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On the back seat and comforted him softly don t worry too much if it s a kidnapping the kidnappers will definitely call and extort money I m not worried he curled up to the corner of the car window with his legs tightly.

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Cut off and the wound was there s blood broken finger su ruoxing suddenly felt dizzy turn big treasure second treasure su ruoxing can t imagine that no matter if it s the big treasure or the second treasure you can t lose.

Your fingers they are still so young how can they endure the pain of severed fingers dabao erbao mommy I m sorry su ruoxing s chest tightness hit again she didn t catch it at a stretch her eyes went dark and the world.

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For you help me rescue dabao and erbao okay okay qiao zhanchen wiped away the woman s tears distressedly probably only when she touched the softest part of her heart would she bow to him and the child is her oldest s.

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Now is completely different the bodyguards were all silent who sent the finger why didn t you stop him master it was sent by a child saying it was a person wearing a mask ask him to help pass it over the person wearing the.

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All and our work will be in vain lu yaning made a decision immediately it is necessary to do a paternity test time we have to make su ruoxing vomit out all the family property before the appraisal results come out just then.

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Of a throat fracture erbao will definitely be exposed she planned to plead guilty the worst case scenario would be to sentence her to excessive defense jail her for a few years and make her bear the infamy she is not.

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Police cars roared over at the same time qiao zhanchen and others found su ruoxing s red sports car parked on the roadside under the car a bunch of flies were hovering on the body of the child who was crushed to death.

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They ll be fine you believe me I take my life as a guarantee su ruoxing put his dry red lips close to his ear and said softly I have contacted them they are on their way to my house can you send someone to escort them.

Stepped forward bowed his head and looked at the footprints based on the size of the footprints it can be inferred that the child is no more than five years old or even younger such a young child cannot explain the case.

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Timidly said ii only believe in professor qiao wu kuang frowned qiao zhanchen is qualified for judicial injury examination but he and su ruoxing are still married and cannot participate in the case ruoxing you want.

To be in pain and rubbed her messy long hair looking sad and helpless get a divorce who else would want me like this what s more professor qiao and I have already broken up in fact our divorce agreement is ready yes we.

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Property the lawyer ordinary people will of course put those billions of dollars first but if qiao zhanchen cared about money he wouldn t give all the money to his ex wife professor su please wait a moment I ll call.

Seems that qiao zhanchen is indeed having a candlelight dinner with qiao chixuan enjoying their world together seeing that it was a lawyer calling qiao zhanchen walked aside and picked up the phone what s the matter five.

Years yes a call ended in a few seconds without any delay bring water brother zhan chen is this a call from a lawyer did su ruoxing sign the divorce agreement qiao chixuan knew that the lawyer was in the detention center to.

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Want to be separated from qiao zhanchen from the bottom of her heart after all she had concealed her true nature for so many years in order to gain his favor she paid so much and worked so hard to manage this relationship.

Foundation and qiao chixuan s expression changed subtly what what foundation she pretended not to know anything but she still had a fleeting panic qiao zhanchen picked up the wine glass gracefully swayed the red wine in.

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Walked out of the restaurant cursing full of sadness she originally thought that su ruoxing was the happiest person among all the people she knew she is held in the palm of qiao zhanchen s hand even if the road of love is.

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Throwing a bunch of money at everything will be fine as long as qiao zhanchen was worried about ruoxing he would not be in the mood to have a candlelight dinner today qiao lixuan tugged on his collar too lazy to be serious.

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Said mr qiao your chance has finally come you have to make good use of it hold it what chance qiao lixuan asked with sideways eyes wu mushi had a trace of mystery didn t you always like ruoxing now that qiao zhanchen.

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She followed the policewoman to an examination room and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw a familiar figure qiao zhanchen was wearing a white coat and his posture was as handsome and cold as ever with his back to the.

S handcuffs explain as a matter of routine be careful to cooperate with professor qiao and don t act aggressively I m right outside the door once I find that you are dishonest I will immediately put the handcuffs on you.

Again understood su ruoxing rubbed the quilt my wrists are a little sore from the handcuffs after the policewoman walked out of the door su ruoxing s first reaction was to look around searching the examination room for any.

Zhanchen couldn t make an injury assessment for her qiao zhanchen paused and couldn t help mocking it s the first time I ve seen someone want to see my divorce certificate so much I don t know I thought I abused you in.

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Got everything right in fact she originally needed to ask him to help hide the truth it was purely an accident that she said she was dirty just now professor qiao actually I just want to actually you just don t like me a.

With her he did not hesitate to turn himself into nothing and made himself a useless useless in the eyes of the world the man unexpectedly in the end he would end up in a situation where even she looked down on him it was.

Him su ruoxing disappointed him because he valued their relationship too much su ruoxing didn t want to explain how much she loves him doesn t need to be written in history and no one else needs to know they are all divorced.

Wants him to have children with another woman the anger in qiao zhanchen s chest cracked and rushed upwards suppressing the anger in his heart he walked to the edge of the examination bed come up take off your clothes and.

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Hope they grow up healthy and safe the children are still too young I am afraid that once public opinion ferments it will affect their whole life erbao is your biological son I waited for you to do the examination on.

Purpose just to hope that you would protect him su ruoxing had finished talking but the man in front of him still indifferent and indifferent it seemed that what she was protecting was not his son qiao zhanchen didn t.

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