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Inconvenient for you to reveal too much but you have to trust your sixth sense and keep the bottom line qiao zhanchen said lowering his handsome face and taking a deep breath on su ruoxing s soft red lips the familiar taste.

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Before he why didn t you talk about the baby s health and safety at that time su ruoxing s eyelids twitched inexplicably it kept on going so I had to walk out of the room to find bai zhenbo unexpectedly as soon as she.

Walked out of the room she saw bai zhenbo and han yining playing with each other su ruoxing suddenly realized that it was the two of them who had been in love for eight years it was han yining who misunderstood her.

Relationship with bai zhenbo baby I was wrong can you forgive me I thought you wanted to get acquainted with a rich woman and when your brain got hot you just followed coming han yining grabbed bai zhenbo s hand and.

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Zhenbo and han yining did not continue to quarrel because of su ruoxing s face professor su professor qiao entrusted me to get the marriage certificate for him but the civil affairs bureau has already gone to get off work.

So I really have a heavy responsibility the marriage certificate is ready su ruoxing silently muttered in her heart that qiao zhanchen did a great job keeping secrets when he came to the civil affairs bureau he even hid it.

Zhanchen didn t have time to have the candlelight dinner together so she had an excuse to let bai zhenbo and han yining enjoy the candlelight dinner once the atmosphere is romantic the feeling comes naturally allowing the.

Young couple to enhance their relationship okay you can book a seat for me as expected bai zhenbo waited after booking a seat su ruoxing called qiao zhanchen professor qiao let s have dinner together tonight to celebrate.

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Dinner with another woman su ruoxing almost jumped out of her chair in shock when she heard that the person zhang yufu was calling turned out to be qiao zhanchen qiao zhanchen said he had a meeting and didn t have time to have.

Dinner with her but now he has time to enjoy it with zhang yufu candlelight dinner but today was the happy day of their remarriage so he just ignored it the real reason for rejecting her was because of another woman su.

Ruoxing stared at the door in disbelief she wanted to see if qiao zhanchen would really come unexpectedly qiao zhanchen arrived very quickly as soon as he arrived he was directed to the second floor by the waiter han yining.

Meets su ruoxing absent minded with a serious face he guessed that she was jealous professor su I didn t expect you to encounter this kind of thing professor qiao s reputation has always been very good could there be a.

Misunderstanding just change a sincere partner su ruoxing s lips showed bitterness today in the civil affairs bureau qiao zhanchen knelt down she was deeply moved by the proposal she made in the blink of an eye he slapped.

Han yining a plate of together they sneaked into the waiter s dressing room and found a waiter s uniform not long after a polite and handsome waiter wearing black rimmed glasses came to a private room on the second floor.

Affairs are settled su ruoxing said unexpectedly she would have to eavesdrop on qiao zhanchen s plans for the future as the man said his cold eyes fell on su ruoxing who was disguised as a man we have called the red.

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Seduced her husband she I don t even look at who qiao zhanchen is who can make her hook her neck casually kid qiao zhanchen will definitely push her away but in the next moment su ruoxing was slapped in the face but the man.

Spread his arms and wrapped them around zhang yufu s slender waist the two people danced slowly in the melodious and emotional music the anger in su ruoxing s chest rushed upwards qiao zhanchen said at the civil affairs.

Operating normally last night everyone disappeared today did you check the monitoring he is the boss and he has been busy using the identity of qiao zhanchen to wander around the companies founded by qiao zhanchen this day of.

The smell of tobacco does he smoke feeling irritated su ruoxing knew that when qiao zhanchen smoked he would be particularly upset she thought to herself that the phone call probably wasn t good news which was why qiao.

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Being close is really rare she is afraid that once she lets go the man will change his mind su ruoxing follows suit trail behind them witnessing qiao zhanchen and zhang yufu with their own eyes the two bodies were blatantly.

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Get ready for her slap su ruoxing followed all the way to the hotel and xiao xingchen called mommy two brother bao xiao chenchen uncle su xinglie and uncle lu chengji are all going to be your relatives and friends how.

