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Very well that some people s selfishness was hidden under the thick ink zhu jingyan s existence is too short after all whose eyes he knows better than anyone is it downtown hehe if zhu jingyan didn t rush to the scene of the.
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Gift his majesty allowed our family to be kept in the emperor s bedroom the meaning of the emperor s bedroom everyone all understood that means that the emperor has to protect these things himself and doesn t worry about.
Eager eyes to be precise looking at the crown of hair on his head he can now it s sure enough no matter what she looked at before was him or the hair crown on his head now she must be looking at the hair crown without him.
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To death at that time my mother held me tightly in her arms I survived my mother the relative is dead the pen in xu zhizhong s hand stopped a drop of thick ink slipped from the tip of the pen and landed on the censor s.
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On the ground and opened the next one the content is almost the same as the previous memorial look xu zhizhong sneered while reading the memorial and then said mockingly to duoduo this imperial court really cannot do without.
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To take action on him wang fugui read the imperial edict of rewards until his mouth went dry before he finished reading it finally he put away the imperial edict and then wang fugui looked at the confused zhu jingyan and.
On zhu jingyan looked at wang fugui stupidly it was also the first time that wang fugui saw such an expression on the face of this ruthless and ruthless jade faced hades and he thought it was quite interesting for a while of.
Protect these things and don t worry about giving them to others if it is not very important it is impossible to enter the emperor s bedroom varied the things from before not even the clothes and jewelry were brought into.
To get up early if such a person wants zhu jingyan to believe that he has no reason does not ask for a lot of benefits without asking for anything in return and even develops to the point of loving his house he will never.
Sleep well wang fugui was taken aback by zhu jingyan s sudden madness he couldn t figure out what this man was doing all of a sudden he I have never seen zhu jingyan so disregarding his image holding him and crying bitterly.
Saying that he did not dare to say them out he does not said zhu jingyan did not know no matter how important face is can it be more important than a girl what a young girl with so many talents let alone making chess.
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Agree on this in advance but zhu jingyan s crying was really contagious although guang qingan and cang chen didn t cry they still looked sad looking at their looks wang fugui couldn t help but wonder could it be that xu.
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Deep relationship with many fathers and daughters and so on wang fugui wanted to die no matter how close you are as father and daughter this matter it s not up to him then the emperor didn t say he wanted to release him how.
In a whoosh took two steps back and became a well mannered jade faced gentleman again wang fugui looked over stupidly and zhu jingyan s face where are the tears are they just pretending he lowered his head and glanced at.
His lapel no on his lapel there were two shiny snots clearly visible zhu jingyan s evil deed just now wang fugui was so disgusted that he couldn t show it on his face wang gonggong said just now that yushitai impeached me.
Announcing the decree and ran away shouldn t be here fortunately he still felt sorry for zhu jingyan s separation from many fathers and daughters and wanted to comfort him by telling him about the many situations in the.
Palace who would have thought hey this man actually took revenge by rubbing his snot on his new clothes the majestic minister of dali temple the jade faced king of hades can t stand on the stage suddenly he thought of many.
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A lot of nagging for a while he gradually felt that what a lot said seemed to make sense so when wang fugui came back he saw xu zhizhong hugging duoduo sitting on his lap he read sun tzu s art of war to many people word by.
Difficult questions I admire you so much I duoduo can have nothing like before even clothes and jewelry none of them were brought in going to the palace they are all rushed out by the officials in the palace she has.
Believe that he has no reason does not ask for a lot of benefits without asking for anything in return and even develops to the point of loving his house he will never believe it now in zhu jingyan s was mike and molly cancelled because of weight loss opinion there are.
Only two possibilities for the emperor to do this first what did he do that harmed many societies this is compensating the second type is that he hasn t done it yet but is ready to do it this is to stop him in advance no.
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Been does the emperor not intend to return my daughter to me that s okay no my daughter can promise me that she will support me in my old age at the end of the delivery three grave sweeping services per year are also.
