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Matter whether it is mobile phone signal or network signal there is almost no coverage get there follow fate mommy su ruoxing hung up the phone and rushed to su s house in a hurry the top priority was to race against time.

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Police can t always talk to a child and waste it time it s almost time to get off work at this time su ruoxing had to come out to stop them from calling the police she was about to show up but she saw wu s mother coming.

Slapped her forehead I see xiao chenchen must be my uncle his name is qiao zhanchen isn t he xiao chenchen several members of the recycling team looked at each other is this the home of professor qiao s father in law they.

Are just company employees naturally not I know that qiao zhanchen s purpose of developing xiao chenchen is to let xiao chenchen accompany su ruoxing at this moment dabao walked out of the house handsomely like he was.

Walking on a stage that stern expression and momentum were exactly the same as qiao zhanchen s guys my dad doesn t live at my grandpa s house when the staff of the recycling team saw the miniature version of qiao zhanchen s.

Chen they entered the house without thinking twice but they had just walked a few steps when suddenly a stream of red yellow and blue smoke came out of a potted plant the members of the recovery team immediately covered.

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Guys did a great job you re so clever it s a piece of cake the two little guys are confident let them come once and retreat once by the way er bao escorted xiao chenchen to the cave su ruoxing looked around and found that.

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Otherwise I will hold a press conference tomorrow to let the whole world know that xiao chenchen can no longer exist in this world it will bring great harm to mankind hearing qiao zhanchen s threatening words the blood in.

Never give up until the last moment but now he didn t even go into detail about what harm xiao chenchen did so he insisted on destroying it he how did su ruoxing know that the current qiao zhanchen was impersonated by the.

That must be eradicated immediately qiao zhanchen xiao chenchen treats us as relatives we cannot abuse the power of life and death at this moment a message came from the mobile phone the woman s delicate voice said.

Don t believe that daddy is not even willing to eat with us I want to video chat with daddy woohoo su ruoxing did not expect that qiao zhanchen s indifference would also hurt little xingchen s young heart she didn t care to.

Slapped in the face a lawyer actually came to the door is professor su here I was entrusted by professor qiao to discuss divorce matters wu ma who opened the door was doubtful about life go go go our uncle and his wife.

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The custody of the children su ruoxing s lips showed bitterness because she thought qiao zhanchen would compete with her for the custody of the children it turns out that people are not rare at all professor su regarding the.

Silent for a long time she finally yu said okay I ll sign it no matter how ridiculous the terms of the divorce agreement were su ruoxing couldn t help but save xiao chenchen after signing su ruoxing got up to send the.

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Him she it s already over with qiao zhanchen little xingxing the master gave me food what the hell he asked the lawyer to send this agreement and now he wants you to stop me from signing the divorce isn t he schizophrenic.

Su ruoxing just finished speaking it was found that xiao xingchen was also holding his mobile phone and was climbing the stairs mommy daddy wants to video with you he wants a video su ruoxing s face turned cold xiao xingchen.

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Feiyu suddenly became energetic when he heard that he was finally going to give the master some trouble young master how should we solve xiao chenchen s crisis qiao zhanchen pondered for a moment put him to death and live.

Master is wise we will do it right away but the young mistress is probably already angry what do you need to say she found out that she was cheated on in the morning and received threats and a divorce agreement in the.

Evening whoever she changed would hate me to death qiao zhanchen raised his hand and rubbed the temple of tu tu tu whose head hurt from jumping master you are a piece of shit this time sue ruoxing was afraid that she.

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Closer to su ruoxing inch by inch his black head rested on her shoulder and his big palm tried to touch her slightly raised belly honey believe me even if it s an illusion it belongs to the two of us it s not your.

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Invitation and said there was a group of people guo qiuyue s preface does not match the postscript which is obviously a problem we will call the surveillance to conduct a detailed investigation but according to our.

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Bai zhenbo had a girlfriend and of course he Data for Social Good increase my penis size was the first to notify his family when this happened why did he notify su ruoxing first su ruoxing was still worrying about bai zhenbo wholeheartedly comrade police I hope to.

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Mouth and didn t mention joe zhan chen is okay he gets angry when he mentions it when he called last night to force her to sign the divorce agreement a woman s voice came out of the phone saying that the bath water had.

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Was massaged by a woman which made him scream in pain but when he got up in the morning he found that all the muscles and bones in his body had relaxed a lot and he was full of energy therefore su ruoxing was not seeking.

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Negligent in the end he was kicked in the lower part by the weakest thug now I m afraid qiao zhanchen on the other end of the phone frowned and was annoyed what kind of thug did you find do not talk about wude I want su.

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Suspicions her measure is quite large but he feiyu must prevent su ruoxing from going to see the lord young mistress press my thoughts you take this opportunity to put on a show so that the young master knows that you are.

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Don t worry I left after seeing the patient regardless of he feiyu s obstruction su ruoxing resolutely drove to qiao s house he feiyu quickly answered qiao zhanchen s call again master one good news and one bad news su.

About feeling he feiyu suddenly realized that the master was seriously ill but he was not worried that he would do something too ruthless causing women to hate him too much and do evil things to him master what should we do.

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And out in his hands and put the rest of them away he probably will use them later the lord frowned vaguely feeling that she has been discriminated against by women su ruoxing what do you mean you don t want to perform an.

