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Before he why didn t you talk about the baby s health and safety at that time su ruoxing s eyelids twitched inexplicably it kept on going so I had to walk out of the room to find bai zhenbo unexpectedly as soon as she.

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So I really have a heavy responsibility the marriage certificate is ready su ruoxing silently muttered in her heart that qiao zhanchen did a great job keeping secrets when he came to the civil affairs bureau he even hid it.

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Surprised that qiao zhanchen hired a female secretary it didn t explain anything so he hung up the phone professor qiao is not free it s not interesting for me to have a candlelight dinner alone xiaobai you and xiaohan go.

To eat but bai zhenbo found an excuse to refuse professor su I still have work to do if professor su can t go to eat I will cancel the candlelight dinner reservation bai zhenbo you don t even want to eat with me han.

To take their seats when they saw zhang yufu dressed up in the restaurant su ruoxing was surprised that zhang yufu was still obsessed with qiao zhanchen the day before yesterday and was eager to resign as the dean and.

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Surprising that chen wants to use zhang yufu to gain some resources but he had never cared about these false names before and he even disdained using human connections to gain titles forget it qiao zhanchen must have a.

Seduced her husband she I don t even look at who qiao zhanchen is who can make her hook her neck casually kid qiao zhanchen will definitely push her away but in the next moment su ruoxing was slapped in the face but the man.

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Lord and leaned against his arm with the whole body because qiao zhanchen usually only knows how to do business and doesn t look sideways at her but today he is waiting for a thousand years and for the first time let her.

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Bucks it s a pity not to raise canaries in a villa of 100 million yuan the villa bought at the internal price is not expensive mine is yours and the real estate certificate will be transferred to your name in the future.

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Lost contact and can t be found anywhere is he with you xiao chenchen went back last night he is not with us stay overnight su ruo xing then remembered that xiao chenchen hesitated last night and seemed to have said.

Something like I m leaving at that time she thought xiao chenchen said she wanted to go home so she didn t think much about it when xiao chenchen wanted to say something last night she happened to receive a call from the.

Take xiao chenchen back and destroy it we must prevent them from finding xiao chenchen qiao zhanchen wants to destroy xiao chenchen how is this possible su ruoxing s painstaking efforts condensed xiao chenchen is qiao.

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Mean do you plan to divorce me I didn t say it but if you insist on a divorce I have no choice but to grant it to you su ruoxing finally understood that qiao zhanchen was forcing her to initiate a divorce but why it was.

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That my wife had notarized her property before marriage notarization of property before marriage the lord s handsome face quickly became cloudy he was careless he always thought that su ruoxing was very noble and disdained to.

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Down then bai zhenbo ignored her he often didn t even answer her phone calls let alone meet her so she had no choice but to come to the company and ask bai zhenbo for clarification chu han yining opened the car door and.

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In the company are not familiar with her even if she is not 100 similar it should not be easy to find with that su ruoxing got out of the car stop cai kexin cai kexin please stop oldboss when cai kexin saw su ruoxing she.

Felt apprehensive su ruoxing deliberately increased her psychological pressure you are here to resign formalities cai kexin she came to work and qiao zhanchen said she could continue to work but su ruoxing was the boss.

You a chance to make up for your mistakes get in the car really cai kexin quickly followed su ruoxing into the car take off your clothes and give me your employee id if you can keep this matter secret let you stay in the.

After I graduated I joined the entertainment company under huamei fashion after so many years I was still a small make up artist without any special position a hint of embarrassment flashed across han yining s face.

Wants to calm down does he want me to break up with me obviously su ruoxing really wanted to tell han yining the answer directly men are animals like this if they want to break up or divorce they don t say it directly they.

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Loan every month now the company has allocated a car for him he returned the car to me su ruoxing s heart twitched and she couldn t help but feel sorry for han yining she supported her boyfriend to go to college graduate.

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Value don t worry your makeup the technology is very strong and I can give you room for promotion su ruoxing said and called bai zhenbo xiao bai help me contact huamei fashion I want to promote a young makeup artist in.

Moment she had never been involved in huamei fashion affairs suddenly promoting han yining from the air would bring workplace pressure to han yining and gossip for the sake of fairness and justice I propose to hold a.

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That bai zhenbo also has a new love the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked it s all qiao zhanchen s fault mr su was there any accident in the company last night there was no accident I just asked.

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Period of blocking the signal xiao chenchen can t do anything and once the power is exhausted xiao chenchen will still fall into a dormant situation when the time comes once it is charged xiaochenchen will recover if he.

About to walk to the elevator but she saw bai zhenbo coming out of the elevator su ruoxing quickly stepped aside trying not to attract bai zhenbo s attention just when she was hoping that bai zhenbo would go away soon a.

Woman stopped bai zhenbo boss bai are you free tonight what s the matter your team will be working overtime tonight let s get up and have fun okay you can send me the location later su ruoxing waited for bai zhenbo to.

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Invulnerable su ruoxing pretended to be surprised the company clearly issued an order to destroy xiao chenchen destroy how can it be guo qiuyue was no less shocked than su ruoxing was when she heard the news you are.

Professor qiao s secretary so you can t talk nonsense I m not talking nonsense it s true professor qiao the tiandu organization meeting has been discussed group leader guo you are the leader of the second group how could.

You not know why don t we confirm it with other departments even if it is destroyed we still need to know the reason so as not to have the same shortcomings in the simulated people you customize later under su ruoxing s.

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