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Worry too much young mistress is a famous doctor herself so she will definitely be able to save herself if she can save herself how can she let herself bleed so much when qiao zhanchen thought of su ruoxing was probably in.

S whereabouts from wu xuerong as soon as possible yes master he feiyu immediately contacted wu xuerong wu xuerong was deeply surprised when he received a call from he feiyu lord qiao zhanchen actually asked me to have a.

Down in her heart she doesn t give up at all after wu xuerong dressed up carefully she came to the restaurant radiantly the restaurant was booked by qiao zhanchen dim and emotional lights refreshing floral fragrance.

But sigh well she is still envious of su ruoxing today it turns out that every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite qiao zhanchen poured red wine for wu xuerong himself then raised his glass wu xuerong let s.

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My hotel this detoxification is up to you well I promised to help you detoxify and I keep my word qiao zhanchen s heart trembled the voices of su ruoxing and qin haiqing how could they be together detoxification su ruoxing.

Wants to help qin haiqing detoxify his master by rolling on the bed qiao zhanchen didn t care to listen to what wu xuerong said and stood up quickly chased out qiao zhanchen heard the voices of su ruoxing and qin haiqing.

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Help saying that his poison could not be cured and suspected that he had no feelings for other women but only loved su ruoxing and urgently needed her to help him detoxify at that time qiao zhanchen was determined not to.

Ruoxing s hiding place the person behind the scenes used su ruoxing s voice to lure me out are wu xuerong and I s every move being monitored but the bodyguards checked for a while and called up all the surveillance cameras.

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Up the two groups immediately struggled together and the scene became chaotic in the end qin haiqing s bodyguards gained the upper hand and subdued qiao zhanchen and his bodyguards qiao zhanchen was controlled by several of.

Qin haiqing s bodyguards he his head was pressed against the wall by several hands and he was in an unprecedented embarrassment at this time qin haiqing was wearing a a baggy bathrobe came out of the room he held a cigar in.

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Proprietress of this small restaurant I was walking at night that day and suddenly I tripped over you I found that you were seriously injured and lying on the road I quickly asked for help and sent you to the hospital the.

Doctor sent you to the hospital after helping you heal your injuries I said you would wake up and let me take you home to take care of you zhu fengmei su ruoxing s heart twitched tightly her name the name actually has the.

It is higher than the not enough but more than enough su ruoxing likes this kind of ordinary life I really want to live like this forever as if she was really living with her mother today is the third day after su ruoxing.

Woke up under zhu fengmei s careful care she has moved freely and it is almost impossible to tell that she is recovering from a serious illness su ruoxing is very grateful to zhu fengmei after getting along with her for a.

Ruoxing couldn t take any time off so she simply swept the floor and wiped the tables in the restaurant as lunch time approached the number of guests gradually increased and the cook was very busy miss su the landlady is.

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Fengmei was about to enter the kitchen but was stopped by su ruoxing auntie the police said they found your mobile phone and a pool of blood in the container where did you get hurt sit down quickly and let me take a look at.

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Kind so I come over to rub a meal after all he was zhu fengmei s savior and it was hard for su ruoxing to say anything the master s hard to conceal aura of a cold king and his mysterious golden mask attracted countless.

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Push me again the wound will burst qiao zhanchen said burying his handsome face into the woman s neck coquettishly and took a deep breath it seemed that he hadn t hugged her for a century and he missed her so much but he.

Was stubborn and didn t express it directly the feeling of longing on the contrary beat around the bush su ruoxing you have good hands and benevolent heart and you do good things to the end can you let your patients sleep.

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Them qin haiqing nodded in acquiescence I don t want to either but after all I am the sole heir of the qin family so I can t die the less you can die the less you can continue to be poisoned otherwise the toxicity will.

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Please help me but I su ruoxing thought after thinking about it qin haiqing s current situation is not optimistic so she should help him as for qiao s side she will definitely not be able to go back so working in the qin.

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Go to your r d department to get acquainted first she said loudly with a flick of the pen he signed his name on the employment letter outside the maid knocked on the door master someone is making trouble outside and asked.

