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Give him just a pulse then do as the scumbag consultant said try to hook him up su ruoxing s face suddenly wrinkled and she reached behind her to reach for it my back suddenly felt itchy as if there were bugs biting me she.

Said unbuttoning her clothes and throwing her white coat aside suddenly her curvaceous and exquisite curves made the whole ward feel like it was spring and became lively vigorous qiao zhanchen s sexy adam s apple slid.

To take qiao zhanchen s pulse but suddenly there was a soft warmth in her palm god she accidentally pressed it where she shouldn t have touched it su ruoxing s expression paused and she suddenly pushed qiao zhanchen away he.

Really didn t respond to her which was completely different from usual no he was obviously not like this yesterday embarrassment crawled all over her body su ruoxing wanted to find a place to burrow into go sorry I shouldn.

Frantically arranged her clothes her embarrassment turned into embarrassment you don t like me it s too early to say for the first time in my life I realized how ridiculous and sad it is that my husband has no feelings for.

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Who hired you to do things with a high salary qiao chixuan was so angry that the two bodyguards were heartbroken the two bodyguards had no choice but to hold su ruoxing on the left and right young lady I m offended qiao.

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Let others see their disfigured face su ruoxing s pupils shrank slightly disfigured qiao chixuan what do you mean haha it s not interesting is it maybe I have the ability to foresee that you will be disfigured soon qiao.

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Will definitely say that qiao chixuan made an unintentional mistake insidious enough looking at the hand with five sparkling rings su ruoxing closed her eyes tightly when her palm was about to be thrown away if you are beaten.

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Nonsense seeing qiao zhanchen interfering qiao chixuan held her stomach and pretended that the pain was getting worse brother zhanchen su ruoxing hit me when he came up I seem to have a fetal gas will the baby miscarry.

Husband cheated on me and I don t want to remarry do I still want to forgive the scumbag sorry I don t have that measure and I will never forgive you su ruoxing shook the arm that was hurt by the bodyguard and took.

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Waiting for him in the room okay su ruoxing blocked the man s hand again a man doesn t need to be merciful since he decides to divide he must divide thoroughly I won t come to you again in the future su ruoxing didn t wait.

Prints on su ruoxing s face he became anxious master what s wrong with your face it s okay this pain is nothing su ruoxing said lightly and got into the car compared with the wound in the heart the wound on the face is.

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Drink with you okay call lu chengji and drink together the three of us will not return until we are drunk su ruoxing didn t wait for lu chengji to come over and hurriedly opened the can picked up the beer and drank it hard.

Su xinglie couldn t stop him master you have to eat something first drinking alcohol with side dishes will make it less likely to get drunk of course when I drink I want to get drunk quickly being drunk can relieve a.

Thousand worries don t stop me today su ruoxing doesn t usually drink alcohol and even seldom drinks beer but I heard that drinking beer is more enjoyable when you are broken in love if you drink yourself enough you will.

Trouble so he temporarily hid in su ruoxing s villa after he received su xinglie s call he also hurriedly ran to accompany him su ruoxing drank wildly and it was the first time they saw the eldest girl on the sedan chair.

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Ruoxing took one can after another pouring it s really full my belly is round but my mouth is bitter and my heart is even more bitter it must be that you haven t drunk enough why are you not drunk su ruoxing staggered to.

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Unfathomable and he doesn t like ordinary women at all who is the object of his change of heart this time what woman can be more powerful than professor su su ruoxing looked away tears looking at lu chengji vaguely little.

Single and happy divorce as su ruoxing said he raised another can of beer and opened the can with a snap at this moment someone rang the doorbell su xinglie ran to open the door and saw several men lift a vertical can from.

Person checked the address that s right this is the address on the delivery note there is a note on it saying that it was given to su by mr qiao ma am s gift when su xinglie heard that it was a gift from qiao zhanchen to su.

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Research co ltd now authorizes su ruoxing to try out the fifth generation intelligent biological simulator the portrait rights and technical patents of the simulator belong to the company the company is not allowed to imitate.

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You can kiss me to test whether I dislike it or not you a touch of bitterness and self deprecation appeared on su ruoxing s lips qiao zhanchen really worked hard was he afraid that I would be empty lonely and cold so he.

Master su xinglie pushed the dummy out why don t you go back and change your face before you come back the master said look at professor qiao tired of it according to statistics 9999 percent of women they all have the habit.