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How can you survive if you don t put it to death qiao zhanchen still closed his eyes tightly my lord s iq is not lower than mine and he will believe that I am dead only if I am really trapped in the sea of fire but he is.

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Besides when su ruoxing beat me none of her subordinates showed mercy and she would not be merciful to the master it just so happens that she can give the master a little pain to prevent him from living too casually while.

Pretending to be me the young master is so considerate master you haven t closed your eyes all day and night take the opportunity to close your eyes for a while um qiao zhanchen thinking of su ruoxing slapping him every now.

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You the lord quickly realized that he was now qiao zhanchen as a professor who healed diseases and saved lives how could he beat his pregnant wife he estimated that qiao zhanchen had been beaten a lot before thinking of this.

Domestically abuse professor qiao do you still see professor qiao as the head of the family as soon as the words fell there was another crisp pop this su ruoxing s slap landed firmly on zhang yufu s face although she had.

Kicking open the door he led xiao chenchen and su xinglie towards him like a whirlwind su ruoxing s heart tightened for fear that erbao would fight again on impulse second treasure please be patient and don t be impatient.

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Went abroad at the age of 15 the first time she had sex with a man was in the bathroom of an american university she was under 16 years old three days later zhang yufu had sex with another man for the second time male.

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Qiao zhanchen was no longer the qiao zhanchen even xiao chenchen a super sensitive artificial intelligence couldn t detect anything unusual about qiao zhanchen in front of him just when xiao chenchen and su xinglie were.

About to step out of the room the master s cell phone rang the big idea was that the call came from a subordinate presumably from their chinese base and the investigation that the building was empty within one day had.

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Better develop a slap in the face first I think you need a few more slaps to keep your mind clear as soon as the words fell qiao zhanchen s unique masculine and clear breath penetrated into the tip of her nose su ruoxing.

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Pitch black and it was so quiet that she could hear her own heartbeat the air was as cold as ever how could there be any man s hormonal breath su ruoxing turned on the bedside lamp picked up the phone to look through it.

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Bit my blood out you want to make it up to me qiao zhanchen acted like a baby get out get out as far as you can su ruoxing covered her ears and the tears she had held back for a long time rolled down from the corners of her.

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what came into view were three little.

Faces carved in pink and jade as she expected there was no trace of qiao zhanchen in the room everything was her fantasy sleep is she sick be sure to appear happy in front of children dabao is so cute su ruoxing burst into.

Dimples hugged the little guy into his arms and kissed him when I open my eyes I can see three beautiful cute and well behaved babies today is another happy day three seeing that mommy wasn t angry at all the little guys.

Know how to serve mommy what to do mommy let me sing you a song dabao said that xiao xingchen s singing is the best he has ever heard when xiao xingchen mentioned daddy the air froze instantly little xingchen winked which.

Pot is not open and which pot to lift mommy is laughing and joking on the outside but she hates daddy in her heart little xingchen pursed her mouth and asked cautiously with red eyes mum will you forgive daddy su ruoxing.

Never to get divorced no matter what the circumstances su ruoxing reached out and rubbed xiao xingchen s little head and hugged her to comfort her don t worry little xingchen as long as daddy knows he was wrong mommy can.

Into a family relationship su ruoxing xiao xingchen did what he said and immediately sent a video message to qiao zhanchen you know even if qiao zhanchen exchanged identities with the master he was not willing to give up.

The wechat account dedicated to chatting with xiao xingchen what little xingchen talks about every day is still qiao zhanchen himself not long after xiao xingchen connected to qiao zhanchen s wechat video su ruoxing couldn t.

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No special situation for such a small matter and there is no need for his subordinates to report it qiao zhanchen didn t know his answer made su ruoxing even more angry bed sleep with who he obviously asked about the.

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In my su ruoxing dictionary su ruoxing was tough with him qiao zhanchen simply cheated su ruoxing unless you change your gender and become a man otherwise you are not qualified to be my boss a man su ruoxing s lips curved.