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jingyan s crying was really contagious although guang qing an and cang chen didn t cry they also looked sad.
Better than that of a serious princess lord zhu put your heart in your stomach the emperor is taking care of miss xu I don t believe it zhu jingyan didn t even lift his head hugged wang fugui s waist and buried his head in.
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from yushitai will impeach you again and you will have to work hard at that time.
S evil deed just now wang fugui was disgusted and can t show it yet wang gonggong said just now that yushitai impeached me did you intercede with me wang fugui can t see zhu jingyan s serious face now whenever he sees this.
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It it was too conspicuous how did you get your clothes wang fugui hurriedly showed a crying face your majesty I am wronged by you master zhu hugged me and cried out that I missed my daughter and even rubbed my snot on me.
You just put it on today new clothes xu zhizhong was dumbfounded zhu jingyan hold him and cry return to rubbing his nose is this something zhu jingyan can do many were also a little dumbfounded but she knew zhu jingyan better.
My servant in my arms xu zhizhong glanced at wang fugui then constructed the scene in his mind and suddenly felt a chill zhu jingyan really didn t lose any face do you miss your father a lot do you want to go home many duo s.
Jingyan picked her up back to dali temple before I only knew about her he is an orphan dependent on his mother and the rest is gone he knew that many had been kidnapped when duo duo said this he thought of that past.
However he still lowered his head slightly but my adoptive father is also very reluctant to let you go do you want to stay with your adoptive father for a few more days duoduo lowered his head looking a little disappointed.
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On what yun gui said at that time my mother must have faked her death and escaped from the palace with her I just don t know if she was born or in her mother s belly at that time what day was that sister yun gui do you.
Remember it yun gui thought about it after a long time I shook my head I don t remember clearly it seems to be february yes in the first ten days of february when I went to get the silver charcoal in the middle of the.
Month I once felt that the ming concubine s life is suffering it is the first ten days of february in early february her birthday was on the sixth day of february most likely her mother had already given birth to her at.
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Here wasn t just for the sake of he in other words a large part of the reason was not for him she still hasn t figured out a lot about her mother the conversation with yungui yesterday was only halfway through before being.
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People who can save mother from the palace amid layers of defense people either the emperor or the queen she hoped from the bottom of her heart that the queen s people had done this but the news that yungui gave her no matter.
How she thought about it was more like the emperor many people want to believe xu zhizhong in their hearts after all xu zhizhong is really good to her but yungui also said that when xu zhizhong doted on chu mingyue he.
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Were many figures of duo and chiyuan in the huxin pavilion at that moment scenes of killing people and dumping bodies appeared in yun gui s mind in this palace there are many people who disappear silently for no reason if.
These two if something happened to her even if the queen protected her she would not be able to survive she could only hope that duoduo and chi yuan were two children they were too slow to play on the road and they hadn t.
Turned upside down but the two people who were in the middle of the turmoil were squatting outside the gate of a deserted palace that was incompatible with this palace lenggong duoduo asked in a low voice after turning his.
Head to look at the squatting side of her leading her to escape a wave of patrols who didn t pay much attention en chi yuan nodded lightly and after the patrol team passed by chi yuan held many hands again go forward as.
Early as he knew that duo duo was investigating her mother s affairs chi yuan became interested it was he and the young eunuch who found out the direction of leng palace let s go in and have a look the two of them did not.
Enter through the main entrance of leng palace no one else just because no one has cleaned the palace for an unknown amount of time the front door was covered with dust but there was a string of footprints it was said that.
Entrance they would definitely leave a series of obvious footprints before turning over the wall duoduo took another look in the direction of the gate of the cold palace the crooked neck tree in front of the door has died.
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Summer it leaks rain and wind in winter so it is no place for people to live time has not passed too long but it is enough time to cover up all traces of a person s existence squeak the door behind him was suddenly pushed.