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Su xinglie almost fell because he used too much force you are such a good dummy but you actually know how to retreat in order to advance and you deliberately want me to fall if you don t fight you don t know each other the.

And cause an accident otherwise professor su will have to lose money you know the way can you go back the simulator disagreed yes my fastest distance can reach 60 kilometers per hour faster than me you just blow it then.

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Helplessly as qiao zhanchen carried su ruoxing into the villa building then what should we do now should we stop it no way professor qiao won t hurt professor su they have separated and reunited many times and every time it.

She missed him so much that she dreamed about qiao zhanchen or the simulator has become a spirit why does she feel this way now is qiao zhanchen real the man s fingertips neatly pulled apart her clothes and his calloused.

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The object is not me you can t start the program and you can t play the role of artificial intelligence su ruoxing understands that it is impossible for qiao zhanchen to let a simulated person with his appearance and body be.

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Generous su ruoxing immediately called qiao zhanchen fortunately this time it was qiao zhanchen himself who answered the call his nice voice came out from the phone as indifferent and cold as ever what s the matter su.

You spend money for me qiao zhanchen on the other end of the phone said in a calm tone su ruoxing you don t have to worry about money my assets are increasing every day and I earn much more than I spend su ruoxing choked.

That s right for him this aspect of flowers maybe it s just a drizzle she thought for a while it doesn t matter my money is only in my pocket qiao zhanchen when will you sign the divorce agreement I want to sign it.

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Qiao asked him to come the lawyer really came so soon su ruo stared jaw dropping qiao zhanchen didn t lie to her it turned out that the lawyer had left early even if she hadn t called qiao zhanchen just now to urge qiao.

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Endured it for several minutes when he called for the third time she pretended to be lazy and answered the phone professor qiao do you have any advice qiao zhanchen s voice came from the other end of the phone su ruoxing.

Agreement requires a sense of ceremony I m trying to choose suitable clothes and shoes I won t see a lawyer until I find someone I m satisfied with su ruoxing don t be childish sign it quickly so that the lawyer can complete.

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She was talking about celebrating there was no smile on her face she didn t understand a man would rather give up everything just to divorce her she is it really that bad okay master I ll call lu chengji su xinglie ran.

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Will be discovered sooner or later and when the time comes we will get into big trouble why is this so I like brother zhan chen so much why did he become nothing when it was finally my turn why wuwu qiao chixuan sat down.

On the ground in pain crying sadly she felt sorry for her fate weeps after liking a man for twenty years in the end all the good things were taken by su ruoxing when she had the chance the man turned out to be a waste su.

Ruoxing I hate you to death she must have hurt brother zhanchen qiao chixuan cried for a while and suddenly heard footsteps going away from the door she suddenly remembered that lu chengji was still there he has heard too.

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As good at school as chengji and they didn t pass the college entrance examination it s joe s qian jin arrange an errand for them in the company it will be no problem right wait for me to inform them that it will be.

Car accident and they all believed it in addition she gave lu chengji mother gave her one million as living expenses and pretended to take care of lu chengji s funeral but lu s mother didn t go into detail if it weren t for.

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Where is lu chengji qiao chixuan calmed down and pretended not to know anything su ruoxing are you crazy didn t lu chengji die in a car accident a long time ago you deliberately stabbed me in my heart knife qiao chixuan.

Definitely laugh at her even a man can t do it so what s the romance and passion but instead of being laughed at by su ruoxing she heard the other end of the phone and su ruoxing s breathing became obviously tense and rapid.

Imagine their intimacy and affection either use alcohol to numb herself or try to brainwash herself in short she can t think wildly otherwise she feels like she is going crazy su ruoxing didn t want to mess with qiao.

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Active but also have their own ideas it s impossible for them to be willing to go to kindergarten qian qinyin explained I sent them to kindergarten you and chenchen didn t go home the three children just leave it at home and.

No one cares about it I have to play mahjong and have a beauty sleep every day the servants at home are not professional kindergarten teachers so I send them to went to kindergarten su ruoxing felt deeply guilty it was her.

Failure as a mother which not only made the elders suffer but also made the children unhappy I m sorry mother in law it was my negligence next I will be responsible for taking care of the children su ruoxing wanted to say.

