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So old say I m an old man it s your business to learn to be a daughter in law in my family as long as su ruoxing is the daughter in law she can be exempted from all housework wu xuerong was dumbfounded qian qinyin was so.

Let s look for it separately it didn t take long in the back garden of the villa it spread all over everyone looking for looking for su ruoxing s call as soon as su ruoxing ran out he rushed into the rain without hesitation.

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All of this is too coincidental it is clearly a trap set by someone and wu xuerong was the bait to lure the young master and young mistress into the trap that s right make arrangements right away I must find out su ruoxing.

Candlelight dinner it seems that he has accepted the reality and is ready to move on the great master snorted coldly it s best this way but soldiers never tire of deceit and qiao zhanchen may not be so easy to deal with it.

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When suddenly a clear voice came from the door of the restaurant hai qing this place has been booked how about we go to another restaurant to have a candlelight dinner okay ruoxing I will listen to you we simply go to.

Coming from the door of the restaurant su ruoxing said he wanted to detoxify qin haiqing qiao zhanchen remembered that there was no antidote to the poison that the lord had given to the members of the interest groups it s just.

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Speed suddenly became much faster within a day or two she was walking around the restaurant oh put down the child you haven t recovered yet yu how can you help me carry the plate zhu fengmei saw su ruoxing serving the.

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Running away where did it go how could I do it alone without her help su ruoxing looked at the time no she couldn t help but worry auntie has been out for more than two hours why haven t you come back for so long she called.

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Man of talent and a woman a match made in heaven it is not convenient for su ruoxing to reveal the identity of the master so he can only using qiao zhanchen as a shield auntie I have a husband but the lord asked back.

Didn t you say that you are arguing for a divorce su ruoxing good things spread far and wide without going out my lord s news is quite well informed the lord leaned back on the chair resolutely this shows that I care about.

New love that does not just cheating when zhu fengmei heard this she was filled with righteous indignation she felt sorry for su ruoxing ruoxing every time a man cheats on his wife there will be a second time this kind of.

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During training when he was a child a lot of blood was shed at that time which was unforgettable to me from then on I told myself that I could not let myself get hurt again su ruoxing s eyes widened in disbelief during.

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Truly cold blooded after this in depth chat su ruoxing and the master got acquainted a lot that night the small restaurant proofing as usual not long after su ruoxing fell asleep the iron sliding door of the small.

Restaurant was slammed by an uninvited visitor zhu fengmei s three story building is located in the suburbs the first floor is used as a small restaurant the second floor is a warehouse and the third floor is used for.

Are you seriously injured let me take a look for you zhu fengmei was startled when she saw so much blood ruoxing why don t we send him to the hospital right away the benefactor has lost a lot of blood so we can t delay the.

Specifically to seek treatment from her while bleeding the man seemed to see through her doubts my people all went back to the headquarters for a meeting and the enemies took this opportunity to hunt me down why didn t he go.

Back to the meeting isn t he the big boss of that special and terrible organization the question in su ruoxing s mind seemed to be guessed by the man again and he explained this time my father presides over the meeting and.

Bleeding has stopped but the wound must be prevented from becoming infected the man s face was so gloomy that water could be squeezed out professor su doesn t think it s difficult for a man and a widow to live alone in a room.

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What do you do if you want to find me can t you come to me openly do you have to cut yourself with a painful trick do you feel that your intelligence cannot be reflected without being scheming qiao zhanchen remained silent.

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Appointment ruoxing our qin family started out as a pharmaceutical company and now the r d center has no leader so we really need you to take charge of the overall situation I m like this now I can t do what I want so.

Please help me but I su ruoxing thought after thinking about it qin haiqing s current situation is not optimistic so she should help him as for qiao s side she will definitely not be able to go back so working in the qin.

Go to your r d department to get acquainted first she said loudly with a flick of the pen he signed his name on the employment letter outside the maid knocked on the door master someone is making trouble outside and asked.

