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Want to recycle the simulated human xiao chenchen please let s go in wu ma was very cooperative then please come inwho is xiao chenchen my family has the big treasure and the second treasure little xingchen then mama wu.

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Skin will be itchy and ulcerated so it won t be a big problem isn t this a big problem a few people almost collapsed we are all injured at work let s come back to collect xiao chenchen next time finally the recovery team.

Er bao was missing er bao is exercising martial arts with xiao chenchen well it s in the backyard su ruoxing sighed you three little guys are so brave why don t you send xiao chenchen to the cave well there is no.

Electricity in the cave xiao chenchen can t charge it but we can stop today but we can t stop tomorrow su ruoxing thought hiding is not the answer we still have to solve the problem from the source this source is qiao.

Zhanchen s attitude he refuses to repent and even cheats on her with confidence su ruoxing s heart was filled with anger when she thought of the conflict she had with qiao zhanchen on the phone today at this moment the sun.

Personality like xiao chenchen is really likable for the sake of little chenchen su ruoxing gritted her teeth and called qiao zhanchen professor qiao are you free tonight there has been no family reunion for several days.

Su ruoxing s veins quickly condensed the world was turned upside down and he was really no longer the qiao zhanchen of the past the qiao zhanchen of xinbiquge s past was a man whose life was greater than the sky and would.

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Don t believe that daddy is not even willing to eat with us I want to video chat with daddy woohoo su ruoxing did not expect that qiao zhanchen s indifference would also hurt little xingchen s young heart she didn t care to.

Slapped in the face a lawyer actually came to the door is professor su here I was entrusted by professor qiao to discuss divorce matters wu ma who opened the door was doubtful about life go go go our uncle and his wife.

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The wishes of the parties please read it su ruoxing stared at the four characters divorce agreement after being in a daze for a long time I slowly opened my mouth are you sure professor qiao asked you to send it yes I m.

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Lawyer but xiao chenchen suddenly ran down and stuffed the divorce agreement into his mouth xiao chenchen this is the only way to save you su ruoxing knew that xiao chenchen loved her but in fact even if she doesn t save.

Su ruoxing just finished speaking it was found that xiao xingchen was also holding his mobile phone and was climbing the stairs mommy daddy wants to video with you he wants a video su ruoxing s face turned cold xiao xingchen.

Was crying because her father refused to take her to have a big meal just now but at this moment she looks very happy little xingchen did daddy coax you mummy daddy said he was busy practicing fighting and couldn t take me.

To a big meal I forgive daddy little xingchen ran over pass the phone in front of su ruoxing mommy daddy said he wants to video chat with you su ruoxing was afraid that when she saw qiao zhanchen she would lose control.

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T notice he feiyu explained qiao zhanchen understood the master is deliberately trying to find a way for su ruoxing to force su ruoxing to accept the harsh divorce conditions quickly the woman who dares to bully me thinking.

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Zhanchen hung up the phone he walked out of the bathroom he sent several wechat videos to su ruoxing but su ruoxing didn t answer at this point it was almost twelve o clock in the morning at qiao zhanchen s place it was.

Please help me quickly my muscles are torn my veins are strained and there are several bruises qiao zhanchen said and moved to the side of the woman he was lying on the bed at the moment with only a thin blanket draped.

Death qiao zhanchen turned his handsome face aside looking unlovable anyway my wife is thinking about finding boyfriend I have no hope as an uncle and my life has no meaning su ruoxing laughed angrily at the man s.

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Divorce ah su ruoxing you are so ruthless the heart area of qiao zhanchen s soles was also unavoidable and was pressed by the woman and kept screaming ahh qiao zhanchen I understand your coquettish operation.

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For her chief assistant yes the future was bright once convicted his future will be ruined and his life will undergo great changes su ruoxing didn t dare to delay so she immediately put on her coat and rushed to the.

Various kinds of thoughts in his heart playing drums is it because of drunken sex drinking too much and the man s bad nature is shown apart from the boss what other relationship do you have the police officer obviously.

T go to celebrate guo qiuyue s birthday last night but with the victim comrade policeman who is the victim guo qiuyue guo qiuyue su ruoxing stood up abruptly it was guo qiuyue who met bai zhenbo in the lobby of the company.

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Time tonight that she lay in bed she was so eager that as soon as she closed her eyes qiao zhanchen would be jealous and come to her the reason why qiao zhanchen suddenly disappeared in the middle of hypnotizing su ruoxing.

Master the owner of the garden said that a distinguished guest is coming and he wants you to accompany him the distinguished guest has arrived in the middle of the night why don t you rest first qiao zhanchen couldn t help.

Someone to do business in the middle of the night tan qiao zhanchen came to the core building of the park where his father lived with doubts in his arms this building is said to be my father s house but in fact there are.

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