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Held her hand su ruoxing finally couldn t hold it back anymore and like a little wild cat with explosive hair she tried her best to shake off his hand qiao zhanchen do you know how tempting you are to women don t you know.

Matter what but he kept his mouth stubborn su ruoxing as a doctor it s normal for me to have some physical contact with patients but if it s like what you said and I can t even touch the patient why should I be a doctor.

My husband it s just a patient stranger than a stranger may I ask professor qiao if it s you show me your temper no matter how much medicine I take my temper can t be better su ruoxing knew that in qiao zhanchen s eyes.

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Were crying sadly qiao zhanchen suddenly held su ruoxing s face he wiped away the woman s tears with his calloused fingertips and said in a low voice with rare tenderness su ruoxing if we don t reach this point we can.

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Zhan chen put the little star on the thin blanket qiao zhanchen had just put xiao xingchen on the thin blanket when the bodyguard came over and knocked on the car window with a solemn expression what s the matter qiao zhanchen.

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Ruoxing s the beautiful eyebrows were knitted together this was heading towards the suburbs based on the clues continuously provided by the kidnappers su ruoxing felt that the route was becoming more and more remote and.

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Hands su ruoxing pressed the corners of her lips dabao and erbao should now be not in their hands otherwise why would they cause a man made car accident to threaten her but she didn t express her guess and pretended to be.

Nervous and afraid you release my son soon and I will agree to whatever conditions you want the leader of the kidnapper laughed the condition is very simple that is I want you to do it something good as he said that the.

This kidnapping and extortion screen who is it you want me to sign no problem but I have to see my two sons first su ruoxing said putting the agreement aside I have to make sure that the two sons are unharmed the.

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Several men smiled lewdly and dragged su ruoxing to the woods on the roadside dabao erbao after playing in the woods for most of the day I was a little tired boss when are we going back mummy must be anxious dabao s little.

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Were already red with blood mommy they all deserve to die he looked at it there were corpses scattered everywhere and su ruoxing s mind went blank after a few seconds she came to her senses and crawled over to check on the.

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Of death from being detected by the forensic doctor in order to appear authentic she even smashed their crotch to avoid forensic examination the stone thrown aside was quickly discovered by investigators with her blood.

Affairs promise me that no matter what happens you will protect the three children this is my only request qiao zhanchen hugged the woman tightly regardless with moist eyes I m sorry I haven t found dabao and erbao yet.

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Them they may be witnesses su ruoxing s heart skipped a beat one hundred secrets one sparse forgetting that the ground in the grove is wet it is easy to leave complete shoe prints qiao zhanchen let go of su ruoxing also.

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Process clearly and is even less likely to be an eyewitness it is better to find other clues such as the identity of the deceased the vehicle of the deceased and the weapons carried by the deceased etc qiao zhanchencheng.

Successfully diverted the direction of the police investigation wu kuang ordered everyone to immediately trace the kidnappers vehicles and the call records on their respective mobile phones su ruoxing looked at qiao zhanchen.

Gratefully as long as he is willing to protect her son she can rest assured she also tried to divert the attention of the police they took out a donation agreement and forced me to sign it asking me to donate all my family.

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Them not to hurt you no no one is allowed to touch me su ruo xingshen he shook his head nervously his eyes were dull and distracted wu kuang continued to persuade her earnestly ruoxing this is our established process only.

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The point is she has no way of conveying information to anyone su ruoxing thought about it and found that only qiao zhanchen might be able to help her as the child s biological father he must share her hatred su ruoxing.

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Property the lawyer ordinary people will of course put those billions of dollars first but if qiao zhanchen cared about money he wouldn t give all the money to his ex wife professor su please wait a moment I ll call.

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Help them handle the divorce this time mother and daughter tried their best to plot the kidnapping but failed to extort the assets in su ruoxing s name they were originally quite disappointed unexpectedly there was a.

Reporter wandered around the grove did you do it qiao chixuan s eyes dodged for a while I didn t I don t even know what happened but a reporter said it was you who gave the news xuanxuan how many times have you told me not.

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The glass seemingly worried I am the registrant of the foundation which made the police suspect that I was behind the kidnapping I guess I will be invited in to drink tomorrow tea no brother zhanchen you are not afraid of.

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Had drugged as long as he drinks this glass of red wine tonight will be done qiao chixuan watched qiao zhanchen pick up the glass and put the red wine into his mouth and his heart rose to his throat both excited and.

