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Smiled with relief because he loves me he is willing to tolerate me su ruoxing you are still too naive there is no love for no reason in this world and there is no eternal love the master threw out a stack of information.

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District your strength can be further enriched otherwise with your money and connections it s still too far away from the master I need time to think qiao zhanchen always stuck to the bottom line hoping that su ruoxing.

To the hospital to treat him she hoped that qiao zhanchen could stay away from these complicated disputes the family hurried over and said xing er the wedding is about to start why hasn t the groom come yet call him quickly.

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Stone lion and open the stone door is there such a custom su ruoxing was frightened for a while if the one you are looking for is the right one then the fake right one will only offend the gods how can you joke about this.

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Zhanchen with his usual majesty professor qiao today s groom is you you have to marry if you marry or you have to marry if you don t marry qiao zhanchen s handsome face tightened mr su should understand me I have never.

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And filial she didn t want to disappoint her father so she came up with the stupid trick of fake marriage but she never thought that the consequences would be so serious qiao zhanchen didn t want to see su ruoxing being.

Come start right away su junde asked someone to bring the groom s mandarin jacket and asked qiao zhanchen to put it on qiao zhanchen looked at su ruoxing su ruoxing tell me do you want me to marry you like this su ruoxing.

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My name the righteous girl will take the initiative to marry you did qiao zhanchen deliberately provoke me su ruoxing suddenly realized it turned out that qiao zhanchen deliberately asked the bodyguard to wear a gold mask and.

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If a competitor suddenly appears she will quickly make a choice so his purpose is to successfully marry her when su ruoxing looked at qiao zhanchen s eyes he suddenly softened a lot although his methods are very black.

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Happened that night right qiao zhanchen knew that the night the master was talking about was su ruoxing s poisonous attack that night there must be a man who detoxified su ruoxing that night therefore as su ruoxing s legal.

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Subordinates and walked away seeing su ruoxing and qiao zhanchen love each other so much sister wu was so moved that she wiped her tears miss I am relieved to see that uncle treats you so carefully it s a pity da bao er.

Married in a real sense and it s time for the three children to recognize their biological father openly su junde shook his head xing er don t waste any more time everyone is waiting for the ceremony to end and the banquet.

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If he knocks like this he might have to go to the icu again can you simplify the ceremony can he go and take a rest no need let me kowtow qiao zhanchen however was like crazy and kowtowed several times along the way su.

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To one condition okay no matter what conditions mom proposes we will agree qiao zhanchen wanted to end it quickly this farce completes the wedding ceremony I said earlier that if a woman shows her face something will happen.

Gets married and stop using work as an excuse to mess around outside su ruoxing s beautiful eyebrows knitted together she likes to work and she is the most confident only when she is working without her job she has lost her.

Give yourself a holiday women don t have to work hard every day the most important thing is to wait for your body to recover and give birth to a fat boy who belongs to you and your son in law su junde accidentally mentioned.

Finally came to an end su ruoxing followed qiao zhanchen into the car and prepared to go back to the villa with him but as soon as they got to the car qiao zhanchen let go of her hand he was leaning on the back seat of the.

Suddenly sat up straight and picked up the phone su ruoxing was caught off guard and lost his center of gravity and jumped from his side all of a sudden she sat back in her seat awkwardly so that s what he calls his own.

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