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Calendar and traces beating I didn t see any bruises su ruoxing couldn t believe it that is to say he was beaten but he didn t hurt anything except important parts it s unbelievable qiao zhanchen is a scholar can he be.

It and I had to buy eye drops to wash my eyes su ruoxing what do you mean I dirty your eyes my lord s fair and handsome face was flushed because of the unbearable pain su ruoxing gave him a big white eye hurry up don t.

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Interest the lord rubbed his cheeks that were so hot and red from the beating today a few punks couldn t get close to him if he hadn t been careless and got kicked in the lower body he wouldn t be able to ask for it right.

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Is not convenient for him to visit her moreover in his concept wu xuerong is suffering from mental illness not even qualified to carry his shoes but something went wrong and he arranged for his subordinates to keep an eye.

He moved he felt strongly that he was going to explode again and the pain was unbearable su ruoxing took advantage of the man s phone call and had already retreated two meters away from the bed although she didn t know who.

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Ruoxing treat me immediately the master also realized that his tent was too exaggerated and he couldn t go out like this so he had to lie back why are you standing there hurry up how long will it take to recover su ruo.

Xing was so angry that he had no strength why did qiao zhanchen become like this obviously he was begging her to see a doctor but he kept dragging her to death again and again was she sure she really wanted to treat him she.

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Did dabao come su ruoxing was also very surprised but in this way it will be difficult for xiao chenchen to be destroyed fortunately the man is injured at the moment so he can t take care of xiao chenchen s destruction.

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Every move unexpectedly the master asked cai kexin to go to su ruoxing to monitor su ruoxing hey he feiyu looked at the master s leaving figure and was basically certain that bai zhenbo was wrongly accused and su ruoxing.

Should have been aware of the master s abnormal behavior but the master and qiao zhanchen were twins even if he feiyu and she had suspicions it would be difficult to get conclusive evidence if her conclusion is true it can.

Only mean that qiao zhanchen has really perished in the sea of fire when I think of that day qiao zhanchen was surrounded by fire and burned by the flames su ruoxing was in pain at the level of purgatory but she didn t know.

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They must focus on the bigger picture su ruoxing wanted to ask more details but got a call xiao chenchen jumped into the river to rescue five drowning children and there was a drowning fault which could not be repaired and.

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Opportunity and vigorously developing can the company live up to it what a huge price xiao chenchen paid he feiyu is hinting to su ruoxing don t let go of the power over the company it s better to hold the power in person.

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Is a counterfeit master not just a guess xiao chenchen died gloriously to save people this time and had a great chance to repair it quietly this not only satisfied qiao zhanchen s order to destroy xiao chenchen but also.

Satisfied her wish to do everything possible to save xiao chenchen this trick is too clever this is qiao zhanchen s usual black bellied style and foreign engineers team how did he feiyu get in touch as far as she knew the.

Zhanchen who appeared in her dream was not a fantasy but himself with excitement su ruoxing paid homage to xiao chenchen s remains and urged he feiyu to send xiao chenchen abroad safely then she couldn t wait to go home.

Her in a dream she wasn t locked up and in the dream why did he never tell her that qiao zhanchen in reality was fake the more su ruoxing thought about it the more he felt that his speculation was not reasonable enough the.

T come out I m going to die of pain woo apologising su ruoxing thought cai increase my penis size kexin was using idioms to express her willingness to apologize did not expect when she walked to the door of the house she saw that cai kexin was.

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Was dumbfounded who would apologize in such a special way now cai ke grinned her teeth in distress seeing su ruoxing coming out she collapsed he broke down and cried loudly boss I was wrong can you forgive me I shouldn t.

Slimmer cai kexin go back first and be your secretary with peace of mind su ruoxing really wanted to go to bed quickly so that she could meet qiao zhanchen again in her dream but cai kexin insisted on clinging to her as an.

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It was late at night and I kept on waiting for su ruoxing to fall asleep so as to hypnotize her master the young mistress has noticed something unusual about the master she suffered a series of blows today and shed a lot.

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Indeed be deceiving live in the army can the people from the district family home be ordinary people su ruoxing was in a daze and vaguely heard qiao zhanchen s deep and pleasant voice baby do you miss me you have suffered.

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Angry professor su bai zhenbo didn t sleep last night gui I finally endured until today but his phone was turned off for a whole day could it be that he changed his phone number just to break up with me xiao han don t.

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Yining was already in a state of being extremely sensitive and cranky and couldn t calm down at all su ruoxing originally come on you have been lying to me about acting remarrying professor qiao and having an affair.

With bai zhenbo at the same time it s a shame that I foolishly believed you I didn t xiaobai and I were at this moment a sneer came from the door qiao chixuan was stabbed by wu xuerong last time when she was mentally ill.

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Zhanchen had not kept in touch with each other through wechat accounts even she would not have known that he still had a wechat account since qiao chixuan had sent after watching the video she really wants to go back to the.

Master the owner of the garden said that a distinguished guest is coming and he wants you to accompany him the distinguished guest has arrived in the middle of the night why don t you rest first qiao zhanchen couldn t help.

Many organs installed to monitor every move of the entire park there were several armed men with live ammunition guarding the door when they saw the lord wearing a golden mask approaching they all greeted him master please.

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