looks the same as professor qiao looks the same as professor qiao I haven.

Abroad so he should be of foreign nationality and he is likely to have other illegal acts so I ask the police to investigate okay then we will report to the superior immediately after the police left wu mushi the more he.

So cruel and cruel I ll go find him su ruoxing quickly pulled wu mushi to persuade him mushi don t be angry himself since wu xuerong is also a victim the criminal law should be able to slow it down you calm down your.

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Professor qiao is just a weak scholar please let him go ha su ruoxing are you ordering me when you reported me to the police didn t you think about the consequences so said is it because I mentioned you my lord to the.

Police that my lord kidnapped professor qiao the phone was not hung up su ruoxing drove the car and continued to be with the lord pulling on the phone then the lord is so narrow minded even if I don t mention you won t the.

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Still alive su ruoxing exclaimed and hugged the man tightly but she didn t know whether it was because of the heavy smoke or something else but sadness kept pouring into her heart and she couldn t stop her tears after a.

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Come I am afraid that even the neighbors the grove is about to catch fire not to mention the mortal body of the lord what to do su ruoxing put her car keys into the man s hand professor qiao you can run faster because of.

Your long legs go down the mountain and find a place with a signal to call the police I ll stay here and wait for the firefighters to come the man s dark eyes were dangerous narrowing his eyes su ruoxing there s nothing you.

Grove so the grove was spared and did not cause bad consequences comrade police there are still people inside is it already is there someone it shouldn t be after searching just now no bones were found could it be that.

It turned into ashes no trace left the police immediately organized people to search the ruins again we found something this seems to be a golden mask and it hasn t changed much despite such a huge fire it turned out that.

The golden mask was buried deep in a large pile of ashes and it was not easy to find there was also a human tooth stuck on the mask why is there only one su ruoxing looked at the ashes the mood is very confused it should be.

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And again feeling sleepy and wanted to sleep but in front of qiao zhanchen she didn t dare to say that she wanted to sleep lest he propose to go to the hotel to get a room professor qiao you is there something important.

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Sofa like qiao zhanchen did last night qiao zhanchen s unique and refreshing masculine aura seemed to linger on the silk quilt which puzzled her miao burst into tears su ruoxing doesn t know what s wrong with herself she.

Sensing could it be that she sensed something abnormal in qiao zhanchen su ruoxing quickly sent a wechat video to xiao xingchen little xingchen had just taken a bath wrapped in a bath towel and was carried back to the.

Your daddy is different today little xingchen tilted her head and thought for a while every time I see daddy I hear daddy say in his heart that he loves little xingchen so much but today no yeah I can t hear anything can t.

Hear anything su ruoxing immediately became vigilant normal people have psychological activities even if they are in a bad mood he was as calm as water but he was still thinking what s more during the scene of the.

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Down to sleep she was confused and didn t know how long she had slept when her cell phone rang su ruoxing answered the phone in a daze and qiao zhanchen s voice came from the other end of the phone su ruoxing do you miss.

Me yes I miss you so much I sleep with your quilt in my arms just like I m holding you su ruoxing whispered softly how can it be the same su ruoxing don t be perfunctory with me how can you be perfunctory no one believes.

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Twitched her eyebrows didn t you already propose you still need three years no matter I said three years for three years you are not allowed to touch other men not even the lord hey the great master may be in heaven how.

Phone qiao zhanchen s voice suddenly increased in decibel level good lah what are you so excited about I ll just listen to you okay su ruoxing s eyelids were too heavy Spectrum Cbd Gummies cbd with thc gummies for pain she was confused and didn t know what she said later.

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And asking them to follow su ruoxing s instructions ruoxing the boss follows suit moreover after he handed in his resignation letter he consciously did not point fingers at the company s affairs he is a very trustworthy.

Marriage certificate and telling her not to divorce no matter what this phone call seemed like a dream but not a dream call it a dream every word on the phone including qiao zhanchen s tone was too real to be true say it.

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Be missed then he wants to put the meeting aside first su ruoxing felt that qiao zhanchen was making a fuss it would not be good if he failed to make an appointment with any company only if he failed to make an appointment.

Already used to the fact that they were clamoring for divorce again just when su ruoxing thought that qiao zhanchen was going to put her work on hold in order to remarry her bai zhenbo said professor qiao wrote a power of.

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Qiao zhanchen again this time she was angry and mocked qiao zhanchen as soon as she opened her mouth professor qiao since putting work first why are you remarrying me you and work to remarry su ruoxing are you angry how.

Dare I be angry with professor qiao but professor qiao even entrusted xiaobai to do it for him to obtain the certificate as for the bridal chamber should I also find a top star to do it for professor qiao su ruoxing do you.

And then bluffed and asked for first aid doctor my friend suddenly vomited profusely what is the reason ah doctor my friend was fine just now why did he suddenly twitch doctor I only believe in you you can help my friend.

Treat it su ruoxing didn t think much at first but after several times of tossing she vaguely felt that the female family member was delaying her time and the patient s condition was not as serious as he showed but she didn.

Department that gets off work on time finally under the urging of his phone bombardment next su ruoxing came slowly bai zhenbo quickly started the car and drove to the civil affairs bureau su ruoxing accidentally looked.

Back and found a strange car behind her the driver seemed to be a woman xiaobai the car .

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behind seems to be following us we have nothing to keep track of and we don t have any secrets bai zhenbo looked in the rearview.

Mirror his face changed slightly I drive faster and cbd gummies 250 mg get rid of her when he came to the civil affairs bureau bai zhenbo saw that su ruoxing s lips were very dry he guessed that she was too busy with work to even drink her.

Like some people who do unclean things for fear of people knowing miss do you have any misunderstanding about me you came to the hospital today just to hold me back and prevent me from coming to the civil affairs bureau.

Name and what is your relationship with him when did you start why do you insist that I am a third party are you not allowed to be a third party a third party why should I trust you the woman was also very excited and more.

Xiaobai did professor qiao say he would come to the civil affairs bureau no professor qiao is still in a meeting and he doesn t have much time to spare mr su I m at the gate of the civil affairs bureau and I ll go in.

Dumbfounded and doubted life the master they called was even less likely to be her boyfriend who had been in love for eight years therefore su ruoxing s background was so complicated not only did she seduce her boyfriend.

Also seduced other unattainable men su ruoxing was dragged into a wrong place special room open to the outside master madam has arrived the bodyguards reported to the imposing figure standing at the window su ruoxing was.

It up casually she had a crush on qiao zhanchen since she was a child where did she get her first boyfriend unexpectedly when she said that she had a first boyfriend qiao zhanchen s handsome face was visible to the naked.

Eye gloomy down the corners of his eyes were scarlet and his expression was extremely serious su ruoxing maybe you don t believe it but my first love is you su ruoxing s mind seemed to have been electrified and he was.

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