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The pain in his back the next moment the master s tall body pressed over him for a moment she couldn t struggle and was enveloped by the man s slender body at 360 degrees on the sofa su ruoxing quickly stretched out her.

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The legal right to hold you accountable if you are not afraid of losing your reputation just do it zhang yufu s face was ugly and qiao zhanchen accurately grasped her weakness one is her father in a high position and the.

Kicked open the office door sight falls on the sofa qiao zhanchen felt a sting in his eyes su ruoxing and the lord were huddled together on the sofa one is on the top and the other is on the bottom the most important thing.

Alive jump the taller and heavier man was jumping around and she couldn t move away at all and she was afraid that if she moved too much she would wake him up qiao zhanchen stepped forward quickly and moved the master.

Away what s going on I m repaying the person in the same way su ruoxing said picked up the incense and put out the fire I deliberately coax the master to stun him and then implant a microchip under his skin for.

Board of the desk there was also a dog man on her body raging wildly on her soft body he he completely forgot that she was a pregnant woman carrying his baby su ruoxing was so angry that she wanted to strangle qiao to death.

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To speak boldly suddenly her body lightened the wrists were also released at the same time qiao zhanchen suddenly stood up straight and pulled the hot body away from her body without nostalgia su ruoxing opened her eyes in.

Sleeves slowly and helped the woman straighten her clothes su ruoxing remember only I can give you everything you want whatever you do in the future you must give priority to the consequences of losing me su ruoxing.

And hoarse voice that s only half right I not only must I control your mind but I must also control your body I will not let go of anything abnormal su ruoxing suppressed her anger took the man s hand and put it on her.

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That qiao zhanchen had no personal thoughts about zhang yufu how good qiao zhanchen was to her he thought and planned for her wholeheartedly and she could feel it logically she also believed that he could stick to the three.

And talking to the baby baby you have to persuade mommy not to be naughty with daddy and tell mommy to be good and obedient otherwise daddy will be killed mommy was so angry that she vomited blood seeing qiao zhanchen.

Subordinates could it be that qiao zhanchen insisted on going abroad without explaining to her why he had to go abroad is it related to the lord but before qiao zhanchen made it clear that he wanted to go abroad with qian.

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On the phone the corners of her mouth were raised and she seemed to be enjoying the conversation qiao zhanchen thought he knew su ruoxing very well she was not the kind of woman who liked talking on the phone she called him.

S call was picked up and qiao lixuan s voice came out from the phone brother are you looking for mushi she s asleep if there s anything wrong I ll tell her it s nothing else as long as the siblings are fine qiao zhanchen.

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