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He will be his heir for a day how can he automatically withdraw and his equity has been transferred to su ruoxing and the group s year end dividends are not up to him isn t he a complete unemployed poor man putting down her.

The andrologist and even gave him money but he sternly refused saying that he would pay for every day a patient maintains privacy so qiao chixuan has been taking chances she looked at the diagnosis certificate with.

Like you as if i lose weight will my penis get bigger a person and not for anything else you must not do too much think about it actively cooperate with the treatment oops qiao chixuan suddenly felt a burst of heat burning from her dantian as if her internal organs.

Ruoxing damn it qiao chixuan gritted his teeth with hatred sure enough su ruoxing knew that he was inhumane so he abandoned him and she is stupid has the land become a garbage dump xuanxuan why is your face so red I ll.

Help you to the hotel qiao zhanchen stood up and helped qiao chixuan up once qiao chixuan was touched by a man the medicinal properties became even stronger her whole body was so soft that she could even walk like flying.

Cursed wu mushi are you su ruoxing s dog she doesn t care about brother zhan chen what s your business you can t get brother lixuan you can t see me well qiao chixuan I I can t stand your pretentiousness for a long time.

Deliberately tilting her body forcing qiao zhanchen to hold on she said wu muchi has the ability to make brother lixuan feel sorry for you even though she is pregnant she still can t get the man s sincerity it s such a.

Failure I m so angry second sister in law xuanxuan qiao zhanchen stopped qiao chixuan he rarely saw qiao chixuan being so vitriolic even if su ruoxing is sharp tongued and sharp tongued he is tough and will not poke someone s.

Sore spot with a knife sure enough people can only be in despair only then can we see more truth wu mushi was hurt by qiao chixuan s words qiao chixuan was right even if the paternity test confirmed that the child in wu muchi.

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Public have you ask su ruoxing first qiao zhanchen deliberately pretended to be stupid and pulled qiao chixuan out xuanxuan you are drunk go to the hotel and rest quickly qiao chixuan was also suffering from the medicine in.

The wine at the moment and her internal organs were clamoring for a man to put out the fire she couldn t figure it out but the medicine was poured into qiao zhanchen s wine glass and it turned out that she was the one who.

Got it qiao zhanchen but nothing happened is it because qiao zhanchen is really impotent so even the special medicine doesn t work for him thinking of this qiao chixuan couldn t wait to go back to the hotel to test qiao.

Fulfilled and qiao zhanchen rejected them all she was deliberately making trouble for herself fortunately wu muchi only focused on kissing qiao lixuan otherwise seeing her being rejected by qiao zhanchen again and again.

Wouldn t wu mushi make her feel ashamed qiao chixuan pushed qiao zhanchen away angrily okay I will go by myself even if she left she gave wu mushi a fierce kiss who told you to mess with me you will regret it for the rest.

Of your life today qiao chixuan staggered forward took out her mobile phone and issued an evil command qiao zhanchen looked seeing qiao lixuan and wu muchi still kissing each other inseparably a smile could not help but.

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Rather have a pure heart not a pile of money wu muchi is a woman after all and no matter how sane a woman is she will long for ideal love qiao lixuan refuted the woman s nonsense if the heart is pure or not doesn t it.

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Her to book a room my brother will not really marry xuan what happened to xuan you have to believe him believe in a ghost wu mushi stared at him qiao lixuan felt that he was completely partial to qiao zhanchen qiao zhanchen.

Room for more than half a month and I touched you qiao lixuan s words were like a knife in wu mushi s heart again however wu mushi s brain circuit is also very strange she squinted at qiao lixuan who was driving he also.

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Broken and the only way to stop the car was to hit an obstacle boom there was a loud noise qiao lixuan pointed the front of the car at the guardrail of the road and let the car hit it at the same time he threw himself in.

Front of wu muchi trying to protect her boom he was hit on his back and the back of his head and immediately heard the horrifying sound of broken bones sound the smell of blood also filled the car when wu muchi reacted from.

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Zhanchen was about to turn around when his body froze brother zhanchen you are not allowed to leave today qiao chixuan hugged him from behind and moved his hand down slowly qiao zhanchen turned around impatiently saw qiao.

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To eliminate public opinion and erbao is still so young there will be no punishment but you know the law and break it pseudo creating a scene and obstructing justice will not only destroy one s reputation but also lead to.

A prison sentence this is a violation of the law this cannot be solved with money have you thought about your future in this case can you still be a doctor or a professor su ruoxing she was too flustered at the time she.

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