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Quarrel with you every now and then while zhang yufu is gentle and sexy and knows how to tease you so you like zhang yufu s type right I don t like zhang yufu qiao zhanchen really wants to I swear to god but it was a fact.

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Master the lord slept in the villa he bought in the name of the young master last night and the brother who watched him said that he was the only one with no women the address is Data for Social Good how to get a bigger soft dick in the semicircle ou qin feng shuyuan qiao.

Zhanchen is relieved now the master didn t bring a woman even if su ruoxing kills him right away she won t be angry with herself he generously reported the address of the villa to su ruoxing su ruoxing you don t want to.

If su ruoxing really killed him the master would still be suspicious professor qiao you are not afraid of the shadow crooked as long as you don t do anything what are you afraid of su ruoxing glanced at the address a.

Bucks it s a pity not to raise canaries in a villa of 100 million yuan the villa bought at the internal price is not expensive mine is yours and the real estate certificate will be transferred to your name in the future.

How can a canary have a wife the lord actually spent hundreds of millions to buy the villa but who told him to buy it as qiao zhanchen once qiao zhanchen himself comes back he has the right to dispose of the villa su.

Ruoxing is not unusual villa but it is undeniable that she is still happy if the man is willing to hand over everything so professor qiao has tasted the canary no I qiao zhanchen have no interest in canaries if she doesn.

T mind if I have a wife and children as my canary she can be someone else s too dirty besides how can any woman in this world be as good as my wife qiao jiao are you kidding me I m telling the truth my wife is unparalleled.

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Order to save her xiao ai blocked a block for her gun the bullet happened to hit her chip and xiao ai became a pile of scrap metal for this she was sad for a long time master what they mean is that professor qiao wants to.

Was too tired and was completely asleep at the moment so he couldn t hear it su ruoxing called qiao zhanchen a few more times but couldn t get through I ll go to qiao zhanchen right away to find out it must be the.

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Looked at the disheveled woman blocking the door and laughed angrily her eyes glistened with laughter she hated herself to death in the wechat video qiao zhanchen s sweet words sounded so sincere that she actually believed.

Keep canaries in captivity the woman looked at su ruoxing s smile and was confused are you also professor qiao s girlfriend don t flatter yourself qiao zhanchen has a wife everything except his wife women are just.

Zhanchen s private life and work at the same time is her personal secretary cai kexin was slightly startled how do you know you can t be cai kexin you ve only been in the company for a day or two and you re already in.

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Had to wonder if su ruoxing s mind was funny her usual aloofness could it be that she was just pretending at this moment the lord s confidant rushed over big the call with su ruoxing hadn t been hung up yet the lord swept.

Over with a sharp look to stop him from continuing to call the lord his confidant quickly whispered in his ear master please press your instructions I asked the lawyer to inquire about it unexpectedly I actually found out.

Ask for qiao zhanchen s assets now even if he divorces those properties have nothing to do with him only then did the lord know that I am smart instead he was fooled by his cleverness and was in a hurry to get a divorce.

Which almost ruined his plan unexpectedly su ruoxing is still so scheming sure enough a woman s heart is as deep as a needle and it s hard to tell what s true and what s false the lord never expected that qiao zhanchen.

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We have to destroy potential hidden dangers and let better artificial intelligence simulators replace him su ruoxing really couldn t believe it when the big boss said that xiao chenchen had hidden dangers but she was a layman.

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Company miss please stop because the company involves a lot of scientific research secrets the company stipulates that customers cannot be received in the company I am not a customer this is not the first time for su.

Ruoxing it s your boss boss unexpectedly the security guard didn t buy it he looked at su ruoxing like he was looking at a mischievous child the company was founded by professor qiao and the boss has always been professor.

Qiao when did the surname change to su besides how can you a young girl manage such a large and highly professional company like ours I she is professor qiao s wife can we go in su ruoxing couldn t laugh or cry she knew.

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Assistant su ruoxing fully thought that bai zhenbo would definitely support her but she didn t thinking of it bai zhenbo was also in a dilemma mr su professor qiao has ordered that you not be allowed to come to the.

