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Now without even having to do anything about it did zhang yufu want to give her the new boss a kick in the ass do you want her to realize that this hospital cannot function without zhang yufu su ruoxing was not surprised.

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Just told me that going abroad will be postponed for an undetermined time doctor zhang you bought your ticket early delayed again zhang yufu s expression paused she knew that qiao zhanchen was originally on the plane last.

Eager to resign and gave su ruoxing a blow wap a hospital suddenly lost her as the director and was leaderless how would su ruoxing be able to solve so many difficult problems su ruoxing made a call ask the audit department.

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There is this kind of thing thing could it be that chenchen canceled his engagement with xuanxuan because xuanxuan had a crush on him for the first time in her life qiao chixuan experienced the feeling of calling a deer a.

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