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Don t you understand su ruoxing laughed angrily what zhi xi means is that if she wants to gain a foothold in the qiao family she must learn to turn a blind eye to qiao zhanchen s relationship with his lover and his lover s.

Is more willful and murderous than a spoiled young girl standing in front of su ruoxing teng said su ruoxing I will teach you the principles of life right now if you still dare to talk back then you will never enter qiao s.

House su ruoxing smiled coldly coincidentally I su ruoxing are qiao zhanchen eight big sedan chairs carried me and I didn t want to enter qiao s house the bodyguards panicked when they heard this and quickly persuaded.

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Learned a lot today and some people are just rejuvenated children youyou laugh at me for being old again and again qian qinyin angrily he took out his cell phone and wanted to call qiao zhanchen to complain I must call.

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Embarrassed and get well soon so that I can be your dutiful son qiao zhanchen was awakened by qian qinyin s phone call in his sleep he never dreamed that such a classic mother in law and daughter in law problem would fall on.

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Didn t even have the strength to laugh qiao madam first of all I am not the granddaughter in law of the qiao family so how can I fulfill my duty you are not the granddaughter in law of the qiao family qian qinyin arrived.

Shouldn t embarrass the elders too much mrs qiao no matter what the relationship between me and professor qiao is you are also me elders just now we had a conflict because I didn t know you were professor qiao s mother how.

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Question of money I am currently developing a secret recipe for beauty if you are interested sir you can follow me down qian qinyin was stunned it turned out that it was easy for su ruoxing to become a rich woman she went.

Back to the room the bodyguards breathed a sigh of relief thinking that the storm was finally resolved and they could go back to sleep unexpectedly su ruoxing took george and su xinglie with him walking out they quickly.

His name qian qinyin has a son to love and so does she and he has three treasures baby no including the ones in the belly there are four babies in total su ruoxing suddenly felt very satisfied she sent george to the.

The nurse thought that too many relatives would disturb the patient so she refused to let them enter the ward so she let them worry more seeing su ruoxing appear they all quickly asked her to give qiao zhanchen a few more.

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Today qiao zhanchen waved his hand his voice was low revealing a hint of weakness I need to recite the pure heart mantra su ruoxing suppressed a smile and raised the silver needle in her hand professor qiao making people.

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Let s start over the resentment towards qiao zhanchen dissipated but knowing that qiao zhanchen and zhixi are just siblings without any ambiguity and he postponed his wedding with qiao chixuan indefinitely su ruoxing s.

Was stunned in a daze qiao zhanchen s words I like you too just now are still lingering in my ears if his memory really stopped four years ago that means he liked her four years ago no no he s pretending to have amnesia.

When su ruoxing was in a daze his body suddenly felt cold only then did she realize that the clothes on her body were pushed up by the man exposing her creamy snow white skin to the air qiao zhanchen s big palm touched her.

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Mean you are with me thinking of someone else you were like this four years ago and you are still like this four years later I just want to confess to you that I like a man called the lord he wears a golden mask and is as.

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Now it s a busy tone su ruoxing I only talked with lu chengji for two or three minutes on the phone okay and it s only been more than half an hour since she left the hospital professor qiao what happened are you feeling.

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Mother in law mrs qiao after a while after the relationship between professor qiao and I is confirmed I will work hard to follow the etiquette qian qinyin became furious when he heard this what does it mean that the.

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After all and she was very tactful when things happened and she would not show her anger on her face ruoxing you should know that chenchen s biological mother is back I think since she is lao qiao s first wife she is my.

And handed it to su ruoxing I gave it to my eldest sister please pass it on to her for me although chenchen is very rich and I heard that her current husband is also very rich she has everything but this is a little bit.

Antidote is poison the more he eats the deeper the poison becomes let him they are increasingly unable to extricate themselves sure enough when he arrived at the meeting site su ruoxing found that everyone present was.

With great momentum several hostesses who also wore masks walked into the venue carrying trays support on the plate it is the antidote for everyone to look forward to the stars and the moon su ruoxing touched her lower.

Spot then two strong men lifted out a chair for electrocution su ruoxing s pupils tightened for a while in order to control the members powerfully the lord actually used torture to threaten everyone one side is controlled.

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Lord master offering tea is a ceremony and you can t give it up halfway or you won t give up it s auspicious I give this cup to the lord the lord was so angry that his face behind the mask became ferocious he gritted his.

Teeth and lowered his voice to say to su ruoxing he issued a warning su ruoxing do you want to go against me no I just think that nothing will happen if the lord drinks it su ruoxing said and shouted again my lord please.

Drink tea everyone seemed to have noticed something and shouted along with su ruoxing your majesty please have tea if your majesty uses the bad trick of dropping the cup on the ground again this time everyone will be.

Shocked you will definitely know that there is something wrong with the tea he threatened su ruoxing professor su how can I drink your tea you are suffering from a poisonous attack thank you lord for your concern su.

Ruoxing curled her red lips but my personal suffering is nothing lord it s more important to be respected by others the lord was annoyed by su ruoxing and the hand holding the teacup trembled slightly he simply put the tea.

