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That she deliberately presented the illusion that she was making a sweet phone call in front of qiao zhanchen back at the dining table su ruoxing acted like a normal person enjoying the food and not mentioning anything.

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Long as your ex husband is happy the corners of su ruoxing s lips curled up charmingly and he touched the back of the man s hand generously ah ah ah professor qiao doesn t need to pull other people to cover up you are.

Professor qiao wants to be friendly with women and be open and frank sneaky that s the behavior of a villain how could professor qiao be a villain su ruoxing smiled and played tai chi with the man qiao zhanchen during.

Real identity to confirm his guess about qian zang s real identity if even qian zang is a member of an interest group then qiao zhanchen is likely to go abroad this time to meet his biological father meet this can easily.

Explain why he repeatedly said that he must go abroad but didn t explain clearly why he had to go that s right we re on the same road then I ll take professor qiao s ride su ruoxing followed qiao zhanchen to the qian.

Mansion when we arrived at qian mansion it was already dark qiao zhanchen s car parked in the parking space on the side of the main road outside the gate of qian s mansion su ruoxing was about to get out of the car when the.

Pinching the woman s delicate jaw with his big palm and lifting her face su ruoxing s breathing tightened he covered her in all directions at 360 degrees and he dared to say nothing and do nothing qiao zhanchen curled his.

Couldn t help but paused as he opened his thin lips this suggestions can be adopted su ruoxing held the man s handsome face with both hands and said there is a price to pay for being a memorial to me as she said she took.

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Condition was studied repeatedly and a detailed treatment plan was finally finalized it s already eleven o clock so soon professor qiao hurry up go home and rest su ruoxing planned to stay with her mother for a while qiao.

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Trick and agreed but qiao zhanchen turned her elbows outward and helped her before leaving the country another subwoofer sounded those who do great things cannot be bound by some rules and regulations and must override.

And brand new silk quilt was spread on the leather sofa professor qiao is so thoughtful su ruoxing thought it was done for her and even very happy unexpectedly qiao zhanchen came in from the door and undressed under the.

Professor qiao when did you become so conscious of thrift su ruoxing swallowed silently drooling you want to sleep on my sofa your sofa I m sorry first come first served this sofa is mine tonight the shirt was thrown onto.

A standing clothes rack in the corner of the office then he started working on his pants again with a click sound the metal buckle of the belt popped open su ruoxing he quickly stopped him and continued to take off his.

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It I like you and took the initiative to seduce you can you please delete the video qiao zhanchen hugged the woman s delicate body rolled her sideways and protected her to the inside of the sofa with her four legs.

Experiencing this divorce su ruoxing learned not to stand up to men when she disagreed chen I m so tired let s go to bed quickly qiao zhanchen was satisfied and fell asleep quickly su ruoxing kept enduring sleepiness and.

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Find out that I secretly photographed my wife and I will be fired professor qiao is very nervous about madam and treats her as his beloved after sending this sentence su ruoxing did not receive a response from sherry for a.

Long time she guessed that sherry had witnessed the bed photos and suddenly woke up I am a third party su ruoxing was about to have a peaceful sleep just as she closed her eyelids her cell phone rang again she clicked it.

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But you can t slap me su ruoxing pulled out her hand with a cold arc on her lips if professor qiao can guarantee it he can resist it if you throw yourself into the arms of any woman I promise you not to have evil thoughts.

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Order to get her to accept the three year contract qiao zhanchen asked her to promise to wait for him for three years but he even used tricks and abductions sherry is a man yes but his sister is a woman nonsense su ruoxing.

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Who was tricked by him every time neither low nor low my daughter how can a person s iq be low you are the mother of a little genius qiao zhanchen was pushed back by the fierce woman he had no choice but to hold the woman in.

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This is still the most beautiful sentence I will be responsible to the end but you have to give me more opportunities qiao zhanchen raised the corners of his lips bowed his head and kissed the woman s smooth forehead as for.

Qiao zhanchen greeted dr lu and walked out of the office su ruoxing originally wanted qiao zhanchen to participate in the interview with dr lu but when she saw him walking out she thought he had something to do and had to.

