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Suffered a poisonous attack and slammed her head against the window in the car resulting in a deep coma later qiao zhanchen treated her for a period of time before she woke up but qiao zhanchen said it himself last night.

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Ruoxing you and chenchen got married just the day before yesterday before the day before yesterday it was legal and reasonable for chenchen to be with any woman no one can condemn my son su ruoxing s eyebrows twitched into a.

Persuaded qian qinyin mom let her watch it I want to see it too what s going on in the end qian qinyin had to compromise then play the video in the reception room after watching the video I know that once the video is.

Seen qiao zhanchen will be accused of being a scumbag it is about to be implemented the door of the reception room was closed tightly except for qiao zhanchen su ruoxing qian qinyin and a few insiders of the wu family as.

Thing to wu xuerong at that time su ruoxing believe me no matter what happened in the past I only know that the one I love most is you so you admit it su ruoxing s fingers clenched tightly into fists and her eyes were.

Parents and children away the appraisal how to make your dick bigger in pictures report was slapped on the coffee table look for yourself it s written in black and white and it s also stamped with the big red seal of the appraisal center what can we do can we.

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Of all distracting thoughts calmed down and treated mr qian after all mr qian had a heart disease and the treatment needed to be carried out in stages until nightfall su ruoxing the first stage of treatment has just been.

Ruoxing declined several times she was enthusiastically persuaded to stay so she had no choice but to agree to stay for dinner after the meal su ruoxing got up again to leave suddenly there was a loud rumbling of thunder in.

Glanced at the phone again it was windy and rainy and qiao zhanchen didn t even make a call to care about her yes he is probably very anxious now and has to explain to the wu family why did god give her a heavy blow every.

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Tasted the feeling of being loved she was greedy for qiao zhanchen s tenderness but nostalgia is nostalgia and we have to face reality after all just when she was about to answer a gust of wind blew su ruoxing only weighed.

Suppressed the urge to punch and said coldly uncle qian I solemnly introduce to you that this is the wife I am currently marrying su ruoxing as he spoke he lowered his eyes to look at the woman in his arms and ordered in.

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Su ruoxing opened her mouth in surprise what are you doing wearing an apron it was the first time she saw qiao zhanchen wearing an apron the small floral apron is simply suspicious of life today I do housework I serve my.

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Face as a result su ruoxing could no longer get angry at him except yelling at him if she criticized him a few more times she would feel that she had wronged him and wronged him qiao zhanchen helps the woman get dressed.

He still had potential in this area since she had washed up and was dressed neatly there was no reason to stay in the bathroom su ruoxing was about to walk out when she saw qiao zhanchen take off your apron immediately.

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And she almost suspected that her ears were malfunctioning you mean there is evidence to prove that it was my mother in law who committed the murder su ruoxingwan unexpectedly the police investigated all night and.

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Island washing them and making them yourself you said you were poor and had nothing but love for me only now do I understand it turns out that without love no amount of money is useless cheng ji I m sorry I shouldn t.

Be hypocritical I shouldn t waste so much time I should have been with you earlier but I really don t know you will leave as soon as you say leaving me and the baby behind what should I do qiao zhanchen felt very.

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Just too reasonable so you can do whatever you want the tears accumulated in su ruoxing s eyes rolling down uncontrollably qiao zhanchen you can t even figure out whether it s me or not don t you think this excuse is.

Ridiculous yes at least you are willing to make up stories to deceive me so that I can deceive myself and think that you really only love me look how awesome you are you can make me try every possible means to deceive.

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Anyone I only loved su ruoxing from the beginning to the end I ate and slept I miss her every day even when I go to the bathroom I never stop thinking about her no wu xuerong doesn t give up only when she proves that qiao.

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