Qin haiqing stepped forward bravely I feel that I am getting weaker and weaker and I want ruoxing to help it just so happens that ruoxing has resigned from qiao s so he agreed to help I have already hired ruoxing became.

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His leg and kicked qin haiqing in the abdomen qin haiqing when will it be your turn to make your own decisions here he carried out various conspiracies to break up su ruoxing and qiao zhanchen just to bring su ruoxing under.

His wing but now is not the time taking her in too early will only increase their risks qin haiqing couldn t wait to invite su ruoxing over it directly destroyed his carefully planned original plan ouch qin haiqing was kicked.

Master why are you why do you want to attack hai qing if you don t want me to come I don t have to come why bother hurting others with just a word from you hai qing s current body cannot withstand your kick at all su.

Strengthened su ruoxing s determination to stay she doesn t know if she can defeat the lord but she must fight with him her childhood sweetheart qin haiqing rescued the sea of fire su ruoxing held back all the sadness and.

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Haiqing since I m not welcome here I won t lick my face and stay here take care as he said su ruoxing walked out without looking back as she expected several well trained thugs filed out and blocked her way su ruoxing.

Highly of me the master s tall and tall body stood in front of her condescending su ruoxing you can join us but you need to let me see your sincerity and you must completely sever ties with qiao zhanchen sorry I don t.

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The salary are you satisfied with this kind of salary su ruoxing raised his eyebrows high pretending to show greedy eyes the salary is not bad but I have one condition say the lord s eyes darkened a bit as if he had guessed.

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Tempered good looking and he can t lose face so he may turn you away qin haiqing s words came true when su ruoxing went to find qiao zhanchen again she got a big rejection she came to qiao group under the pretext of going.

Through the resignation procedures su ruoxing is a senior executive and it involves a confidentiality agreement that requires the signature and approval of her immediate superior only then can she go through the resignation.

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Off brand name bags luxury cars and travels in short you must package yourself into an image of a beautiful woman who is not short of money and has a sense of mystery she wants to give the man the impression that she is.

On special occasions at the right time and place and leave a deep first impression on the target su ruoxing became interested in this point she couldn t even see qiao zhanchen in person so how could she take the next step.

The last step is reach out for money phew that s the point there s also a lot of skill involved in asking for money you have to play hard to get so that the man doesn t think you re here for his money then you have to be.

And then deny him the second bite to make him go crazy wait until he completely surrenders we can t feed the dog too much we must let him treat us the boss let him sleep next to his wife the more he thinks about us su.

Ruoxing was speechless and choked I have to admit that a man is really a dog so he can be manipulated by the mistress accurately only the wife is blind men act as human beings and expect them to be responsible so when their.

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What time do you come back tonight it will be late it s so late what are you doing socializing su ruoxing qiao zhanchen obviously doesn t like socializing she finally figured it out he clearly knew she was at home and didn.

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After several ladies arrived and lay down obediently while su ruoxing performed the acupuncture su ruoxing s acupuncture movements are smooth and smooth which makes people look very at ease not long after a batch of silver.

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Come back right away to make you happy qian qinyin called qiao zhanchen again but this time the person who answered the phone was assistant he feiyu chenchen is drunk doesn t he never drink randomly is he in a bad mood are.

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the door and entered the small building following qiao chixuan s figure to a bedroom on the.

Did they lie and say he was dead su ruoxing was confused qiao chixuan is pregnant with lu chengji s baby at this time they should love each other and be happy together as a family of three why hide lu chengji land chengji.

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Call lu yaning for help mom it s not good a woman seems to have found out that I locked up the landing chengji why panic if you can escape the monk can t escape from the temple I ll have someone check the surveillance lu.

Yaning asked the doorman to turn on the surveillance system that night to check if any uninvited guests had entered qiao s house su ruoxing ran cbd gummies 300 mg effects directly to qiao zhanchen s bedroom but there was no one in the bedroom it wasn t.

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Class the senior teacher said to treat a man like a dog the first bite let him taste something new the teacher also said that a woman s taste is very important affection interest freshness it s so difficult su ruoxing.

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