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Ah everyone looked around and found nothing unusual some people even suggested asking the mall to use surveillance cameras to take a look su ruoxing also felt strange could it be su xinglie with such great power if it was su.

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Follow you and don t learn well they might as well follow me it s ridiculous only by following you will you have a wrong outlook qiao zhanchen let go of su ruoxing moved his handsome body to the side and walked towards.

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Su ruoxing finished speaking she shrank to a corner of the car and looked deeply out of the window marriage is really the tomb of love but as soon as she stepped in a lush green grass grew on the tomb will this speed too.

Soon she doesn t like a marriage of fighting and fighting at all and she wants to escape and be free unknowingly su ruoxing sniffed unable to live up to the tears no matter how uncontrollable keep rolling down the driver.

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The other the driver knew that his young master didn t understand love so he hurriedly pressed the control button the tissue box in the back seat of the car pops up automatically master women need to be coaxed the driver.

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Thought that little xingchen has the ability to read minds did little xingchen read some information little xingchen shook his head shaking his little head he hides so deeply that I can t read anything but I feel like he.

Is another daddy su ruoxing couldn t laugh or cry again how could there be another daddy qiao zhanchen listened to the conversation between mother and daughter although he had lost his memory and could not remember little.

You from now on if you talk nonsense again you will be locked in a small black room little xingchen is not afraid of being locked up in a small dark room daddy this is a trick to scare children it s so childish qiao.

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Quickly wash them off quickly and put on hand cream qiao zhanchen wriggled his thin lips mom su ruoxing is also a medical scientist how do you treat it differently how can it be the same qian qinyin was very angry but.

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Her mouth was covered by another hand the man couldn t help but drag her to the corner of the corridor a familiar masculine scent penetrated into the nose and su ruoxing turned around in surprise her eyes widening.

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I looked in the mirror and then I just wanted to find you qiao zhanchen why su ruoxing because every time I see something good I want to be the first one for you qiao zhanchen she was boasting that she was beautiful.

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Putting on makeup how beautiful is it it turns out it s brother bang I m disrespectful it s just a child s play don t take it seriously before brother bang had finished greeting him there was already a commotion outside the.

Gate of the villa su ruoxing was puzzled and the bodyguards reported again young lady there are dozens of luxury cars driving at the intersection at the same time blocking the road and even the traffic police are.

Dispatched are you a star fan su ruoxing asked weakly after receiving an affirmative answer su ruoxing simply doubted life co authored all of xiao xingchen s fans are rich and powerful so come when you say it in fact there.

Are many fans of xiao xingchen from all walks of life all over the world but those who can come in a short period of time are generally only the rich and powerful there are wealthy families parents are sending their children.

Insisting on coming in su ruoxing had no choice but to welcome all the fans into her home and entertain them warmly counting the children and their parents there were over a hundred people our family my son likes little.

Xingchen the most every time little xingchen starts broadcasting my son will guard the live broadcast room and refuse to leave little xingchen s mind reading skills are so powerful we just want to bring our children to.

Unhappy again the limelight was stolen by su ruoxing young madam qiao really entered the living room and the kitchen and raised the child so well we thought that little xingchen was already good enough it turns out that.

There are two little brothers who are even more little child prodigies beyond imagination qian qinyin thought in her heart leng snorted without her genius son su ruoxing could have given birth to such a powerful son by.

Herself baby no dabao and erbao were not born to su ruoxing so why should she take the credit standing in front of everyone qian qinyin was not afraid of exposing her family s privacy my daughter in law is very powerful.

She is divorced and she even stole my son s gene to make a test tube baby and then she gave birth to little xingchen it seems that she doesn t have my son it s like she can t have children the first and second babies are.

Also pitiful my daughter in law also calls her mother qian qinyin s words hit su ruoxing s pain point the son was obviously born by her but she wanted to hide and deceive qiao zhanchen if this goes on when will it be the end.

Seeing that the smile on mommy s face disappeared erbao s mind froze hot suddenly jumped to the top we are real triplets all born to mommy sigh dabao held his forehead second brother is being reckless again and I can t.

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Attended by dignitaries and top elite figures from all walks of life and chenchen usually attends them su ruoxing estimated that qiao zhanchen had surgery that night and didn t want to attend the party so she didn t mention.

Noble not frivolous and exposed you should pay attention to the choice of makeup and dress qian qinyin likes to attend such celebrity gatherings she feels very satisfied walking among the rich and powerful or getting the.

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Know that you concealed the triplets chenchen at this time if he still takes you with him where will he put his dignity as a man su ruoxing feels that he is very confident in qiao zhanchen s behavior he will not joke about.

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Take her home but unexpectedly the old man s car was parked outside the seven star hotel su ruoxing followed the old man out of the car and a father and son in high end custom made dresses greeted them dad are you okay we.

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Their best to persuade su ruo this is an annual gathering and it will be more lively professor su might as well attend it together just relax annual could this be the party that qiao zhanchen was going to su ruoxing could.

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Find a styling center to make a more aura like look qian zang shouted she told her professor su go to hotel room 888 and the stylist will be here soon ah su ruoxing wondered can qian zang also read minds she could even.

It sounds like they ve gotten to know each other very well not for the first time flustered she reached for the door with a bang sound the room the door closed completely all the blood in su ruoxing s body froze she looked.

Yanan s pretentious and particularly harsh baby just now he didn t want to come to the party today but qian yanan suddenly returned to china and invited him over saying that he would fulfill his promise qiao zhanchen saw.

The operation happened to be rescheduled so I came to meet qian yanan yanan if you want to make fun of me I don t have time for you shh qian yanan quickly made a silent gesture and whispered to qiao zhanchen in a low.

Voice professor qiao I was video chatting with my cheating ex boyfriend I told him that my new boyfriend is more handsome than him he is richer and more powerful than him you promised to do anything for me now I want you to.

Pretend to be mine boy friend qiao zhanchen s thin lips pursed tightly in order to reject qian yanan s persistent pursuit he did promise that as long as she no longer had unrealistic illusions about him he would do anything.

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Can crush you in many streets just by his appearance you the scumbag of your ex will be the most beautiful person in the future when you pass away don t crawl out of the coffin and make a fool of yourself who knew that qian.

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