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It was just a moment of mistake fleeting but it was also captured by many jade concubine did not ask chu mingyue how did he die she said your identity has been revealed to the world the emperor already knows her voice was.
S a coincidence I have no time to say more yu aunt can you tell me about my mother when chu mingyue was mentioned yubi frowned even tighter what did that idiot do that s what she said but yu concubine still told duo duo.
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Put down her work temporarily and smiled at her happily you don t understand jade concubine listened to this every time feel too bad and then she simply didn t ask and let her mess around in this cold palace first he.
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Grabbed one in her own hand biting it actually I thought she was dead at first but when I saw the body I realized it wasn t you tian diliang xin she is not a fool how could she mistake that baby with handles that has.
How could she expose this matter everyone thought chu mingyue was dead even herself and kept reminding myself that chu mingyue was dead the palace was almost turned upside down but the two people at the center of the storm.
Cold palace before climbing over the wall glancing in the direction of the door the crooked neck tree in front of the door has died and its dead branches and leaves have fallen to the ground making the palace even more.
Alive wrong chi yuan failed to find out her name but only knew that before entering the cold palace she was a jade concubine in the palace later she offended the emperor for some reason and was thrown into the cold palace.
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Two steps he was stopped by chi yuan he stopped her and said don t go there he stared at jade concubine with vigilance in his eyes and his distrust of jade concubine was written all over his body duoduo laughed it s okay.
She won t hurt me as he said that duoduo smiled at the concubine yu who was opposite and asked in a loud voice am I right aunt yu jade concubine seemed to be shocked by duo duo s words and then zhanyan smiled as if he.
And duoduo had known each other for a long time and said familiarly you are a shrewd child you don t want to be that was mike and molly cancelled because of weight loss idiot chu mingyue and you don t know who you look like duoduo heard from yubi s tone I heard something else.
She called chu mingyue a fool but there was no contempt in her tone but more of an anger aunt yu many he walked towards the concubine quickly yubi knelt down picked up the bowl of rotten rice by the door walked to the side.
Of the big tree dug a hole under the tree with a shovel standing in the corner poured the whole bowl of rice into the hole at will and cover the soil just dug out again duoduo noticed that there were still some rice.
Hand and entered the house chi yuan quickly followed in nervously later the two of them discovered that this house actually had a back door pushing open the back door it turned out to be a small plantation many people were.
Concubine where is this this is clearly the beginning of a leisurely and comfortable retirement life in advance needless to say many people are a little envious yubi also poured them a cup of scented tea that she dried.
Herself which was delicious the decorations in this room are very simple and it is not something that can be put on the table in the palace but looking how long should i fast to lose weight at it as a whole it also complements each other and is not abrupt aunt.
Yu can you tell me about my mother hearing this concubine yu put down the teacup and the teacup collided with the table making a boom I didn t expect you to come back so early where s your mother duo duo was startled and.
Concubine jade shook her head gently if nothing happens go back quickly by the way stay away from the emperor stay away from the queen if you can get out of the palace as soon as possible and never come back this is not a.
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The most expensive but chi yuan knew that these were all excuses there s really no rush he was afraid that duoduo would do something stupid I know but I want to try duoduo held chi yuan s hand tilted his head and looked up.
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Speed she knew that person all too well it s her mother the emperor secretly looked at her mother s portrait again what is the emperor s adoptive father looking at duoduo also wants to see it duoduo s little face was still.
Was the fairy sister not too much she and the queen are two completely different beauties the beauty of the queen is noble and glamorous and it is the world of fengyi chu mingyue s beauty is that of aloofness indifferent.
And elegant but it is undeniable that these two people have their own merits and they are enough to share equally it s hard to imagine that a person like lan yu er can let someone who is no worse than her be by her side so.
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Still staring at the portrait of aunt cheng ying in a daze duoduo looked at xu zhizhong solemnly I m just young and I m not stupid I know that father guang likes aunt cheng ying but father guang himself doesn t know that.
