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Several of their companies have been listed on the market with a lot of assets and strong strength qiao chixuan thought since she doesn t want qiao zhanchen anymore she should make a favor and match qiao zhanchen and qian.

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Shouted in a majestic voice an ran don t be rude my love for professor su can be learned from heaven and earth and I came rushing to marry her as my wife you call professor su auntie it s not a loss shout now uncle I qian.

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Combine them qiao zhanchen said it s an unreasonable disaster it s all good why involve him su ruoxing if he wasn t nervous he wouldn t have called me over don t be blinded by superficial phenomena qiao zhanchen said and.

Left going to the bedside ready to lift wu xuerong s thin blanket to see her injury qiao zhanchen wait su ruoxing hurried over to hold his hand qiao zhanchen looked sideways in surprise what s the matter professor qiao.

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Doing at this time su ruoxing s little hand pulled away ruthlessly qiao zhanchen you were dumped by qiao chixuan and you only thought of me qiao zhanchen s eyebrows furrowed doesn t she feel she has always been irreplaceable.

Su ruoxing I will explain to you in detail what happened between xuanxuan and I later later he has already gone abroad and he still has no explanation su ruoxing pinched the man s exquisite chin with his scallion white jade.

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Worked hard without credit I will reward you don t be too grateful to me open mr dong let me make you laugh su ruoxing said under dong kai s surprised eyes she pretended to be calm and walked out of the elevator quickly it.

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Resignation report yet the resignation handover process must be completed su ruoxing do you think if I want to leave I will be bound by these rules of yours qiao zhanchen s jawline was tense and there was a faint fire.

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Interested in her but because she was impotent I ll go ask him knowing the truth su ruoxing wished to spread his wings and find qiao zhanchen she didn t care she didn t mind his side of things as long as two people really.

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Zhanchen back she couldn t let qian anran have the opportunity to have physical contact with qiao zhanchen but the qian family is powerful and they are relatives of qiao zhanchen so they cannot use force she stepped forward.

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Something wrong to him by then your reputation will be ruined I was laughed out of my teeth su ruoxing made up his mind this time in order to get back qiao zhanchen no more dignity to be ridiculed is to be ridiculed and.

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Even if he wants to have sex he can t do it su xinglie thank you for your hard work I ll go to the front desk and open another room for you you can make do with a night of rest master I can handle this kind of trivial.

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Starts hugging the quilt and crying you stinky rascal I lost my first one and I ve been tricked to death by you woo woo su ruoxing was speechless for a while looking at the plot that hadn t changed for ten years do men.

His head that was bursting in pain and woke up qiao zhanchen frowned and rubbed his temples I usually drink less alcohol but I didn t expect my head to feel so uncomfortable after being drunk suddenly he felt the soft.

Breath on his side hit his cheek and there was a soft body hugging him qiao zhanchen was suddenly shocked there was a woman someone violated him while he was drunk he rudely pushed the sleeping woman with her face buried and.

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Zhanchen looked at su ruoxing who couldn t see an inch and didn t know what mood he should be in for a moment still asleep su ruoxing struggled to touch qiao zhanchen s body with his legs and feet the little face came.

Landed on her feet when he looked up he saw that his underwear was hanging on the lamp beside the bed none language he picked up his panties and went into the bathroom with a bang the bathroom door closed at the same time.

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Felt hopeless she has already taken the initiative to send it to his door and created a stage for him not only did qiao zhanchen not go down the steps he didn t even touch her or give her a forehead kiss is it so difficult.

To hug her has it reached the point where he hates her su ruoxing sent a message to tu yan for help but found that tu yan had sent her a message a long time ago but the content was professor su I m sorry our team has.

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