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And there is no waiter to pretend to be what s more qiao zhanchen has expressly prohibited outsiders from entering no matter what identity she pretends to be she will be stopped by chance a taxi stopped next to them and.

Just now in bai zhenbo said that qiao zhanchen was not in the company at the moment and he didn t know where he went this is the perfect time for her to get in once when qiao zhanchen comes back she will easily pass.

Looked more similar just by looking at her eyes and hairstyle xiao han your makeup skills should be very outstanding in the industry where can I get a job according to your skills the position should not be low right.

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Wants to calm down does he want me to break up with me obviously su ruoxing really wanted to tell han yining the answer directly men are animals like this if they want to break up or divorce they don t say it directly they.

Often use cold treatment to force women to take the initiative to break up use tricks qiao zhanchen was like this and bai zhenbo was like this su ruoxing wanted to give han yining more confidence xiao han the income in the.

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Moment she had never been involved in huamei fashion affairs suddenly promoting han yining from the air would bring workplace pressure to han yining and gossip for the sake of fairness and justice I propose to hold a.

Fashion if you need me to contribute just ask okay mr su I will contact the president of huamei immediately to discuss it wait su ruoxing found that when she was on the phone with bai zhenbo han yining was staring at her.

That bai zhenbo also has a new love the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked it s all qiao zhanchen s fault mr su was there any accident in the company last night there was no accident I just asked.

To talk about his relationship with han yining so he immediately changed the subject mr su then I will contact huamei fashion now okay thank you for your hard work su ruoxing hung up the phone han yining looked very.

Concerned che professor su he worked overtime late last night right I ll buy some supplements later to recharge his batteries su ruoxing if she learns that the supplements she spent so much time and money to buy have.

Been how uncomfortable would it be for a man to eat it and turn it into a powerful force that can be used on another woman su ruoxing couldn t bear to tell han yining that bai zhenbo didn t work overtime last night xiao han.

Get the first place I promise that even if I can t give you the position of huamei fashion styling director the position of deputy director must be yours wow the boss is so awesome cai ke is patient and patient I couldn t.

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Period of blocking the signal xiao chenchen can t do anything and once the power is exhausted xiao chenchen will still fall into a dormant situation when the time comes once it is charged xiaochenchen will recover if he.

About to walk to the elevator but she saw bai zhenbo coming out of the elevator su how to get a bigger soft dick ruoxing quickly stepped aside trying not to attract bai zhenbo s attention just when she was hoping that bai zhenbo would go away soon a.

Leave before coming out from the corner bai zhenbo wants to blend into the circle of colleagues promised to celebrate my colleague s birthday together there is nothing wrong with it what s more a group is going to join in.

The fun there is nothing suspicious su ruoxing entered the elevator pressed the close button and the elevator door slowly closed wait just as the elevator door was about to close the woman who just said her birthday was.

Today got into the elevator su ruoxing caught a glimpse of her work card which read r d team two guo qiu yue team leader the company s r d team is divided into several groups and each group studies different types of.

Team leader guo I heard that the spokesperson of our company is the same model of professor qiao he is very handsome unfortunately I just came here and didn t have a chance to see him you mean xiao chenchen right he is.

Invulnerable su ruoxing pretended to be surprised the company clearly issued an order to destroy xiao chenchen destroy how can it be guo qiuyue was no less shocked than su ruoxing was when she heard the news you are.

You not know why don t we confirm it with other departments even if it is destroyed we still need to know the reason so as not to have the same shortcomings in the simulated people you customize later under su ruoxing s.

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In short we cannot accept professor qiao s order disobey you can t stop xiao chenchen from being destroyed just turn a blind eye ah so serious xiao chenchen was really in trouble what happened to professor qiao why did he.

Destroy the little chenchen he customized and developed xiao chenchen cost tens of millions of dollars although the engineer and guo qiuyue were whispering to each other su ruoxing had good hearing how to get a bigger soft dick and listened to everything.

She had a vague feeling before that qiao zhanchen insisted on destroying the small not only did chen chen behave strangely but the reason was even more far fetched it is now confirmed that there is nothing seriously wrong.

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