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Anxiety if you don t listen carefully you can t even find it not yet duoduo felt that xu zhizhong should not have discovered her identity but the queen must have found out many answers made yubi frowned then why did you.
Enter the palace it s not surprising that concubine yu asked such a question if she hadn t recovered her identity many of the runaway princesses who had escaped from the palace definitely shouldn t have appeared in the.
Mingyue jade concubine entered the cold palace earlier than chu mingyue she did not offend the emperor herself but her father was convicted however in order not to implicate his family his father committed suicide before.
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Emperor take you out the smile on chu mingyue s face was wiped away replaced by loneliness chu mingyue lightly caressing her growing belly he won t come it was also at that time that jade concubine knew that chu mingyue was.
With chi yuan frowning she asked how old are you you re just flirting with men how decent is it why don t you let go looking at chi yuan again she waved her slender wrist what are you looking at if you don t take your.
Pouted but she couldn t figure it out however how could my mother know these things duo duo tilted her head according to yun gui her mother has been lan yu er s personal maid since she was a child and was mike and molly cancelled because of weight loss her life in the prime.
This matter in mind and then listened to yubi continue talking when did was mike and molly cancelled because of weight loss my mother leave the palace on the second day after you were born jade concubine threw a plum to duoduo and grabbed one in her own hand biting it.
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Emperor s adoptive father must like the fairy sister many people hugged xu zhizhong s thigh raised their heads looked like a little adult and persuaded if the emperor s adoptive father likes miss fairy sister you must tell.
Her otherwise she will be very sad as he said duoduo s eyes dimmed again after aunt cheng ying was gone daddy guang was unhappy every day duoduo doesn t want the emperor s adoptive father to be unhappy either the emperor s.
How can he still not know what the emperor looked at was the portrait lipedema weight loss of the concubine ming but concubine ming was mike and molly cancelled because of weight loss had already died in was mike and molly cancelled because of weight loss the fire four years ago also buried in the flames was the child that the emperor had been.
Waiting for for a long time the fire burned down half of the cold palace and killed concubine ming and the young prince this also made the emperor feel a little angry just now and then fell silent again since then the.
Concubine said two bad things about the concubine ming and the emperor immediately found her he was demoted in rank all of a sudden and now he is still struggling at the bottom since then he has not even seen the emperor.
And he is not even qualified to attend Data for Social Good was mike and molly cancelled because of weight loss palace banquets nowadays many people dare to mention concubine ming one sentence after another in front of the emperor isn t this looking for death wang fugui did not dare to look.
Zhizhong held duo duo s hand and sat down at the table sister fairy isn t she here anymore was mike and molly cancelled because of weight loss duo duo asked tentatively that is my mother she has personally felt that was mike and molly cancelled because of weight loss her mother is gone at that time she was held tightly in her.
Eyes put down their emotions and put on a small smile she held xu zhizhong s hand like a child should look like as if comforting xu zhizhong but only many of them know that she is feeling xu zhizhong s emotions through the.
Birth to a child his heart couldn t stop throbbing how difficult it must have been later he asked someone to tell him what a woman would encounter when giving birth 1 thinking of the severe pain falling on chu mingyue one by.
Speaking the cold palace fell into silence only the breeze blows the corner the branches and leaves of the towering tree rubbed together making a rustling sound I don t know how long it took before duoduo slowly regained.
Come back again this is not a good place place walking on the palace road lin yue s mind still echoed yubi s words brother duoduo said suddenly do you think the emperor is the one who killed my mother chi yuan walked.
Beside duoduo if duoduo hadn t spoken he would have remained silent it s hard to say but the evidence now points to the emperor after finishing speaking he asked again duo duo lian yubi that being said let s find a chance.
Moment he probably wouldn t give up easily after all he didn t say anything more to persuade him many duoque seemed to have understood liao chiyuan meant nothing she looked up on the top of her head the towering ancient.