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Manage to put his affections on other women as soon as he got married su ruoxing s eyes stung how could she she never expected that qiao zhanchen would treat her like this she thought he had tried his best to overcome all.

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Eyes again and she felt deep in her heart frustration rolled out of his head throw away things you don t like dump people you don t like professor qiao is a grown man with hundreds of billions of dollars but he doesn t even.

Have the courage to dump me am I growing up on you or am I relying on you I su ruoxing have never asked you to be responsible for me and I have never wanted you to be a bitch and be with me why do you want to be with me i.

The car door suddenly and wanted to jump out su ruoxing you are crazy qiao zhanchen pulled the woman onto his lap and hugged her tightly he locked her in his arms preventing her from moving the driver was so frightened that.

Unexpectedly qiao zhanchen was convinced immediately man it s so hard to understand animal do you like being with me su ruoxing sat on the man s lap hooked her arms around the man s neck and raised her face with tears on.

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Is another daddy su ruoxing couldn t laugh or cry again how could there be another daddy qiao zhanchen listened to the conversation between mother and daughter although he had lost his memory and could not remember little.

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Him well know that we are married at this time if he brings other female companions to the party how can he doesn t it mean that he is a scumbag qian qinyin snorted coldly su ruoxing people who are familiar with you all.

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No accident I wonder if you can drive or run a red light the other party said the driver scolded su ruoxing only then did su ruoxing realize that he had run through a red light I m sorry it was my negligence su ruoxing.

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Room angrily dad speak softly don t let professor qiao hear qian yanan was about to explain when she turned her eyes she found that su ruoxing was there when su ruoxing saw qian yanan he was too surprised to speak with.

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