After the divorce the child will belong to her and qian qinyin will not have to worry about raising children in the future but she can t bear to say it and she guesses that qian qinyin he didn t know that qiao zhanchen.

Good and they never hit innocent people let alone children su ruoxing thought for a while qian qinyin had no reason to inform her first instead of qiao zhanchen call up mother in law have you informed professor qiao about.

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In her eyes after hanging up the phone su ruoxing called qiao zhanchen without stopping mother in law my mother in law said that the children were fighting I know I ll pick you up qiao zhanchen cherishes words like gold it.

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Every step I think it s because you want to be with my little xingxing and you have bad intentions towards him xiao chenchen the humanoid came out of the villa and looked at su xinglie very unhappy look su ruoxing held her.

Forehead xiao chenchen shouted that she suddenly shouted so loudly ma she is very uncomfortable qiao zhanchen himself would only call her baby when he was deeply in love in bed usually he would call her by her first name and.

Not polite at all now that I think about it other people use various affectionate names for couples or husbands but qiao zhanchen and her were even called strangers which shows that they don t love each other enough.

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Know why when it came to the question of men su ruoxing suddenly thought that he touched qiao zhanchen twice and found that he didn t respond to her at all maybe she wasn t feminine enough maybe when a man got too familiar.

With his wife he would become he has no interest in his wife but other old couples can change from love to affection how can he can we just say that if someone is replaced then someone will be replaced thinking of this su.

Ruoxing s chest was filled with uncontrollable soreness xiaochenchen put me down quickly you stay at home obediently otherwise if the kindergarten teachers and students see that there are two professors qiao it will be.

Charming smile appeared from su ruoxing little xingxing I will wait for you to come back at home what do you want for dinner I will cook for myself su ruoxing looked at xiao chenchen s handsome face against the light i.

Be monitored by qiao zhanchen su ruoxing s eyes turned little chenchen you don t need to do so much for me just recharge your batteries if you really have too much energy why not help me find a few candidates and let me.

Choose from the candidates for my next husband I want to enjoy love as soon as possible not to waste time and find a way to quickly spend so much money that professor qiao gave me so as not to disappoint professor qiao s.

Good intention of giving me all the assets remember next husband as long as he is handsome clean enough and loyal enough it doesn t matter whether he has ability money or family background anyway my sister has enough.

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A hint of sarcasm appeared on his lips whatever you want upon hearing this the bodyguards immediately bowed their heads to greet su ruoxing hi young lady su ruoxing hurriedly called to stop stop it I m not a young lady.

Next right before I find a second husband you are responsible for protecting professor qiao and my three children after I remarry you two more of us will come out to protect my second husband do you have any questions su.

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Getting into my eyes I su ruoxing am crying for someone now and I won t cry for my ex qiao zhanchen his handsome face tightened we haven t officially divorced yet and I m still the current incumbent su ruoxing replied.

Be your real ex wife so that professor qiao will not have to bear the burden of another life bigamy what excuses are you looking for after all you can t wait to get divorced qiao zhanchen raised his hand and pinched the.

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Forehead just now he wanted to praise the imitation xiao chenchen s high execution ability but where did xiao chenchen come to persuade the fight is he here to be a shit stirrer su xinglie couldn t help but worry even more.

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The deadlock the kindergarten has arrived why are there so many cars blocked at the entrance of this noble kindergarten it seems that many parents have come to pick up their children from school master professor qiao you.

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Refuse to admit your mistakes the beautiful teacher also echoed repeatedly yes our class is the youngest nursery class in the kindergarten and most of the children are young at three years old children s language is still.

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Still there just now why did they disappear in the blink of an eye nothing will happen right su ruoxing and qiao zhanchen searched around the kindergarten but couldn t find it so they had to call the bodyguards to check the.

Expected that dabao and erbao should be kidnapped under their noses don t worry they can take care of themselves ok I know su ruoxingxin li understood that the two little guys were quirky and not easily hurt but the child.

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Su ruoxing regained her composure now and was about to say she was feeling better when qiao zhanchen s big palm covered her soft heart the warmth from the man s palm made su ruoxing s muscles tense up and her heartbeat lost.

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And delicate skin and the curvaceous curves were immediately exposed in front of the man but even so su ruoxing was disappointed to find that there was no wave in qiao zhanchen s deep black eyes at this moment she was.

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