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Mother sorry as a native of china no one has ever taught me this kind of life reason su ruoxing what s wrong with you I heard that you are a very good person did you eat dynamite today zhi xi knew that qiao zhanchen had.

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Qian qinyin and said madam you win I ll admit defeat come on I ll leave here right away if you wake up professor qiao by calling him in the middle of the night it will affect his condition but she was still a step too.

Qiao zhanchen su ruoxing tightened her little heart and weakly asked the bodyguard what does mom mean the bodyguard was surprised professor su the young master hasn t told you yet madam is the young master s long lost.

Do to her next su ruoxing was comforting herself she decided to cut off her love anyway but the next moment she heard qian qinyin crying loudly and strongly to qiao zhanchen on the other end of the phone condemned her.

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His head one day but it seems that it is not difficult for him mom you swim and exercise every day and you look like sisters to xixi a woman as powerful as your mother can still survive in the water thing there is no.

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Professor he professor I don t know why his memory was getting clearer and clearer but only for su ruoxing it was as if his memory of nearly four years had been erased by an eraser but it would be hard for anyone to.

Believe that amnesia can still be point to point which is unheard of it s hard to explain so don t explain professor qiao doesn t need to waste his brain cells to lie to me professor qiao pays attention to rest and doesn t.

Didn t even have the strength to laugh qiao madam first of all I am not the granddaughter in law of the qiao family so how can I fulfill my duty you are not the granddaughter in law of the qiao family qian qinyin arrived.

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Become pure and celibate is my strength do you want a few injections I m afraid I m too celibate so I need to see an andrology department m qiao zhanchen caught su ruoxing s hand while she was gloating about her misfortune.

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Gone into a rage su ruoxing who is he you actually use me as his substitute su ruoxing frowned his eyes swept from left to right and then from right to left on qiao zhanchen s handsome face no matter how you looked at it he.

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Wanted to persuade lu chengji the sound of beep beep beep hanging up the phone came from the phone as soon as I hung up the phone my phone rang again this time it was qiao zhanchen who called who were you talking to just.

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Hypocritical expression thank you then there s lao ruoxing let us go to the meeting quickly lest the lord be angry and deny us the antidote su ruoxing s heart skipped a beat will the antidote be distributed today the.

Antidote is poison the more he eats the deeper the poison becomes let him they are increasingly unable to extricate themselves sure enough when he arrived at the meeting site su ruoxing found that everyone present was.

Spot then two strong men lifted out a chair for electrocution su ruoxing s pupils tightened for a while in order to control the members powerfully the lord actually used torture to threaten everyone one side is controlled.

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Gastrointestinal tract su ruo xing said throwing his antidote into the teapot of miss manners without waiting for the lord to stop her su ruoxing called everyone everyone throw in your own antidote too there are many.

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Toast together the face of the lord suddenly turned livid at this time can he say that he doesn t drink professor su what do you want to do originally everyone took the antidote one pill per person and he didn t need to.

Lowered his voice and warned su ruoxing su ruoxing stop playing tricks lord I really want to thank you as su ruoxing said she had already filled a cup for him and put it in front of him she bowed her head slightly with a.

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Attacked early at that time I hid in the bathroom and it was so painful to bear everyone knows that the lord will not give people an antidote unless there are special circumstances and I was in such pain that I couldn t walk.

S a coincidence but I still put this difficult the main reason for speaking out is to give everyone one more way to try I suspect that the principle is related to the hormones secreted by the human body therefore everyone.

Should try to find someone they truly love to try it su ruoxing s words greatly relieved everyone s despair after everyone dispersed su ruoxing felt very tired and was ready to leave several thugs filed out stop her by force.

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Su ruoxing was released his whole body was on the verge of collapse don t want to live one foot is deep and the other is shallow walking aimlessly on the road not knowing how long the road under her feet can go maybe die on.

The road at this moment she shivered suddenly the poison was really fierce much more severe than last time su ruoxing slumped on the ground in an instant curled up into a ball it feels like being in an ice cellar all over.

The body and the biting pain comes from the bone marrow which made her almost faint probably this time is really her death baby mommy is with you suddenly two long straight legs stood in front of her is it qiao zhanchen.

Who is here impossible he is still in the hospital and with his injuries it is impossible to come out su ruoxing curled up on the ground her blurred eyes slowly moved upwards the shape of a man like joe zhan chen is.

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Falling into the sea the sea water flooded her mouth and nose from all directions almost drowning her and deep in the bone marrow the pain that was worse than death became more and more intense ahem su ruoxing choked on the.

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Smiled with relief because he loves me he is willing to tolerate me su ruoxing you are still too naive there is no love for no reason in this world and there is no eternal love the master threw out a stack of information.

Read it for yourself qiao zhanchen owns an intelligent biological research and development base a gene cloning base including living worms and mutant worms which are all his masterpieces he just endures the humiliation for.

His ambition seriously I m just being patient with you su ruoxing glanced sideways at the pile of information clenched her fingers tightly into fists and shed a line of tears from the corner of her eyes any information can.

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a person would have to take a breath of evil breath before dying feeling suffocated su ruoxing simply lying flat on the ground gasping for breath he fell into deep despair she.

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The baby in the womb su ruoxing was very heartbroken she was lucky every child loved her very much after the symptoms of toxicity subsided su ruoxing was able to use silver needles to help herself remove uterine congestion.

Finally her physical strength recovered to 70 to 80 at this moment the master received the video the lord is dead he threw the video to su ruoxing in the picture two groups of forces were attacking each other the lord was.

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With a little cold light seeping out of them go and investigate the origin of the great master yes master the bodyguards went to investigate non stop qiao zhanchen endured his illness and didn t sleep a wink all night he.