At the baby he became so gentle and considerate qiao zhanchen turned to dr lu I m sorry dr lu professor su is pregnant with the baby so she can t be hungry let her have breakfast and you can continue talking.

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Monitor implanted under the master s skin and opened the mobile phone software to listen to what was happening on the master s side unexpectedly as soon as she opened the mobile phone monitoring software she was suddenly.

Ruoxing anxiously wandered around the foot of the mountain shouting repeatedly qiao zhanchen master but no one responded only the responses from the mountain were hovering in the air she had no choice but to walk up the.

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While su ruoxing calmed down and said professor qiao there is no signal here let s go down the mountain and call the police there is no one in the fire right su ruoxing helped the man walk down the mountain the man s.

Come I am afraid that even the neighbors the grove is about to catch fire not to mention the mortal body of the lord what to do su ruoxing put her car keys into the man s hand professor qiao you can run faster because of.

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Opened the door I saw two men standing at the door of the office with a cart full of flowers holding a delivery note in their hands and asking said excuse me is ms su here I am what are these flowers su ruoxing murmured.

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Me so you can t play with your temper as he said he directly put the diamond ring on su ruoxing s ring finger and then hugged her into his arms that s great it turns out that professor qiao is very romantic I really envy.

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Daddy little xingchen don t fall I exclaimed and pushed open man at the same time the man also caught little xingchen little xingchen hugged the man s neck coquettishly and successfully stood between su ruoxing and the.

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No bed here how can I sleep su ruoxing couldn t help laughing he was shameless enough to sleep on the sofa last night why did he forget so quickly you can sleep on the sofa how can you sleep on the sofa people let s go.

The ashes can match professor qiao s dna they should be the teeth of the master himself but after all only teeth and a mask were found so we still can t it is 100 certain that the lord is dead su ruoxing s heart was very.

Country that s great just when su ruoxing s spirit was lifted the man finished the phone call pushing the door open and walking in what s so great su ruoxing hung up the phone the overlord s power may withdraw from china.

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Were still entangled but now qiao zhanchen after a successful marriage proposal turned around and left su ruoxing couldn t help but find it funny as expected what he couldn t get was the best now he has to when you.

Arrive you feel bored we can t blame him isn t she just as cold her feelings for qiao zhanchen suddenly became so weak that she didn t expect it after the man left su ruoxing took out the silk quilt and spread it on the.

Your daddy is different today little xingchen tilted her head and thought for a while every time I see daddy I hear daddy say in his heart that he loves little xingchen so much but today no yeah I can t hear anything can t.

Children how could he not love them even if little xingchen couldn t read his heart for a while it still couldn t explain anything after su ruoxing chatted with xiao xingchen for a few more words she said good night and lay.

Me yes I miss you so much I sleep with your quilt in my arms just like I m holding you su ruoxing whispered softly how can it be the same su ruoxing don t be perfunctory with me how can you be perfunctory no one believes.

Twitched her eyebrows didn t you already propose you still need three years no matter I said three years for three years you are not allowed to touch other men not even the lord hey the great master may be in heaven how.

Can I touch him hey your father must be very sad that he died young and you can t let your mother in law know su ruoxing you sigh you are very sympathetic to the master what about me what do you want to say to me.

Professor qiao is really jealous of everything su ruoxing secretly felt that this tone was her qiao zhanchen su ruoxing promise me that you will go get your marriage certificate tomorrow but you must remember that after.

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Phone qiao zhanchen s voice suddenly increased in decibel level good lah what are you so excited about I ll just listen to you okay su ruoxing s eyelids were too heavy she was confused and didn t know what she said later.

Qiao zhanchen never called her at all could it be that those conversations were really just her dreaming su ruoxing was at a loss why did she feel that qiao zhanchen in her dream was what she really wanted think qiao.

Be missed then he wants to .

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put the meeting aside first su ruoxing felt that qiao zhanchen was making a fuss it would not be good if he failed to make an red pill sexuality appointment with any company only if he failed to make an appointment.

