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Thinking that there was something wrong with her body I ll take you to the hospital for a regular checkup no need I m too worried about dabao and erbao su ruoxing he quickly grabbed him qiao zhanchen helped su ruoxing to sit.

Whatever amount you dare to say how many qiao zhanchen snatched her phone and threw it aside his handsome face tightened showing his displeasure su ruoxing don t go too far a hint of self deprecation and sarcasm appeared on.

Su ruoxing s lips qiao zhanchen why did I go too far you are a doctor and I the patient thank the doctor for his treatment and pay the doctor s consultation fees where do I go too far looking at the sharp and aggressive.

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Eyes and continued to sleep okay okay but little xingchen is not as easy to coax as ordinary children in the blink of an eye her big eyes it was filled with tears mommy don t you love daddy anymore you two are going to.

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And sunnyly at little xingchen little xingchen believe in daddy everything will be fine after all little xingchen was a child under four years old when she saw mommy and daddy kissing her her tears turned into laughter.

She squeaked and climbed onto qiao zhanchen s lap and climbed up his strong chest daddy mommy is fierce you are doing it for your own good mommy will also be cruel to me and dabao erbao s brother and even spank our little.

To me women care about su ruoxing was so envious of little xingchen for a moment when qiao zhanchen coaxed little xingchen the real affection and warmth on jun s face was the real touching truth and warmth this is probably.

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Was spinning qiao zhanchen heard the movement behind him and turned around to say seeing that su ruoxing was on the verge of falling she quickly spread her arms and embraced her su ruoxing don t worry I guarantee that the.

Dabao and the second treasure will be unscathed you believe me qiao zhanchen I believe you su ruoxing felt exhausted at this moment qiao zhanchen is her only hope to find dabao and erbao even if he is just comforting her.

She is willing to believe him su ruoxing hugged her tightly qiao zhanchen like a drowning man trying to grab the life saving driftwood before drowning qiao zhanchen as long as you find dabao and erbao I can do your best.

Black eyes stared deeply at the child s severed finger the more he looked at the severed finger the more gloomy his face became with layers of hostility exuding from his body the gentle appearance of coaxing the woman just.

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Little geniuses you can t even tell that two three year old children are acting if qiao zhanchen takes the severed finger for a paternity test it will be found that the severed finger does not belong to the two children at.

All and our work will be in vain lu yaning made a decision immediately it is necessary to do a paternity test time we have to make su ruoxing vomit out all the family property before the appraisal results come out just then.

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Ruoxing s the beautiful eyebrows were knitted together this was heading towards the suburbs based on the clues continuously provided by the kidnappers su ruoxing felt that the route was becoming more and more remote and.

There were some small obstacles but su ruoxing s eyelids twitched I kept smelling something unusual she quickly got out of the car to check when his eyes fell on the pool of blood on the wheels of the car su ruoxing s head.

Exploded with a boom I saw a child lying in a pool of blood his delicate torso crushed to pieces by the wheels su ruoxing quickly stepped forward to check the child s injury but as soon as her hand touched the child she.

Heard several sounds from behind her sneer several gangsters wearing masks walked up to her while holding up their mobile phones to take pictures of her professor su killed a five year old child with a car you said that if we.

Took out her mobile phone I ll call the police now several kidnappers snatched her mobile phone hey smelly sanba aren t you afraid of ruining your reputation and being spit on with thick frost before my car hit the child.

Hands su ruoxing pressed the corners of her lips dabao and erbao should now be not in their hands otherwise why would they cause a man made car accident to threaten her but she didn t express her guess and pretended to be.

Kidnapper took out a a donation agreement sign it and everything will be fine su ruoxing took the agreement and looked at it and it turned out that she was required to donate all her assets to a charitable foundation in the.

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Several men smiled lewdly and dragged su ruoxing to the woods on the roadside dabao erbao how to get a bigger penis girth after playing in the woods for most of the day I was a little tired boss when are we going back mummy must be anxious dabao s little.

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Speaking he heard mommy calling for help again no it s really mommy erbao immediately let go of his long legs and ran between the tops of the big trees he followed the sound and finally found su ruoxing I saw su ruoxing.

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Slowed down the kidnapper saw that his accomplices were strewn with corpses in the blink of an eye scared to the point of peeing she repeatedly begged for mercy child don t kill me don t kill me I m willing to work as a.

Were already red with blood mommy they all deserve to die he looked at it there were corpses scattered everywhere and su ruoxing s mind went blank after a few seconds she came to her senses and crawled over to check on the.

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No news from dabao and erbao has been received qiao zhanchen was worried that his two sons were still trapped somewhere so he immediately led people to find this place based on the clues from the severed fingers unexpectedly.

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Gave xiao xingchen to him saying that he wanted to relax and go for a drive so he had to stay and take care of xiao xingchen instead of following su ruoxing qiao zhanchen s face was condensed and his usually calm mentality.

Master if they commit crimes in the woods it will be even harder to find them should we say hello again some brothers came and got into the little looking for it in the woods qiao zhanchen narrowed xuanhan s black eyes we.