R d center the master wearing a golden mask saw su ruoxing coming and walked towards her there was doubt and surprise in his eyes obviously qin haiqing was the first to play after the beheading why did professor su come here.

Qin haiqing stepped forward bravely I feel that I am getting weaker and weaker and I want ruoxing to help it just so happens that ruoxing has resigned from qiao s so he agreed to help I have already hired ruoxing became.

Cast a questioning look at qin haiqing qin haiqing was already prepared and explained to the master master professor su is a compound talent that combines the ability to diagnose and treat ancient medicine and the ability.

Of the great master wearing a golden mask like an ant being crushed to death hai qing how are you su ruoxing hurriedly ran over to help qin haiqing she never imagined that qin haiqing would be despised and abused so much.

Master why are you why do you want to attack hai qing if you don t want me to come I don t have to come why bother hurting others with just a word from you hai qing s current body cannot withstand your kick at all su.

Ruoxing was so angry that her whole body trembled she wanted to treat qin haiqing with needles but the hand holding the silver needle couldn t be steady qin haiqing swallowed the blood in his mouth leaned close to su.

Out the truth and I can t grasp the truth I can t find any clues and evidence my old employees are also forced to do things against their will and I feel very sad now the only thing that can break all this is it s up to you.

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Want to join you now the reason why I signed mr qin s letter of appointment is completely it s for mr qin s sake if it had been anyone else I would not have agreed even if I paid three visits to the thatched cottage.

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Thugs quickly covered their mouths and noses and retreated to the side one after another seeing them disperse su ruoxing swaggered outside several thugs held their hands for a long time only to realize that what su ruoxing.

Sprinkled was just ordinary flour how could it be poisonous slow down qin haiqing who was so excited asked someone to hand over some square towels and said let them wipe it quickly if flour gets into their eyes and.

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So much blood last night and used bitter tricks to save her which made it hard for her to believe that in the blink of an eye he became so heartless he should be angry with her for going to qin s group out of anger okay.

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Su ruoxing has to admit that what qin haiqing said is right home flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers and stolen ones are always more attractive no matter housewives or professional women once they enter the role of.

Wife they regard men s affairs as their own when you personally take care of things for men half of its appeal has been lost okay I ll go to learn more and see what this junior class is training su ruoxing clicked on the.

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Ruoxing was speechless and choked I have to admit that a man is really a dog so he can be manipulated by the mistress accurately only the wife is blind men act as human beings and expect them to be responsible so when their.

Wives lost they were hurt and numb su ruoxing came out before she could finish this extremely expensive lesson because later the lecturer directly asked the assistant to lie down on the stage teaching the students superb.

Listen what I feel is that even the mistress has worked so hard so what reason do we have for not working hard su ruoxing returned to the villa didn t he want to create an encounter home is the best place to meet this is.

T go home on purpose he just didn t even give her a chance to meet her it was so heartless su ruoxing s eyes turned mother in law do you have any friends who need to enjoy beauty acupuncture if you do it regularly your.

After several ladies arrived and lay down obediently while su ruoxing performed the acupuncture su ruoxing s acupuncture movements are smooth and smooth which makes people look very at ease not long after a batch of silver.

Sixties and looks like she is in her thirties people don t know they think you are your son s sister I m envious professor su please work hard and help me do it once a week I am willing to do it no matter how much it costs.

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set of acupuncture is my own creation when I am free I will organize a training class to train a group of professional physical therapists to serve all wives that s good don t wait later let.

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Come back right away to make you happy qian qinyin called qiao zhanchen again but this time the person who answered the phone was assistant he feiyu chenchen is drunk doesn t he never drink randomly is he in a bad mood are.

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Chengji was about to go mad he was imprisoned but he still said that this cage was a paradise su ruoxing s beautiful eyebrows were twisted into a ball she roughly understood that for a certain purpose lu yaning wanted how to make ur penis look bigger lu.

Class the senior teacher said to treat a man like a dog the first bite let him taste something new the teacher also said that a woman s taste is very important affection interest freshness it s so difficult su ruoxing.

Turned around ecstatically ruoxing is it really you did you come to me on purpose as he spoke he suddenly hugged su ruoxing tightly ruoxing I really want to you I have never let you go I su ruoxing was surprised and.

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