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The body and the biting pain comes from the bone marrow which made her almost faint probably this time is really her death baby mommy is with you suddenly two long straight legs stood in front of her is it qiao zhanchen.

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Staring at her with great interest drink again a strong woman held a large bowl of water in one hand pinched her cheek with the other and made a gesture to pour her again su ruoxing found that her clothes were all covered.

This time she had a hunch that the baby really couldn t be saved no actually she wouldn t survive either several young and handsome men entered the room and asked the master he bowed his head in greeting very respectfully.

His arm by the dagger su ruoxing used her last strength to shout angrily get out of here otherwise I kill myself she said pointing the dagger at her carotid artery let me say it for the last time I don t need a man haha.

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Be faked she held it back and did not look through it before she died she doesn t want to be suspicious or suspicious and she doesn t want anything to destroy qiao zhanchen s image in her heart tell me the purpose of.

One to save capital this is the only obsession a person would have to take a breath of evil breath before dying feeling suffocated su ruoxing simply lying flat on the ground gasping for breath he fell into deep despair she.

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Colic became more and more severe she held on for over an hour and almost collapsed until crimson blood flowed from the bottom of her skirt baby mommy I m sorry for you at this moment su ruoxing was so desperate that she.

Really wanted to die with the baby but strangely after the baby was miscarried su ruoxing s pain and itching symptoms from the bone marrow gradually dissipated unexpectedly she was saved in the end yes it turned out to be.

Finally her physical strength recovered to 70 to 80 at this moment the master received the video the lord is dead he threw the video to su ruoxing in the picture two groups of forces were attacking each other the lord was.

Received a report from the bodyguards master when we went professor su had disappeared surveillance showed that she was taken away by a mysterious man wearing a golden mask master qiao zhanchen heard su ruoxing mention it.

The surveillance footage of su ruoxing being tortured by his master and swallowing more than a dozen poisons master when young mistress was walking on the road the poison had already started qiao zhanchen knew that the master.

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With a little cold light seeping out of them go and investigate the origin of the great master yes master the bodyguards went to investigate non stop qiao zhanchen endured his illness and didn t sleep a wink all night he.

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Would come to see him the next day but he was wrong not to mention the second day even the third and fourth days su ruoxing did not show up half a month later qiao zhanchen was discharged from the hospital the su family is.

And ask him to come quickly he doesn t seem to be such a lackadaisical person I was there last night I called him on the phone and told him to arrive on time su ruoxing quickly dialed lu chengji s number again the phone rang.

Goodbye to my single family party we all drank too much as a result when I woke up and opened my eyes today I found that I was on a plane and now the plane had landed on an island abroad su ruoxing closed her eyes in.

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By qiao chixuan turn around qiao chixuan just wanted her to experience the failure of the wedding and the ridicule of others su ruoxing couldn t think of a way for a while is the wedding really going to be canceled because the.

Groom is missing su ruoxing didn t know how to tell her father the truth and was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot pacing back and forth in the room just then there was a knock on the door of her room another reminder lang.

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The inside of his wrist had become very strong she glanced around curiously could it be that qiao zhanchen was there too looking for me sure enough qiao zhanchen stood upright zi appeared in front of su ruoxing he squinted.

Three professor su doesn t he feel embarrassed after being unable to get married twice qiao zhanchen was it you who did xiao lu being sent to a desert island su ruoxing was angry smile are you too naive qiao zhanchen s lips.

Was set up on the village avenue and hundreds of banquet tables were set up lion dance and firecrackers the whole village came to have a feast my father second uncle and the most prestigious old man in the village have.

Already started the ritual process su ruoxing estimated that if she went over to tell the old people that the groom had run away and that the wedding was going to be made fun of she would not just become the butt of the joke.

Everyone can drown her with a drop of spit the seal on the inside of the wrist is dazzlingly bright as if reminding her that it s time for a groom the father walked towards su ruoxing xing er what happened why hasn t xiao.

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Accept anyone feeding him but now he let the girl feed him he drank the glass of wine a bright light flashed and su ruoxing discovered that the girl s on her ring finger she wears a diamond ring she also handed the ring to.

Qiao zhanchen and whispered to him very intimately su ruoxing stopped in just fifteen days the world was turned upside down it only takes a second for a man to change his mind the most uncomfortable thing is that she doesn t.

Even have the qualifications to condemn him su ruoxing tightened her molars turned around but bumped into her father s eager eyes at this time she really wanted to escape but if she escapes it will be her family who will.

Said holding qiao zhanchen s arm affectionately he talked about everything heh he treated her like gold su ruoxing stared at their hands together and there was dense pain in his chest there is nothing wrong with grievances.

Table and held the cup tightly with her fingertips cbd gummies what is it good for because of excessive force her nails turned white little girl if I pour this cup of green tea on you will you hate me why do you pour tea on me the girl shrinks after.

Zhanchen s face su ruoxing put down his cup and clapped his hands professor qiao you like green tea don t you next time I ll send you a few catties so you can drink enough go through the divorce procedures when you have.