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Team immediately got into the woods to look for the person qiao zhanchen stared at the child s body under the car his handsome face clouded something serious must have happened to su ruoxing otherwise she wouldn t have.

Killed them all they violated me they deserve to die I hate them to death even if I ruin their faces the corners of qiao zhanchen s eyes were scarlet he quickly took off his coat and walked quickly to su ruoxing s side.

And put the clothes on her body su ruoxing I m sorry it s all my fault qiao zhanchen hugged su ruoxing tightly in his arms I can t wait to let myself replace her su ruoxing like a frightened bird resisted and pushed him.

Sentence therefore from now on she will bear not only the crime of killing many people but also the crime of killing many people bearing the notoriety of being gang raped by many people once this kind of thing is.

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Them they may be witnesses su ruoxing s heart skipped a beat one hundred secrets one sparse forgetting that the ground in the grove is wet it is easy to leave complete shoe prints qiao zhanchen let go of su ruoxing also.

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Has been out of the hospital for a while she can t take time off she always wants to work in the end I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables repeatedly and boiled pigeons the soup is made of chicken soup again.

There is too much soup for two people to finish I just want you to help me let s share a little bit professor su won t be disgusted right seeing that wu kuang is still as shy as a young man even though he is the deputy.

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Chen your hand is only temporarily injured and can be recovered through rehabilitation training don t be so anxious to resign okay qiao chixuan tried her best to persuade qiao zhanchen but qiao zhanchen refused what i.

Decided will not change don t advise me by the way I also resigned as a professor at the university of medical sciences when I am free I will spend more time with you and take you on a trip qiao chixuan she held the hem.

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Rather have a pure heart not a pile of money wu muchi is a woman after all and no matter how sane a woman is she will long for ideal love qiao lixuan refuted the woman s nonsense if the heart is pure or not doesn t it.

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Cheated and ruo xing went to jail it s time to test your sincerity if you cared for ruoxing when she was in trouble and never left her ruoxing is very soft hearted and you will definitely be touched don t worry I will help.

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People why do they bring bad luck lixuan has never had a minor illness or disaster since he was a child why did he get into a car accident when he was with you but you were unscathed what lu yaning said made qiao lixuan s.

Listened to her the voices of qiao s relatives scolding her were louder and louder it wasn t until the nurse came to stop the noise that the relatives of qiao s family calmed down the operation went on for two hours and the.

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Surveillance to check great the people who sabotaged our brakes must be caught and brought to justice by the way someone behind the scenes should have ordered them to do it and they should be asked to reveal the mastermind.

Expression became flustered he immediately walked to the hospital corridor and made a phone call in a low voice I ll give you five hundred thousand and leave overnight kyoto the sooner the better the police will find you.

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Of change is in an instant even she herself can t expect it the relatives of qiao s family who still insisted on guarding also gathered around and asked whether the operation was successful qiao zhanchen explained patiently.

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Room was opened the policewoman shouted outside the door su ruoxing I ll take you to do an injury assessment su ruoxing s heart skipped a beat I don t know if wu kuang can help she hired pills to maintain erection qiao zhanchen as an appraisal expert.

Again understood su ruoxing rubbed the quilt my wrists are a little sore from the handcuffs after the policewoman walked out of the door su ruoxing s first reaction was to look around searching the examination room for any.

There are cameras this is related to the privacy of patients and no cameras will be installed qiao zhanchen saw through su ruoxing s mind and told her directly to save her effort it s okay if you don t I ve been waiting for.

You to come and check me up su ruoxing let out a heavy breath did you get the divorce certificate remember to show it to me I have never seen a live divorce certificate she estimated without the red divorce certificate qiao.

Those who owe money su ruoxing s heart tightened this was not the result she wanted then you help me take pills to maintain erection good care of the child and return all the money to you at least you will still be the richest man worth hundreds of.

Billions then you will still like me qiao zhanchen said reaching out to touch the woman s face pang su ruoxing evaded him reflexively I m dirty now and I don t have the right to like any man in fact she despises qiao.

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Step this fully shows that they were killed before they could violate you in order to fake the scene of the crime you deliberately tore your clothes why should I do this am I full su ruoxing said and took another step back.

Erbao the child s footprints left in the woods just confirmed my guess qiao zhanchen put his hands in his trouser pockets and stood with his tall body in front of the woman he not only maintained a safe distance between the.

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Down and out man make up nonsense about what is dirty if you despise me just say so qiao zhanchen clenched his back molars tightly and there was a little coldness in his unfathomable black eyes in order to keep his marriage.

Him su ruoxing disappointed him because he valued their relationship too much su ruoxing didn t want to explain how much she loves him doesn t need to be written in history and no one else needs to know they are all divorced.

Purpose just to hope that you would protect him su ruoxing had finished talking but the man in front of him still indifferent and indifferent it seemed that what she was protecting was not his son qiao zhanchen didn t.

To eliminate public opinion and erbao is still so young there will be no punishment but you know the law and break it pseudo creating a scene and obstructing justice will not only destroy one s reputation but also lead to.

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