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you entrust someone else su ruoxing was speechless and choked okay that afternoon we go get the certificate let s.

Take a photo of our marriage certificate and post it on moments in a fit of anger su ruoxing agreed during the lunch break not long after su ruoxing hugged the silk quilt she started dreaming and talking on the phone with.

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Dare I be angry with professor qiao but professor qiao even entrusted xiaobai to do it for him to obtain the certificate as for the bridal chamber should I also find a top star to do it for professor qiao su ruoxing do you.

Xiaobai and I received the certificate the lunch break was very short after the alarm clock went off su ruoxing woke up the mobile phone was lying quietly beside the sofa and it was not in her hand so this time the call.

T know the female family member at all suspect it just passed by in a flash su ruoxing didn t think about it by this time bai zhenbo had made countless calls urging her to go to the civil affairs bureau because the time has.

Reached four o clock in the afternoon before I know it bai zhenbo had been waiting at the door of the hospital for a long time seeing that su ruoxing didn t come out he felt anxious after all the civil affairs bureau is a.

Mirror his face changed slightly I drive faster and get rid of her when he came to the civil affairs bureau bai zhenbo saw that su ruoxing s lips were very dry he guessed that she was too busy with work to even drink her.

Just followed me ours and yours too su ruoxing recognized that this woman was the female family member who came to the hospital for a special event today that s right it was me the hemp bombs cbd gummies how many to take Best Cbd Gummies woman took off her mask angrily I m not.

Like some people who do unclean things for fear of people knowing miss do you have any misunderstanding about me you came to the hospital today just to hold me back and prevent me from coming to the civil affairs bureau.

Error clint eastwood ed pill untie a third party stepped in and you just covered up the misunderstanding do you think that if you have money you can do whatever you want what are you talking about I m a third party su ruoxing was so shocked that.

Name and what is your relationship with him when did you start why do you insist that I am a third party are you not allowed to be a third party a third party why should I trust you the woman was also very excited and more.

Confident than she was I am his girlfriend han yining I am in love with him we have been in love for eight years we have been together since high school after all who is the third party eight years of love su ruoxing heard.

Completed quickly madam please come with us madam master qiao zhanchen came in person why did you change your name su ruoxing narrowed her eyes suspicious it sounds very strange there were few bodyguards like this in the.

Xiaobai did professor qiao say he would come to the civil affairs bureau no professor qiao is still in a meeting and he doesn t have much time to spare mr su I m at the gate of the civil affairs bureau and I ll go in.

Wait her master is neither qiao zhanchen nor bai zhenbo who is your master the bodyguards hesitated mysteriously we can t say the name of the master so sorry you must have found the wrong person isn t the person your.

Know your master how could she be his wife several bodyguards looked at each other and said madam since you don t cooperate don t blame us for being rude as soon as the words fell su ruoxing was supported by two.

Dumbfounded and doubted life the master they called was even less likely to be her boyfriend who had been in love for eight years therefore su ruoxing s background was so complicated not only did she seduce her boyfriend.

Waved to the bodyguards go out first wait but su ruoxing called to the bodyguards again please bring the girl from the hall just now qiao zhanchen was surprised what girl su ruoxing tensed with a voice he paused word by.

Word han yi ning your first girlfriend professor qiao don t tell me I don t remember anymore han yining qiao zhanchen frowning as far as I know my first girlfriend s surname is not han unexpectedly when qiao zhanchen.

First love girlfriend and he has to think about it in his heart one is the real first love right su ruoxing almost wanted to pinch himself professor qiao you skipped a grade in high school how old were you at that time.

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Two first loves ah the smile on qiao zhanchen s lips froze su ruoxing isn t your first love me of course not my first love is gentle and lovely how can she be as lonely and indifferent as professor qiao su ruoxing just made.

At her with a handsome face with sharp edges and corners su ruoxing I may not be by your side all the time in the future but my heart clint eastwood ed pill will always be with you and the children this remarriage we will stick to our agreement.

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