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And hoarse voice that s only half right I not only must I control your mind but I must also control your body I will not let go of anything abnormal su ruoxing suppressed her anger took the man s hand and put it on her.

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As usual confront qiao zhanchen with big eyes and small eyes facing his anger she subdued his strength with softness and coaxed him softly I beg you to stay isn t professor qiao not giving face at all we are even and no.

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S your phone professor qiao wants to see my phone why su ruoxing pretended to be surprised husband and wife still pay attention to leaving some space for each other we are already divorced and then check each other s phone.

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Women should be lighter he was explaining to the waiter but su ruoxing stood up professor qiao I m going the bathroom qiao zhanchen didn t think much at first but the dishes are almost ready and su ruoxing has not come.

Back he was worried that something was wrong with su ruoxing so he hurried to the bathroom unexpectedly su ruoxing was in the corner of the restaurant holding a mobile phone and talking on the phone while she was talking.

On the phone the corners of her mouth were raised and she seemed to be enjoying the conversation qiao zhanchen thought he knew su ruoxing very well she was not the kind of woman who liked talking on the phone she called him.

When talking never act like a baby and don t say a word of nonsense qiao zhanchen s first thought was whether su ruoxing was talking on the phone with wu muchi after all the chat patterns between women and women are.

S call was picked up and qiao lixuan s voice came out from the phone brother are you looking for mushi she s asleep if there s anything wrong I ll tell her it s nothing else as long as the siblings are fine qiao zhanchen.

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