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Moment instead of worrying about gains and losses it is better to live in the moment and enjoy the process anyway he gave her enough financial resources and the power of her boyfriend and she also had enough ability to.

Ease she could more or less predict that the relationship between them should improve temperature mushi tell me slowly what did xiao qiao do to make you so angry under su ruoxing s repeated questioning wu mushi cried and.

Woman s slender back and his big palm covered her lower abdomen gently rubbing the handsome face was pressed against su ruoxing s cheek wishing to be one with her again baby what happened su ruoxing hung up the phone with.

Difficult to trust again and you will never go back to the past qiao war chen was inexplicably insulted by the woman and was confused I hugged you and slept who else could cheat on you it wasn t you eh su ruoxing was glad.

That qiao zhanchen had encountered many temptations and could still remain innocent but under qiao chixuan s interference she also experienced various suspicions before and this relationship has been stumbling and drifting.

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Xuanxuan also lost her hearing in her left ear this is me I owe them mother and daughter so I have been atonement over the years so that s it wap su ruoxing finally knew the reason why qiao zhanchen was infinitely tolerant of.

Qiao chixuan and instead felt sorry for him she snuggled into qiao zhanchen s arms so in these years your feelings for qiao chixuan are just gratitude without any love is it right of course there is no love qiao.

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A chance now su ruoxing s eyes were filled with a thick layer of water she and qiao zhanchen actually got into a fight over an irrelevant zhang yufu which was full of gunpowder but she was obviously jealous and nervous but.

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Off su ruoxing discussed wu xuerong s illness with qiao zhanchen qiao zhanchen suggested that everything should wait until the specialist discuss after industry inspection now we must pay special attention to stabilizing wu.

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Baby it s right to be cautious in the early stages of pregnancy qiao zhanchen lowered his head kissed su ruoxing s smooth forehead again and again and carefully used his long fingers to comb her messy long hair zhang yufu.

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Turned around and looked at qiao chixuan condescendingly brother zhan chen since when did you like to wear a mask qiao chixuan curiously reached out to touch the golden mask of the great master the great master knocked her.

Deal with qiao lixuan and wu muchi brother lixuan I have important friends to meet now I ll explain to you later qiao chixuan hung up the phone and teased the master finally getting him to agree to accompany her to the.

Always been arrogant and did not even look at the woman she stepped on her high heels and passed her by but the next moment a dazzling white dagger suddenly appeared in front of her eyes and with a pop sound it pierced.

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Mother was still in the hospital and needed care I don t think you need to take action for the time being if something unexpected happens I ll contact you after qiao zhanchen left the hospital wu muchi also came over the.

A knife what qiao chixuan was stabbed in the vital part causing the spleen to rupture and cause massive bleeding was it miss wu who did it su ruoxing s head was buzzing and she couldn t connect wu xuerong and qiao chixuan.

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Otherwise the gods would have saved her too not coming back it can be seen how strong wu mushi s determination to seek death was at that time not only did she jump off the building but she also deliberately faked the injury.

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Qiao chixuan by chance this time but premeditated su ruoxing got into the car and dialed the master s phone master I want to see you where are you you are in the hospital accompanying qiao chixuan and you have no time.

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