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Hoping that qiao zhanchen s recycling team could move slower but su ruoxing still underestimated the execution ability of qiao zhanchen s team when she arrived the recycling team the team s vehicle has stopped at the entrance.

Chenchen wants to hide in the cave he can t climb halfway up the mountain so quickly su ruoxing was furious the three little guys don t know if they managed to hide xiao chenchen su ruoxing saw that the company sent a special.

Car for recycling the simulations and it stopped at the entrance of the village flustered after all she was asking for help from children under the age of four and she couldn t explain clearly on the phone even adults.

You can t talk to strangers su ruoxing hurriedly hid outside the gate and quietly looked into the yard he saw four or five men wearing work clothes standing in the yard and one of the men was talking to the little star in the.

His head and thought for a long time mummy said it s so dangerous outside now do you want to send me to burma to have my kidney cut or my retina I m so young I haven t developed well yet the few men couldn t help.

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Are just company employees naturally not I know that qiao zhanchen s purpose of developing xiao chenchen is to let xiao chenchen accompany su ruoxing at this moment dabao walked out of the house handsomely like he was.

Chen they entered the house without thinking twice but they had just walked a few steps when suddenly a stream of red yellow and blue smoke came out of a potted plant the members of the recovery team immediately covered.

Their mouths and noses surprised what is this aiyou I forgot to remind a few uncles I like to study poisonous gas cultivation of poisonous plants please be careful dabao copied it with both hands in trouser pocket here.

Dabao stepped forward and touched the little wolf s head this is the little wolf I picked up in the mountains wolf the spirits of several people became tense fortunately I only scratched it once if I were bitten I would.

Skin will be itchy and ulcerated so it won t be a big problem isn t this a big problem a few people almost collapsed we are all injured at work let s come back to collect xiao chenchen next time finally the recovery team.

Electricity in the cave xiao chenchen can t charge it but we can stop today but we can t stop tomorrow su ruoxing thought hiding is not the answer we still have to solve the problem from the source this source is qiao.

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Sure professor qiao said after the remarriage life was very depressing and both of them were unhappy therefore divorce is proposed is he depressed a hint of sarcasm appeared on su ruoxing s lips how can he be suppressed.

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Su ruoxing just finished speaking it was found that xiao xingchen was also holding his mobile phone and was climbing the stairs mommy daddy wants to video with you he wants a video su ruoxing s face turned cold xiao xingchen.

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Shower so he kept talking to xiao xingchen on video daddy do you really don t want us anymore xiao xingchen said in a crying voice which frightened qiao zhanchen only then did he know that the master had made another big.

Whole night and the lord kept his own place at 8 o clock in the morning the lord left the villa and the brothers followed the lord s car the woman should be the lord after leaving I entered the villa so the brothers didn.

T notice he feiyu explained qiao zhanchen understood the master is deliberately trying to find a way for su ruoxing to force su ruoxing to accept the harsh divorce conditions quickly the woman who dares to bully me thinking.

Up yourself anyway if you don t have a woman you are still free let that woman fall in love with you at first sight and be unguarded against you I will give you a reward of one million later he feiyu it s easy to say not.

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Master is wise we will do it right away but the young mistress is probably already angry what do you need to say she found out that she was cheated on in the morning and received threats and a divorce agreement in the.

Evening whoever she changed would hate me to death qiao zhanchen raised his hand and rubbed the temple of tu tu tu whose head hurt from jumping master you are a piece of shit this time sue ruoxing was afraid that she.

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Night to hypnotize her because the two were too far apart if he wanted to hypnotize her he could only wait until she fell asleep qiao zhanchen simply set an alarm clock for himself lay down and rest for a while and wait.

For su ruoxing to sleep so he can hypnotize her su ruoxing pretended that nothing happened forced a smile on his face accompanied the children to finish dinner and helped them take a bath after coaxing them to sleep he.

Dragged his heavy steps back to his room in the dead of night she sat on the bed but did not dare to close her eyes qiao zhanchen was already so heartless towards her that his determination to divorce was far stronger than.

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She knew that even this sorry was just a fantasy when she missed him too much when she was dreaming qiao zhanchen himself probably doesn t even have the slightest remorse otherwise how could he be so indifferent to her qiao.