Right man is he therefore this wedding was originally a mistake and I am willing to bear all the consequences as soon as su ruoxing finished speaking there was an uproar at the table especially the older generation they.

The stone door with us backing you up don t be afraid su junde s face was as black as the bottom of a pot and the old disease in his heart was aching again xing er the real son is qiao zhanchen dad I m sorry su ruoxing.

Communicate again in this life su ruoxing said drinking the wine in the glass that was the wangqing pill she developed because the secret love is too bitter she had the idea of developing this pill a long time ago.

Unexpectedly as soon as her poison was cured she thought that she and qiao zhanchen when we have a chance to be together again we will use this wangqing pill qiao zhanchen stood up suddenly and said su ruoxing spit it out.

Felt uncomfortable being held vomit she really vomited all the drink she just drank onto qiao zhanchen the two people suddenly turned to stone on the stage heh su ruoxing it s not enough for you to pour me tea why do you.

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Su ruoxing s hand take out all the pills let go su ruoxing drooped her long eyelashes not wanting to tug at him in front of so many people su ruoxing I warn you don t eat qiao zhanchen put his big palm into su ruoxing s.

Older man at the table became anxious and said the auspicious time will come soon it s almost here dr su let your daughter find the right one su junde didn t care about that much and walked quickly in front of qiao.

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And filial she didn t want to disappoint her father so she came up with the stupid trick of fake marriage but she never thought that the consequences would be so serious qiao zhanchen didn t want to see su ruoxing being.

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Which was incompatible with his scientific philosophy what does mr su mean is that my blood can open the stone door as long as you are the right one you can the gods cannot be blasphemed so we must first find the right man.

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Verify the authenticity of the real man and there are no ancient books hidden inside ah su ruoxing really of I am confused by so many strange rules of the su family just when everyone was booing for the newcomer to bow down.

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And handsome face also appeared a blush spread all the way to the back of the ear but in fact they only guessed part of it right the main reason why he arranged this fake master s game today was to test whether su ruoxing.

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Happened that night right qiao zhanchen knew that the night the master was talking about was su ruoxing s poisonous attack that night there must be a man who detoxified su ruoxing that night therefore as su ruoxing s legal.

Very exciting you shameless qiao zhanchen was so angry that veins bulged on his forehead the gazes of the two men were like two invisible electric waves silently competing in the air filled with murderous intent sue ruoxing.

Was confused and confused as to what the two men were talking about why does qiao zhanchen seem so angry seeing that the war was about to break out su junde interrupted them xing er you and professor qiao will conduct the.

Qiao will kneel down and bow down after kneeling down this step you will go to the stage to worship each other and everything will be done according to the old village chief s password such a long step su ruoxing has never.

Daughter of the su family was very reluctant to get married and suffer such a great torture su ruoxing looked at qiao zhanchen in embarrassment it s too late to regret it now qiao zhanchen responded coldly to the master.

Su ruoxing s knee looking at the man squatting at dht cream for penis growth his feet carefully binding her knees su ruoxing s nose it was sour she seemed to see again the brother chen who had blood on his leg when he was a child and handed the only.

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Little xingchen is actually your child I was wronged by you at the time slandering me for poisoning your sister xuanxuan and saying that I stole scientific research secrets for brother qing who made something out of nothing.

When he saw it and his heart ached terribly wu ma and the bodyguards saw the blood flowing from qiao zhanchen s forehead come on suddenly panicked my lord my uncle is injured like this so let s make an exception and cut.

Do you have to disagree with my daughter s marriage qian qinyin looked at her son s head she was bleeding and heartbroken I am her mother in law do you think I am qualified chenchen let s go I have never seen such a bully.

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Gloomy and cold that three layers of frost could be scratched off mom I will handle our matters myself you go back first su ruoxing looked at qiao zhanchen in surprise he was willing to follow her continue to finish the.

To one condition okay no matter what conditions mom proposes we will agree qiao zhanchen wanted to end it quickly this wonder pill male enhancement farce completes the wedding ceremony I said earlier that if a woman shows her face something will happen.

Gets married and cbd gummies flying stop using work as an excuse to mess around outside su ruoxing s beautiful eyebrows knitted together she likes to work and she is the most confident only when she is working without her job she has lost her.

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The child and su ruoxing s heart relaxed her father was right qiao zhanchen s loss of the baby has become so painful she should get pregnant with his baby as soon as possible to make him cheerful again su ruoxing clenched.

Her molars and made up her mind to sacrifice what she liked to do okay I promise to take care of my husband and raise my children at home and serve my parents in law this is what you promised yourself and you are not.

Car his handsome face looking out the window like a sculpture leaving only two thirds of the back of his head to the woman it was cold and indifferent the car suddenly fell into a dead silence and the atmosphere became a.

Bit depressing which made people feel uncomfortable suffocated su ruoxing thought that qiao zhanchen was sad for the baby so he didn t dare to say anything but quietly leaned on him but the next moment qiao zhanchen.

Suddenly sat up straight and picked up the phone su ruoxing was caught off guard and lost his center of gravity and jumped from his side all of a sudden she sat back in her seat awkwardly so that s what he calls his own.

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