Qiao zhanchen finally understood why su ruoxing said that he liked the master and then quickly denied it qiao zhanchen only by joining us can you have the opportunity to contact the master as long as you take over our huaxia.

Would come to see him the next day but he was wrong not to mention the second day even the third and fourth days su ruoxing did not show up half a month later qiao zhanchen was discharged from the hospital the su family is.

To the hospital to treat him she hoped that qiao zhanchen could stay away from these complicated disputes the family hurried over and said xing er the wedding is about to start why hasn t the groom come yet call him quickly.

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Goodbye to my single family party we all drank too much as a result when I woke up and opened my eyes today I found that I was on a plane and now the plane had landed on an island abroad su ruoxing closed her eyes in.

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Three professor su doesn t he feel embarrassed after being unable to get married twice qiao zhanchen was it you who did xiao lu being sent to a desert island su ruoxing was angry smile are you too naive qiao zhanchen s lips.

Already started the ritual process su ruoxing estimated that if she went over to tell the old people that the groom had run away and that the wedding was going to be made fun of she would not just become the butt of the joke.

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You didn t find the right man at all so you are fooling us here I found it but su ruoxing looked at the blinding seal on the inside of his wrist again the real man is qiao zhanchen and he is on the scene again so should.

She go and beg him to be her groom but he seems very angry he may not agree her the one is needed and he comes uninvited this may be god s will su ruoxing ran towards qiao zhanchen with anxiety she felt that since he cared.

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Accept anyone feeding him but now he let the girl feed him he drank the glass of wine a bright light flashed and su ruoxing discovered that the girl s on her ring finger she wears a diamond ring she what cbd gummies are good for ed also handed the ring to.

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Suffer all the negative consequences maybe it was a misunderstanding qiao zhanchen was deliberately angry with her su ruoxing clenched her fingers and turned back if in the past she didn t care about misunderstandings or.

Said holding qiao zhanchen s arm affectionately he talked about everything heh he treated her like gold su ruoxing stared at their hands together and there was dense pain in his chest there is nothing wrong with grievances.

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Getting behind qiao zhanchen he whispered to him again professor qiao what s the matter with the bride it seems that she doesn t like me very much and she still pours green tea on me that s strange she s calling you green.

Disappoint everyone today I want to take advantage of today to tell my story I have liked a boy since I was a child I thought I had met true love so I hoped to grow up soon and be with him sooner but it turns out that wishful.

Right man is he therefore this wedding was originally a mistake and I am willing to bear all the consequences as soon as su ruoxing finished speaking there was an uproar at the table especially the older generation they.

All stood up and objected doctor su don t be impulsive the wedding cannot be canceled this is an act of disrespect to the gods how disrespectful now that the right one has been found let s find him and use his blood to open.

The stone door with us backing you up don t be afraid su junde s face was as black as the bottom of a pot and the old disease in his heart was aching again xing er the real son is qiao zhanchen dad I m sorry su ruoxing.

Communicate again in this life su ruoxing said drinking the wine in the glass that was the wangqing pill she developed because the secret love is too bitter she had the idea of developing this pill a long time ago.

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Slid down into his abdomen qiao zhanchen rushed forward on the table a big palm clasped the back of the woman s head and a long finger directly pried open her lips and teeth and clasped her throat spit it out su ruoxing.

Xing henhen retracted his hand she had forgotten to dislike him but he still disliked her wangqing wan su ruoxing what about it qiao zhanchen laughed angrily he felt like he heard the most ridiculous joke in the world you.

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Of heaven and earth and you actually asked xiao lu to pretend to be the right one I will have to teach you a lesson later you know I don t know fortunately xiao lu didn t come today otherwise our entire su family would.

Have been destroyed in your hands how outrageous I don t have a daughter as stupid as you su jun de tai was angry saying such serious words to su ruoxing for the first time su ruoxing s eyes were red yes she was too foolish.

Entrance of the cave legend has it that the blood of the right man dripping into the eyes of the stone lion can open the door of the cave qiao zhanchen frowned tightly the su family believed in such superstitious nonsense.

Come start right away su junde asked someone to bring the groom s mandarin jacket and asked qiao zhanchen to put it on qiao zhanchen looked at su ruoxing su ruoxing tell me do you want me to marry you like this su ruoxing.

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Su ruoxing finished speaking she suddenly grabbed qiao zhanchen s hand the silver needle pricked qiao zhanchen s fingertip quickly and accurately and a drop of blood dripped into the stone lion s eye I saw a miracle happen.

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Thought for a while since the stone door was open anyway there was no rush for the wedding dad the stone gate is open why don t we go in and take a look su junde smiled hehe no need opening the stone gate is just to.

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Down on kowtows and the ancestors will understand my uncle is a genius who is rare in a hundred years what should I do if I knock my head stupid su junde felt that qiao zhanchen anyway he was so stupid that he kowtowed.

Qiao zhanchen would worship directly as husband and wife qian qinyin came over aggressively to stop them no worship I don t agree to this marriage su junde looked qian qinyin up and down who are you and what qualifications.

Do you have to disagree with my daughter s marriage qian qinyin looked at her son s head she was bleeding and heartbroken I am her mother in law do you think I am qualified chenchen let s go I have never seen such a bully.

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Which were too poisonous and caused a miscarriage but after miscarriage her poison was cured so the baby was equivalent to saving her which made su ruoxing feel even more ashamed of the baby yes the baby is gone it s all.

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Finally came to an end su ruoxing followed qiao zhanchen into the car and prepared to go back to the villa with him but as soon as they got to the car qiao zhanchen let go of her hand he was leaning on the back seat of the.

Bit depressing which made people feel uncomfortable suffocated su ruoxing thought that qiao zhanchen was sad for the baby so he didn t dare to say anything but quietly leaned on him but the next moment qiao zhanchen.

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