Zhanchen panicked when he saw su ruoxing glaring at him silently with water in his eyes but coaxing women man he s actually not good at it at all qiao zhanchen had no choice but to sell miserably honey I was injured today.

Grabbed the woman s slender white jade hand and put it to his lips and pecked it lightly su ruoxing immediately retracted his hand with a hint of sarcasm on his lips qiao zhanchen if you don t bring us wind and rain you.

Death qiao zhanchen turned his handsome face aside looking unlovable anyway my wife things that make penis bigger is thinking about finding boyfriend I have no hope as an uncle and my life has no meaning su ruoxing laughed angrily at the man s.

Yes qiao zhanchen was not only not angry and turned over on the bed obediently honey I was afraid that you were too tired I wanted to sleep with you for a while and I didn t want you to work hard how about this you put.

Enter your villa without your permission su ruoxing then he extended his claws to the man s feet which had the most reflective areas honey show mercy I ll recruit qiao zhanchen was afraid of being murdered again so he.

Hastily fought all the scapegoats for the master actually I asked the secretary to come I think you are very cold to me if you don t love me enough I will leave you alone let the secretary be mad at you I swear I am not.

Interested in any woman other than you ah wife the liver area is very painful su ruoxing was applying hard force to the liver area of the man s soles if you know it hurts just tell the truth qiao zhanchen s delicate facial.

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Ruoxing pondered for a moment I believe you one last time as long as you don t hurt xiao chenchen I will fulfill your wish divorce don t leave su ruoxing you promised me that no matter what the situation is you will not.

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Colleagues so she agreed unexpectedly bai zhenbo was in charge of he moved his hands and feet on her in the compartment and wanted to rape her to be precise it was adultery bai zhenbo drugged the drink and the victim is.

T go to celebrate guo qiuyue s birthday last night but with the victim comrade policeman who is the victim guo qiuyue guo qiuyue su ruoxing stood up abruptly it was guo qiuyue who met bai zhenbo in the lobby of the company.

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Relationship with bai zhenbo and also heard su ruoxing admit in person that her relationship with bai zhenbo was unusual he feiyu s heart trembled could it be that su ruoxing and bai zhenbo love for a long time he knew that.

Bai zhenbo has really developed feelings between them after the lawyer came he saw bai zhenbo people as expected what bai zhenbo said was another version after the lawyer came out of the interrogation room su ruoxing.

Couldn t wait to ask lawyer zheng what did xiao bai say professor su bai zhenbo s statement is basically consistent with the clues you provided he was invited to attend a colleague s birthday celebration and entered the.

Initiative in pursuit of excitement and it cannot be proved that he was drugged by others adulterer once this label is attached it will have a great impact on his future su ruoxing bai zhenbo is really in big trouble.

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He didn t want to be disturbed by anyone so he just even the mobile phones were turned off worried about him what a disgrace su ruoxing ignored he feiyu s question and changed the subject mr assistant he you and lawyer.

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Was massaged by a woman which made him scream in pain but when he got up in the morning he found that all the muscles and bones in his body had relaxed a lot and he was full of energy therefore su ruoxing was not seeking.

Go no wonder the master divorced last night and the young mistress unexpectedly not a single tear fell what do you mean qiao zhanchen asked the movement of the electric shaver stagnated and his face was condensed speak.

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Not called leave as soon as you come so that the young master will cherish you once the young master decides to draw a clear line with other women it won t be too late for you to help the young master heal his wounds he.

Feiyu was eloquent and lobbied a lot even after he finished talking he could not stop su ruoxing s determination to heal the man he is a patient now how can I sit back and ignore the patient when he asks for help mr he you.

Ruoxing is just too kind qiao zhanchen has already guessed a thing or two my lord may be really scared this time afraid of losing the qualifications to be a man or it may be too difficult there is something unspeakable.

About feeling he feiyu suddenly realized that the master was seriously ill but he was not worried that he would do something too ruthless causing women to hate him too much and do evil things to him master what should we do.

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He was too crazy in bed last night too excited to get down here a hint of sarcasm appeared on su ruoxing s lips qiao zhanchen you probably ate something you shouldn t eat it s not enough to play all night and it s almost.

