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Worth thousands of dollars elite men of billions should not spend years of hard work in vain because of a failed marriage no need qiao zhanchen s painful expression was hidden under the mask su ruoxing looked at the stern.

Figure of the man leaving and tears rolled down uncontrollably she had to turn her back and wipe away the tears quietly when qiao zhanchen walked to the door he looked back what he saw was su ruoxing s indifferent back he.

Should see the reality clearly earlier su ruoxing I only have one request su when ruoxing heard that qiao zhanchen hadn t left she quickly wiped away her tears again pretending to turn around as if nothing had happened.

Zhanchen stared deeply at su ruoxing as if he was doing something right farewell after a pause he slowly opened his lips I hope that no matter what happens no matter how much grievances and grievances there are between us.

Zhang tulei ran over with a gossipy face professor beauty I heard that you have become enlightened kicked that ex husband who didn t feel for you are you okay with xiao xianrou zhang tulei lei was the emotional consultant.

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Accommodation and travel are all paid for by us men do you think we men are cash machines money doesn t count but we also need to provide them with emotional value and make them happy if you are not careful you will go to.

Beautiful professor you should have made a lot of money from this divorce right I heard that your ex husband is a rich man how much property did he give you do you have a thousand dollars you have become a rich woman su.

Female professor you are so awesome your skills are so awesome that you can make your ex husband clean up and leave the house did you take advantage of him su ruoxing shook his head again there is no reason he voluntarily.

In this world it can t be that my ex husband is going to commit suicide after su ruoxing took a few mouthfuls of food she stood up with the plate in hand and was about to leave however zhang tulei stuck to her and kept.

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Did I hit you su ruoxing remembered clearly that she didn t meet qiao chixuan just now it was qiao chixuan who fell to the ground for no reason on the ground blood flowed out immediately su ruoxing originally thought that.

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Now that you have money qiao chixuan covered her red and swollen face with one hand and pointed at su ruoxing s pain with the other scolding distorted face wishing to tear su ruoxing apart rich do whatever you want qiao.

Just fell and flowed out was artificially made so you already had a miscarriage and you just want to take this opportunity to blame me I didn t I didn t you wronged me qiao chixuan waved her hands again and again su.

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