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Was spinning qiao zhanchen heard the movement behind him and turned around to say seeing that su ruoxing was on the verge of falling she quickly spread her arms and embraced her su ruoxing don t worry I guarantee that the.

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She was almost dying of anxiety is he still in the mood for a candlelight dinner it was agreed that his son s safety was on his shoulders but now he has not even seen anyone and he cannot be contacted by phone su ruoxing.

Ruoxing s the beautiful eyebrows were knitted together this was heading towards the suburbs based on the clues continuously provided by the kidnappers su ruoxing felt that the route was becoming more and more remote and.

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With the scumbag as soon as she is moved that s okay I ll go to the tree first lie down for a while erbao jumped up chi la chi la like a smart little monkey climbing up a towering tree he leaned back on a tall tree branch.

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Chewed it hard but the water light overflowed uncontrollably right now qiao zhanchen should be having a candlelight dinner with qiao chixuan right he who promised qiao chixuan would never go back on his word not to.

Someone is visiting su ruoxing s heart clenched tightly shrink could it be qiao zhanchen to su ruoxing s surprise the person who visited her was actually wu kuang wu bureau you are wu kuang handed over a thermos my mother.

Can t wait for the truth it would be bad to give her a compulsory medical examination the police will have the result tomorrow so it is impossible for her to delay for too long therefore su ruoxing is concerned about the.

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See her but you don t go to see her and you are still here with qiao chixuan joe there was no unnecessary expression on zhan chen s handsome face I just got divorced and the divorce certificate will be available tomorrow.

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Chixuan s at the moment she turned her head to look behind her lu yaning threatened him with the scandal of his mother derailed in marriage and gave birth to him as an illegitimate child only then did he realize that lu.

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S true best friend qiao zhanchen didn t after a long stay they entered the operating room qiao zhanchen s assistants anesthesiologists nurses and others arrived one after another but for a while wu muchi didn t see any.

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Expression became flustered he immediately walked to the hospital corridor and made a phone call in a low voice I ll give you five hundred thousand and leave overnight kyoto the sooner the better the police will find you.

Mother and daughter were cheated by her but they showed their feet at this moment the lights in the operating room finally went out qiao lixuan was pushed out of the operating room qiao zhanchen also walked out surrounded.

By assistants with a tired look on his face brother zhanchen why are you in the operating room isn t your hand crippled ever since qiao chixuan accepted the fact that qiao zhanchen was crippled she has looked down on qiao.

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Think that lixuan is his brother is he worthy of staying up late at night to guide the operation did you pay him or not what s the benefit in the end not only were you not grateful but you even spoke ill of each other this.

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Rest quickly I will arrange for someone to take care of lixuan qiao zhanchen nodded he has always been admired by many people and praised by all kinds of people he is admired and complimented and has never experienced the.

Tomorrow morning to assess su ruoxing s injuries as soon as possible so he had to get some sleep immediately to avoid it when he saw her he was too haggard she won t follow qiao chixuan is just like mother and daughter she.

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Billions then you will still like me qiao zhanchen said reaching out to touch the woman s face pang su ruoxing evaded him reflexively I m dirty now and I don t have the right to like any man in fact she despises qiao.

Zhanchen s dirtyness it s just that it s all over she still can t bear to scold him face to face and would rather take the responsibility on herself therefore this kind of excuse blurted out not because she deliberately.

Lied to him in her opinion this was just a white lie qiao zhan chen s outstretched hand was stagnant in the air and his breath suddenly became colder su ruoxing there is no monitoring and no outsiders here and you still.

Insist that you are dirty su ruoxing just saying that why is he excited qiao zhanchen slowly curled his fingers into fists his handsome face tensed su ruoxing are you really going to use such a cruel excuse to reject me.

You have obviously not been raped evil he said leaning down his handsome face moved close to su ruoxing s level with her eyes with a strong sense of coercion su ruoxing although your clothes were torn and your wrists.

Were bruised it looked like violated what is like obviously it is su ruoxing was so guilty that his eyes flickered for a while and he stepped back unconsciously su ruoxing but you are a hundred secrets it rained the day.

Attention this doesn t mean anything this means that after your clothes were torn you did not touch the ground in other words when you are bullied your clothes are still basically complete qiao zhanchen approached step by.

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Sounded like mockery to the man he didn t want to hear what she said about money at all he just wanted to hear her say that she loved him and was willing to be with him regardless of the gains and losses together she actually.

Injury only after the inspection qiao zhanchen responded solemnly and at the same time put on the disposable medical gloves su ruoxing heard something wrong with the man s words and quickly persuaded qiao zhanchen you are.

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A prison sentence this is a violation of the law this cannot be solved with money have you thought about your future in this case can you still be a doctor or a professor su ruoxing she was too flustered at the time she.

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