Played the recording to her to arouse her anger and force her to sign the divorce agreement quickly she really believed it to say that my love for qiao zhanchen is stronger than that of jin is bullshit the lord frowned.

Said damn it I beat the wrong person he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone the group of people who beat him disappeared immediately and until now his subordinates have not been able to find out who they were.

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Cured if they are not cured ok su ruo doctor then she changed the topic but it doesn t matter anyway professor qiao has already given birth to three lovely genius babies and he will not be able to give birth to any more.

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Small body couldn t stand still and he fell on the man s body all of a sudden on the body the master was feeling uncomfortable when he was pressed down by su ruoxing his blood suddenly boiled and his expression was.

Indescribable he pinched su ruoxing s delicate crotch jaw su ruoxing is this how you treat me with this kind of treatment I won t find a woman by myself let go su ruoxing s face turned red from being pinched and her heart.

Never asked for my opinion anyway I came here to treat you based on the principle of a doctor please correct your attitude if you don t need me to treat you I ll leave right away however men are more frustrated and braver.

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Had staged this scene countless times before but this time she felt nothing but disgust and disgust evil I have no feelings for him th at this moment she was sure that she had no hope for him su ruoxing turned her little.

Other women don t have but in this way his injury swelled even more until it was about to explode which was extremely uncomfortable the master said in a hoarse voice su ruoxing cooperate I want you today his hot breath.

Swirled in her eyes refusing to fall qiao zhanchen don t make me look down on you su ruoxing do you think you can hide your desire for men by pretending to be a dead fish the lord pinched the woman s cheeks with one big.

Hand trying to turn her the wildness filled her lips and teeth su ruoxing s a silver needle flashed at his fingertips although she did not bring a silver needle bag she still brought a silver needle for self defense in the.

Is not convenient for him to visit her moreover in his concept wu xuerong is suffering from mental illness not even qualified to carry his shoes but something went wrong and he arranged for his subordinates to keep an eye.

It for miss wu the person who went through the discharge procedures was a man but it probably wasn t the mysterious boss himself where are they now the master opened the quilt and wanted to get out of bed hiss as soon as.

He moved he felt strongly that he was going to explode again and the pain was unbearable su ruoxing took advantage of the man s phone call and had already retreated two meters away from the bed although she didn t know who.

Quilt and wanted to get out of bed out of the corner of her eye it was very unusual for her to inadvertently catch a glimpse of a man qiao zhanchen lie back immediately or the capillaries will not be able to bear it su.

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It be that this qiao zhanchen is not the real qiao zhanchen but the master a chill ran through the soles of her feet and chills ran down her spine what about the real qiao zhanchen fire if the man in the golden mask who.

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Up and help her to the bed dabao will help mummy see if there is any problem with the baby in the stomach su ruoxing after listening to the master s words that he only wanted children and not mothers he felt more and more.

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Love qiao zhanchen enough he believes that if a woman loves a man she will use her whole body to please the man and will do everything possible to make him interested in her instead of being cold like a log when he thought.

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They must focus on the bigger picture su ruoxing wanted to ask more details but got a call xiao chenchen jumped into the river to rescue five drowning children and there was a drowning fault which could not be repaired and.

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Chenchen has realized his highest value as an artificial intelligence simulator but su ruoxing had already lost qiao zhanchen and now she had lost xiao chenchen which made her feel extremely embarrassed su ruoxing was in.

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He wants as she said that qiao chixuan raised the hand she was holding with her finger cell phone that just now I took all the wonderful clips and I will send them to brother zhan chen right now an idea flashed in su.

Over you won t get a reply after qiao zhanchen was replaced by the master his mobile phone number was naturally stopped and his wechat account was disabled why am I bragging brother zhan chen has changed his mobile phone.

Number but his wechat account has not been changed we I am used to sending private messages in the wechat account su ruoxing s heart shuddered few people knew about qiao zhanchen s wechat account if xiao xingchen and qiao.

Master the owner of the garden said that a distinguished guest is coming and he wants you to accompany him the distinguished guest has arrived in the middle of the night why don t you rest first qiao zhanchen couldn t help.

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